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General/Other - Mileena The Mileena General Discussion Thread (All Variations)


That's about right.
How does everyone feel about Mileena being underrated? The biggest gripe I'm seeing about her is the 50/50. Yes, it is weak, but everyone should take a step back and really look at her strengths. We all know she has a low projectile that ducks under high projectiles, but no one is talking about her ball roll and strong it is. Her tools are blatantly for anti zoning and a defensive/punish play style. Lets touch on what her 7 frame ball roll can do;

1. It dodges projectiles and gives a easy 24% punish.
2. It's a great anti air
3. It can punish a lot of pokes
4. It's fast enough to punish strings with gaping holes

I believe it's one of the better specials in the game because of how it leads to easy damage. Of course its extremely punishable on block, but you can't just throw it out there. You have to wait and react. Bait someone to do something silly like throw a projectile or jump and punish accordingly. The more I get use to the game, the more I'm seeing how effective she is. B12 is a solid whiff punisher that can easily be cancelled. She has great tools imo. Thoughts?


That's about right.
JIP. Don't see how you could unless they input the move late. Will test but I'm never gotten to hit cleanly.
Is it possible that you are rolling too late? I've been caught a few times by a jip because I was sluggish to react. I also checked it out in the lab after reading your post and I had no problems.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
How does everyone feel about Mileena being underrated? The biggest gripe I'm seeing about her is the 50/50. Yes, it is weak, but everyone should take a step back and really look at her strengths. We all know she has a low projectile that ducks under high projectiles, but no one is talking about her ball roll and strong it is. Her tools are blatantly for anti zoning and a defensive/punish play style. Lets touch on what her 7 frame ball roll can do;

1. It dodges projectiles and gives a easy 24% punish.
2. It's a great anti air
3. It can punish a lot of pokes
4. It's fast enough to punish strings with gaping holes

I believe it's one of the better specials in the game because of how it leads to easy damage. Of course its extremely punishable on block, but you can't just throw it out there. You have to wait and react. Bait someone to do something silly like throw a projectile or jump and punish accordingly. The more I get use to the game, the more I'm seeing how effective she is. B12 is a solid whiff punisher that can easily be cancelled. She has great tools imo. Thoughts?
I think she's just kind of there in the middle and that's why no one sings her praises.

Part of it could be that she's an anti/counter zoner in a game where (for the most part) rushdown and corner pressure are the names of the game. She's got some good tools and some great tools, but I think a lot of the time, she doesn't get the opportunity to use them as much as she'd like. Ball Roll and EX Roll are definitely some of the best specials in the game, but I don't think they're mind-blowing either.

I don't believe she's some trash tier character, but I also can't see her making any top 5 or top 10 charts either. I think she's a very simple character as well, in a slightly negative way. Like you said, she's made to counterzone and anti-zone and punish jumps and whiffs. A lot of these tactics diminish in effectiveness as the opponent becomes more knowledgeable and comfortable in the matchup. I've had a tough time effectively backdashing and countering whiffs with a Ball Roll which hurts, though that could just be my own incompetence. Apart from these skills, she kinda has a 50/50 game up close that costs meter (usually meaning you can't break) and a lot of rather sluggish and unsafe strings. She only has one (albeit a good one) armor move across all variations and her projectiles and teleport are all negative on hit making it tough to put the pressure on or make her safe.

I think that with a few tweaks here and there, as these threads have suggested, she could be a great character or at least a more dangerous one. In the end I think she's a solid character that's good at what she does, but doesn't excel enough in the currently "more important" aspects of the game to warrant the same attention that other characters are getting.


That's about right.
I think she's just kind of there in the middle and that's why no one sings her praises.

Part of it could be that she's an anti/counter zoner in a game where (for the most part) rushdown and corner pressure are the names of the game. .
This I agree with in a way. However, I feel like her zoning is decent enough to help keep some rush down characters at bay for a little bit. Her 21U4 string is -5 I believe, which really isn't that punishable. I tend to condition my opponent with that string and begin to utilize her EX Ball Roll if I have the meter. For example, 2, EX Ball Roll. The problem with this is that she is too meter dependent and doesn't receive THAT much damage compared to other characters that use 1 bar. If she was receiving 43% + damage off one bar like a some characters people would assume she is more viable.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
This I agree with in a way. However, I feel like her zoning is decent enough to help keep some rush down characters at bay for a little bit. Her 21U4 string is -5 I believe, which really isn't that punishable. I tend to condition my opponent with that string and begin to utilize her EX Ball Roll if I have the meter. For example, 2, EX Ball Roll. The problem with this is that she is too meter dependent and doesn't receive THAT much damage compared to other characters that use 1 bar. If she was receiving 43% + damage off one bar like a some characters people would assume she is more viable.
Her zoning is definitely passable, but it's nothing extraordinary. I think it's meant to pester the opponent to make a mistake that you punish with a telekick or ball roll; however, I really believe it becomes harder to do this when the opponent knows that this is your strategy.

Another thing I didn't really elaborate on is that because her real mixups require meter, you are more than likely (if you use the EX Roll) giving up your chance at a breaker based on a guess or read. So if you have two bars of meter and decide to go in for a low/overhead combo, you can either go low and retain your breaker or go overhead and risk the full combo punish. And if you have less than two, you risk a full combo regardless. Again, it's not terrible, but it's not ideal either.

I think her strong dependency on meter is one of her downsides. Even in anti-zoning, with telekick being -8 on hit, you need a bar of meter to properly punish someone trying to throw projectiles at you, and if you have less than three full bars, a misread EX Telekick gets you launched for a full combo.


That's about right.
Actually, I 100% agree on that. It is her greatest downfall imo. I feel like she is the Blanka of MKX. She is solid and deals with zoning pretty well, however, she doesn't have too much to offer outside of that. She may not be top 5 material, but she is definitely worth it as a secondary if zoning is giving you problems. She fits my playstyle perfectly, so I don't have many complaints. I doubt the community would be upset if she received a minor buff or two :p


That's about right.
What about F/T, Takeda or Slasher Jason njps? Can we aa those? I'm at work and won't be home until 11 or else I would do it myself.
I can test F/T for you, but I will not have Jason until next week.

EDIT; It works on F/T, but it is a last second thing. Good luck doing it online lol.


The anticipation is killing me
Actually, I 100% agree on that. It is her greatest downfall imo. I feel like she is the Blanka of MKX. She is solid and deals with zoning pretty well, however, she doesn't have too much to offer outside of that. She may not be top 5 material, but she is definitely worth it as a secondary if zoning is giving you problems. She fits my playstyle perfectly, so I don't have many complaints. I doubt the community would be upset if she received a minor buff or two :p
Depends on the buffs :p

to be honest I just want all her bugs fixed. it wouldn't particularly bother me if she never got buffed, just fix the bugs

Mr. Mileena

In my opinion, what is really hurting her is her teleport and air sais.

If you get an anti air teleport, you must delay your air sai, you must drop a little bit, air sai, roll, njp, d2 = 28%, that is a consistent anti air teleport combo i get. But still, the tracking on it is TERRIBLE. Her air sai recovery is terrible too. I can't combo off of it. I catch people a lot with anti air air sais, but that's about all I can do in terms of a punish.

Also, what's up with teleport being -8 on hit lol. Ex teleport is also meh because if you hit a ducking opponent whether neutral crouch block or if they do a certain animation, the air sai will not hit.

I think everything else about her I can work with, but the teleport and air sais is what's contributing to her "not being good" as many have labeled her.

I had a dream last night that she could f44 air sai. What an aamazing dream that was by the way


In my opinion, what is really hurting her is her teleport and air sais.
Her air sai recovery is terrible too. I can't combo off of it. I catch people a lot with anti air air sais, but that's about all I can do in terms of a punish.
Yep. Been saying this for a while now. Also, if I haven't already made my opinion on telekick clear enough...

Also, what's up with teleport being minus ANYTHING on hit lol.
^Fixed. Because fuck this shit.


ok so i hate fighting Inferno scorpion. I think 95% of the time if they do the overhead minion and you do EX TK you will always land only 1 hit. That's so bad.


The anticipation is killing me
ok so i hate fighting Inferno scorpion. I think 95% of the time if they do the overhead minion and you do EX TK you will always land only 1 hit. That's so bad.
Yep. Stupidly annoying bug. However I found if I block the minion ex Telekick works for a full combo


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I think 95% of the time if they do the overhead minion and you do EX TK you will always land only 1 hit. That's so bad.
yes x100 this annoying as fuck, dunno if it will get fixed though but i have had the 1 hit ex telekick bug happen vs other chars, just like you said near 100% of the time it happens when trying to punish a whiffed minion or minion in start up.

Yep. Stupidly annoying bug. However I found if I block the minion ex Telekick works for a full combo
yea reversal telekick will get the low, other two it wont (frame data on block currently wrong on the minions)
you can punish the overhead minion with reversal roll within d4 distance (her d4 not scorps)
you have to been touching scorpion to punish the running minion with reversal roll


TYM White Knight
Honestly, If NRS really does give a shit about Mileena, her Low Sai and her telekick really need to be plus on hit. I'm not sayinh like +30 but like +1 - +5.

We should get a reward for a hard read, or hell a punish. I HATE having to back off after landing a telekick or sai. So silly and I do not understand how it got through testing :(

Matador Fiend

Dojo Trainee
Yeah her telekick being negative on hit is a load of shit. The tracking is straight ass too. If i run at inferno scorpion the tracking on low minion grabs me for full combo but if i telekick and someone moves their damned big toe it whiffs


Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
Ball roll punishes the overhead minion. I also play Scorpion. Mileena, Scorpion, & Kitana are my main focuses.

Do you guys ever get the feeling that the frame data may be just "maybe" completely wrong? I mean I know it's wrong as it is, but there's quite a bit of moves that are on paper unsafe, but they are really safe on block.
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Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I agree with Telekick and Sai being plus on hit.

I mean the Telekick is a single-hit move that's negative infinity on block. You should be rewarded for landing it, not punished. It has to be some sort of mistake, that being intentional just makes no sense to me.


Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
I've also gotten word from Pig of the Hut that she has Option Select Tech. Supposed to be posted soon. That's what I heard.