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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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These are the kind of posts I like to see. I don't play either of these characters but I like seeing defined strategies that force a zoner to adapt. I've got stuff like this for Takeda but since I feel like everyone already knows it I don't post videos but maybe I'll start a thread with my stuff like this and see if people come back and share stuff that will help me in some of my bad match ups.
The player can start conditioning you to think they're gonna do a low rocket so that if they think you're gonna jump, they can do an Up Rocket and get a full combo conversion out of it if you jump. The mind games, bruh. :p
that goes both ways though, it basically becomes a guessing game for both players. if Kitana db3's after first dash she can be punished with low rocket, but she punishes gauntlet gun and high rocket, if Kitana forward jumps db3 she can punish gauntlet gun and low rocket, but not high rocket etc.

the advantage for Kitana would be that it only takes 2 moves to get in from full screen and her punishes are pretty high damage compared to the tags from Jacqui
If Yall come up with a list of all the negatives I'll compile that video I mentioned and I'll pester netherrealms and Ed Boon on twitter.

But yeah Jason makes me not want to play Kitana at times but she's still the main


This dream has a sad ending
I'm not going to consider her d+1 to be that bad because that has sweep range to it
if you actually want a d+1 like attack you're better off using d+3, god the animation to that move is funny


I love Kitana
My roommate plays GM Sub-Zero and while we're probably not the best, I did understand a whole lot about the MU.

First of all, it's definitely NOT at Kitana's favor. The only thing you have going for you is damage--Sub Zero (currently) has to work for his and has to spend bar.

In the corner, you do have to make a hard read. There's no way around it. You can probably gimmick into parry I suppose, but that's extremely risky for 15% payoff (as oppossed to his 30-40%). In this sense, I think Royal Storm is your best bet, as at least you have an air escape option.

Here's what I found useful. Hope it helps:

- Use IAF sparingly. Sub can and will slide on reaction. Even worse, if he spaces you correctly, he can actually slide, not hit you and recover in time for an even better punish. Mid screen is an honest footsie game. Use it here and there to keep him honest and/or if he's full screen, but otherwise, not a good idea.

- You win air to air. You will deal 30-40% plus off a j2 than he will with his. Midscreen, watch out for opportunities of when he jumps, even over your head. Kitana can do a really early NJP, so you will beat out his option at best, get out of the vortex at worst.

- Against GM sub specifically, Float is not a bad idea. Jumping over his head and going for cross-up/non-cross-up means he has to respect your options and not just clone away. You can cancel into float early or late, which does mess up a lot of his inputs. If he's D2 happy, float really high and punish with NJP into 40%. You will outdamage him if he risks going air to air. Long story short, this is how you make him block.

- If you're using Assassin, do not be afraid to react to clone/iceball with EX AS. You don't need to use meter for combo damage--use it to make him afraid to zone you. 19% damage can and will add up.

Good luck.
if you have any useful moves to look for punishing I will add it to the punishment thread.


Mid Tier
Kitana's d+3 looks like she's in a bubble bath splashing water with her foot. It's so girly.
This is why I look to the pros to help me better my game with the character I love, I hope others notice this while I'm playing them and get distracted and not block or jump at me. other wise I'll still have to throw them.


Mid Tier
I'm not going to consider her d+1 to be that bad because that has sweep range to it
if you actually want a d+1 like attack you're better off using d+3, god the animation to that move is funny
I poke with D3, block there counter poke and poke back with D1, then do Instant jump 2 when the D1 hits, thats my up close defence lol.


Meow Hoes
Her mix up game is:
D1, b4, grab, armor, jump over float, or back dash...
All are punishable if baited correctly. Except b4


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
To quote a real zoner, "Just look at you..."

Her zoning is dangerous upclose. They can read it and jump in on her or just camp until the kitana inevitably throws out one of her many unsafe options.

And yes. The sins I'd commit to reclaim her old d1 and cutter. Ugh now I'm emo...
Jump in on Kitana?! Blasphemy!

You know what? I'd actually be alright with Kitana getting her cutter back...


Dojo Trainee
whats wrong with 111?
Oh nothing. It's a quick i8 punisher and it grants you a full combo so it's great as a move. But because the string is so fast compared to others I can convert off of it like I want to. I normally end up with just a 111 or 11~df+1. 111~df+1 gives me trouble cause I'm not really used to the input delay.

Also, what is the science behind this ij2 phenomenon lol. Khaotik seems really excited about it


This dream has a sad ending
that move is really good against projectiles, especially when it's armored i'm getting a lot of milage out ex. assassin strike


what's done is done
I love that nearly every Kitana player has either dropped her or are in the process of picking up alts to deal with the more viable characters in the game. Meanwhile, people are STILL delusional enough to come into our character forums and tell US, the people who have been grinding her for weeks, that we just, "haven't been working hard enough and need to give her more time."

Like jesus fucking christ. Why does it pain this community so much to be realistic.


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
She does not have good footsies, not sure if you could even say she has footsies. I use the middle variation? lol Don't know the name, but it's the one with the fans. I would say that's the one that seems the best to me. So far.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Couple of things.

1. I love kitana and yes she is very "underwhelming" but guys she's a princess we gotta keep at it !

2. Everytime I do a damn D3 with kitana I bust out in laughter.

3. How do I get that little banner at the bottom of my TYM pic that shows the chracters and their variation ? (Kitana guy with royal storm under I'm talking to you )

4. I will never leave kitana because of this beautiful thing here

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