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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Here quite a nice match:
No. If you watch the matches between clint and tre from the past two weeks, you will see why tre gets away with so much shit. Clint jumps WAY too much and rarely punishes anything.

Wild and I play every night and I just started punishing point blank fan tossess with 11~freeze...

Watch how Michaelangelo and everyone not named clintthebeast shut her down.


The Ignore Button Is Free
i'm not sure if i said this but upraise is a godlike anti-air, i've even caught people who jumped behind me
Assassin and Mournful right? The hitbox literally goes right over her head and a small distance in front of her. It's pretty good for an AA. I love it more in Royal Storm tho since it covers outside sweep distance


What a day. What a lovely day.
Couple of things.

1. I love kitana and yes she is very "underwhelming" but guys she's a princess we gotta keep at it !

2. Everytime I do a damn D3 with kitana I bust out in laughter.

3. How do I get that little banner at the bottom of my TYM pic that shows the chracters and their variation ? (Kitana guy with royal storm under I'm talking to you )

4. I will never leave kitana because of this beautiful thing here

Pretty much. I love Kitana and will never drop her. I just wish I didn't have to work 10x harder than I feel the majority of the cast does.

It just sucks that outside of Mileena and Kitana no one on the roster really interests me. I'd normally be alting Mileena by now, but I can only mentally handle one shitter at a time lol


What a day. What a lovely day.
So, there's currently all of this "option select" talk floating about. Has anyone played around with this for Kitana? What are her options?

I can apparently cancel the fan (after inputting the command) to confirm a F112 combo, but I feel like there has to be more to it than that, and that's not a pure "option select" anyway. :-/

The Bearded Dan

Dojo Trainee
Pretty much. I love Kitana and will never drop her. I just wish I didn't have to work 10x harder than I feel the majority of the cast does.

It just sucks that outside of Mileena and Kitana no one on the roster really interests me. I'd normally be alting Mileena by now, but I can only mentally handle one shitter at a time lol
Exactly how I feel. Kitana and Mileena are my favourites by far and I always main kitana with a mileena as a secondary. At this point ive put so much work into kitana it feels weird playing anyone else, might try and level my mileena up sometime though.

The Bearded Dan

Dojo Trainee
I also really like the kitana design for this game ( except mournful variation. Not sure what people were thinking) I just wish at least one special was safe on block. The buffs I see helping are reflect/parry having faster start up so they are useful.

Throat slice is my favourite move in this game. So good.


Dojo Trainee
what I got from watching CDjr's stream just now is that you can cancel specials after normals and strings. and even further if you special cancel after certain strings and normals on block the special won't come out, but on hit it will. that's the part I didnt get. BUT I went into training and found out that

on block and on hit:
b14~db1~b will cancel the fan lift (MAJOR cause b14 is neutral on block)
f112~df1~b will cancel the ground fan
111~df1~b will also cancel the ground fan

you can also cancel specials off of any normal (except b2 and b4 I think) but the timing is rough

so if you see your opponents blocking any of your strings you can cancel your special move so you won't get punished.
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Your Emporer
So do people actually think she's worse then Shinnok? Or is all the sad emo because she's not free win mix-up character?


Your Emporer
bruh no one cares about her not having a mixup. i wish people would shut up about this...

and idk. shinnok players say he's worse than her. she's bad regardless
Because that whole concept of my character is bad, is based almost explusivly on comparing them to the 4-5 better characters. There are so many peple going on about how bad there chars are when he same is true of almost every single last char.

EDIT: More I read of this Gen discussion more it looks like she's "weak" because people are trying to play her in a way she cannot rather then because she necessarily is (that is they seem to complain about what she can't do rather then try and figure out what she could do with what she has).
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This dream has a sad ending
You have to play kitana as a zoning character who literally the only way to get decent damage is off of punishment. She loses in most scenarios when players say "fuck you, you make a move" and then kitana starts to struggle.

I've also been finding it infuriating when the opponent does nothing but safe pokes and frame traps in which i have to waste meter when i could use it for better things. Also, i'm pretty sure nobody wants her to be a 50/50 character since i'm not doing optimal combos and getting 30% regardless.

How do i play her in a way where i have to open my opponent up to get a life lead so then i can just go back to zoning? the 25 frame overhead which you can mash out of or the obvious jump in which i can't even do at certain heights because it becomes a mid? How do i deal with an opponent who has ways to get around my zoning when that is my only tool? I mean i don't know how else to play her tbh outside of footsies and zoning.


Your Emporer
You have to play kitana as a zoning character who literally the only way to get decent damage is off of punishment. She loses in most scenarios when players say "fuck you, you make a move" and then kitana starts to struggle.

I've also been finding it infuriating when the opponent does nothing but safe pokes and frame traps in which i have to waste meter when i could use it for better things. Also, i'm pretty sure nobody wants her to be a 50/50 character since i'm not doing optimal combos and getting 30% regardless.

How do i play her in a way where i have to open my opponent up to get a life lead so then i can just go back to zoning? the 25 frame overhead which you can mash out of or the obvious jump in which i can't even do at certain heights because it becomes a mid? How do i deal with an opponent who has ways to get around my zoning when that is my only tool? I mean i don't know how else to play her tbh outside of footsies and zoning.
Does fans not train them to not block (since they want to duck)? Which could be used to create punish openings? The point of zoning in MKX seems not to actually zone them anymore but instead just to get them to expose themselves.


Guardian Cadet
The only real way to frustrate the opponent up close is with her overhead (which I know isn't the greatest) and her b4 which is actually very nice, and throw in a throw here and there. Do that a few times then go back to zoning. They'll play more reckless after being hit a few times with those basic mixups.


Guardian Cadet
Well look I'm just telling you one way to do it. If you assume it's hopeless then it is hopeless. She has tools to open people up for low damage. The point is to frustrate them by doing this, not to flat out win by doing this. They're not great by any means, but it's what she has and there's a time to use it.


Positive Poster!
Well look I'm just telling you one way to do it. If you assume it's hopeless then it is hopeless. She has tools to open people up for low damage. The point is to frustrate them by doing this, not to flat out win by doing this. They're not great by any means, but it's what she has and there's a time to use it.
The only incentive to play Kitana right now is if you like her. Sure enough she has tools that work to some extent but I do wonder who will be frustrated first, the Kungjin taking 25% damage or you taking 50% damage before you can even move... loaded question, don't answer it.

I <3 Kitana but at this point she's probably the least equipped character on the roster.


Guardian Cadet
The only incentive to play Kitana right now is if you like her. Sure enough she has tools that work to some extent but I do wonder who will be frustrated first, the Kungjin taking 25% damage or you taking 50% damage before you can even move... loaded question, don't answer it.

I <3 Kitana but at this point she's probably the least equipped character on the roster.
As someone who mains Kenshi and Kitana, Kenshi has it much worse. He's basically like playing mournful Kitana.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Because that whole concept of my character is bad, is based almost explusivly on comparing them to the 4-5 better characters. There are so many peple going on about how bad there chars are when he same is true of almost every single last char.

EDIT: More I read of this Gen discussion more it looks like she's "weak" because people are trying to play her in a way she cannot rather then because she necessarily is (that is they seem to complain about what she can't do rather then try and figure out what she could do with what she has).

Her design is extremely bland. So much so that it doesn't seem like they knew quite what they wanted out of her. It's as if they thought her fans and air fans would be godlike which MIGHT explain her completly non-existent ground game.

We aren't trying to play her like MK9 Kitana or some rushdown character. That would be foolish considering her bizarre frame data. We can "zone" for a short period of time until the opponent realizes they can duck the fans, punish her -10 on block fans, and punish her recovery from float gimmicks/air fans.

It grows tiresome when people come at us AS IF we havent tried multiple ways to perform with her. They all sell short.

No staggerable strings.
No way to truly open up the opponent.
The opponent will only fear her throw, her B2, and her sweep.
She is negative on all special moves and most of her normals/strings.
Her zoning is mediocre if not deplorable. Thank god people refuse to NOT jump.

I co mained Sindel and Jade in MK9. Everyone said they were shitters. Yet, I found ways to make them work because they had ways to open people up, had staggerable strings, and had plus and 0 on block frames. Kitana does not have this in her arsenal in MKX.


What a day. What a lovely day.
Does fans not train them to not block (since they want to duck)? Which could be used to create punish openings? The point of zoning in MKX seems not to actually zone them anymore but instead just to get them to expose themselves.
What... what even is this? Did you ACTUALLY read this thread or did you just go back one page and read about what we say her weaknesses are? Do you think we aren't aware of everything that you're saying? Someone who clearly doesn't even play the character and is coming through telling her mains how to play by theory fighting?

Are you so unbelievably dense that you think you can just come here randomly and explain some magical, enlightening strategy that NO Kitana player has thought of at this point? By all means, pick up Kitana for a week and fill us in on how great your theories pan out. Maybe you can figure out something we haven't been able to. If you don't, please keep the theory fighting to your own character forums. Please and thanks.


MTL's Worst Player.
Hey guys, just finally got MKX today (Thank the lord I was getting so sick of Injustice) and I was really thinking of learning the game with Kitana because she seems fun and cool and all that. Also picking her up because is followed @GGA 16 Bit 's lead on playing Catwoman and had the time of my life learning that beautiful but shitty character. Is there anything I should know about that char or tips on learning her quickly? As far as I understand from the threads she has a godlike punish game, almost no good in close pressure and a mediocre zone game compared to mk9 Kitana and most of the other characters on here.

I don't mind playing a bad character as long as they are fun. Is Kitana fun?

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Also picking her up because is followed @GGA 16 Bit 's lead on playing Catwoman and had the time of my life learning that beautiful but shitty character.


She is fun. Her movement is fun since she walks fast and gets to jump around floating like an idiot. She is ridiculously pretty as well. Her animations are so awesome.
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