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Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
High Pounce hits HIGH and LOW, So High pounce is a mixup in it's own.
moves like that are generally called mid hitting

- D+4 needs to be Cancellable especially since it's like +12 on hit why wouldn't it be special cancellable?
what are you talking about, you can special cancel d4 :confused:

also that u mentioned it, ravenous b12 is 100% not the same frames as piercing.


Is there some sort of input select involved with f4,4? Or maybe a hit confirm?

f+4,4 is only -8 while f+4 is -30 and so is roll.

What I want to do is, on hit, to go for f+4, roll but on block to go for f+4,4.

Has this been discussed yet?


The anticipation is killing me
Is there some sort of input select involved with f4,4? Or maybe a hit confirm?

f+4,4 is only -8 while f+4 is -30 and so is roll.

What I want to do is, on hit, to go for f+4, roll but on block to go for f+4,4.

Has this been discussed yet?
I know there is a couple of topics showing universal option selects where a special doesn't come out on block but does on hit and vice versa. However, I haven't got around to trying it out yet so can't say what it would be for sure. The topics are located somewhere I think in strategy zone, or search UltraDavid in members and you can find his thread which discusses it.


Call Me Premo - Mileena, D'Vorah, Cassie, Kitana.
Is there some sort of input select involved with f4,4? Or maybe a hit confirm?

f+4,4 is only -8 while f+4 is -30 and so is roll.

What I want to do is, on hit, to go for f+4, roll but on block to go for f+4,4.

Has this been discussed yet?
I think u might be able to option select it by pushing F+4,Ball Roll, and then a different direction+4 again really fast. Haven't tested it myself yet but I plan to later. I would try it like this F+4,Ball Roll,U+4. U might be able to do it but I'm not sure. I know u can with F+2,3 so if the 3 connects u get ball roll and if it doesn't you're only -7. Pretty sure u can do it with B+1,2 too.


I think u might be able to option select it by pushing F+4,Ball Roll, and then a different direction+4 again really fast. Haven't tested it myself yet but I plan to later. I would try it like this F+4,Ball Roll,U+4. U might be able to do it but I'm not sure. I know u can with F+2,3 so if the 3 connects u get ball roll and if it doesn't you're only -7. Pretty sure u can do it with B+1,2 too.
This actually works! f+4~bd4, u. -8 isn't safe but it's much better than -30. Now Mileena's hard knockdowns such as 3 or piercing b+2,1,2+4 actually pose a real threat. You can even finish combos and go straight into a reset. Too bad I think you can react to her f+3 overhead.

You can also get armored out of the second hit of f+4,4.
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Call Me Premo - Mileena, D'Vorah, Cassie, Kitana.
This actually works! f+4~bd4, u. -8 isn't safe but it's much better than -30. Now Mileena's hard knockdowns such as 3 or piercing b+2,1,2+4 actually pose a real threat. You can even finish combos and go straight into a reset. Too bad I think you can react to her f+3 overhead.

You can also get armored out of the second hit of f+4,4. So it isn't entirely safe.
Yea people can react to the F+3 overhead but there's some good stuff u can do with it...I was going to make a video of this and post it but I think I'll just say it in here and make a vid some other time. If you end combos with a second Ball Roll, and then do F+3 on the opponents wake up they have to block it, back-dash,or armor through it. I've only tried this on kung lao and kano because they have 5 and 6 frame normal wake-ups, but it worked on them so I'm assuming it works on most of the other cast as well. If they do a normal wake-up it get stuffed by F+3 and Mileena gets 40-43%. Also yea it's pretty cool that option select thing works, I think they might patch it but Idk because I got to imagine it would be hard to patch something like that.
This actually works! f+4~bd4, u. -8 isn't safe but it's much better than -30. Now Mileena's hard knockdowns such as 3 or piercing b+2,1,2+4 actually pose a real threat. You can even finish combos and go straight into a reset. Too bad I think you can react to her f+3 overhead.

You can also get armored out of the second hit of f+4,4.
On a good day, I could react to Spencer's OH in UMvC3 and that's 21 frames. At 32 frames, it's actually possible for an opponent to react and jab or use an invincible move. You could do the above technique (nice find Premo), but it's still 32 frames. They can block on reaction, it's just that they might not know it's a setup and try to hit you, causing them to get hit.


I appreciate all the advice you have given me. I'll keep using her no matter what happens anyway, since she's the only character i find fun, besides Liu Kang lol. I plan to go into training mode and try stuff out in a bit. I think my friend has an issue where he tries to make everything he says right. you beat him, he basically turns into a pile of excuses. That gets annoying after awhile lol.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Alright, great. Thanks.

So.. I'm using...
B12 at range to poke or combo if it hits.
21 as a low string and as to punish, unless I'm too far away to punish with it, in which case B12. Also use 21U4/21 EX Roll as a mixup.
B21 as a mix-up/low string from range instead of up close, in which case I'd use 21.
F4 as a low starter, F44 so it's safer if it's blocked.

Is that about it as far as starting strings go? Am I missing something? Using any of them incorrectly? Anyone feel free to respond/help out, just wanting to make sure I've got her down properly.

I have trouble implementing it into my game but also F12B4/F12EX Roll as another mix-up.
I know it's a little bit of a late reply, but I'm actually quite fond of 1,2,4 when in close or after a JiP.

It's really easy to hit-confirm into ball roll, and it's safe on block; additionally, the opponent has to wait afterwords to make sure you didn't link a Ball Roll after the last hit, so (in my experience) after it's blocked you can get a mixup on a hesitant opponent fearful of the possible Ball Roll followup. I think it definitely has its uses as a worthwhile string.
Also, for Ravenous, f+2,1 is one of my go-to footsies strings. Pretty deceptive range and it can be hitconfirmed rather easily.


Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
I also think that Mileena needs some buffs, but not the type of buffs that people are looking for to make her "Top Tier" like making her safer (which is one of the things that I would like for 2 low mixup strings). She has some moves that whiff when they shouldn't. Like D1 misses sometimes & doesn't connect even if they're blocking. As well as 21 when blocking. Sometimes they whiff entirely when they're supposed to land on block. Although they're safe. There are a few other things that they should into, too, but I'll bring them up in a later post.
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Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I also think that Mileena needs some buffs, but not the type of buffs that people are looking for to make her "Top Tier" like making her safer. She has some moves that whiff when they shouldn't. Like D1 misses sometimes & doesn't connect even if they're blocking. As well as 21 when blocking. Sometimes they whiff entirely when they're supposed to land on block. Although they're safe. There are a few other things that they should into, too, but I'll bring them up in a later post.
there more fixes than buffs to be fair though


Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
there more fixes than buffs to be fair though
That's true. This is my fault for not being clear. I probably should have worded it differently. I would get on the game & look into more stuff that I feel should be addressed, but I'm not feeling well. My face & eyes both hurt from these damn sinuses. Which was why I said that I would post more of my thoughts later.


Dojo Trainee
I also think that Mileena needs some buffs, but not the type of buffs that people are looking for to make her "Top Tier" like making her safer (which is one of the things that I would like for 2 low mixup strings. She has some moves that whiff when they shouldn't. Like D1 misses sometimes & doesn't connect even if they're blocking. As well as 21 when blocking. Sometimes they whiff entirely when they're supposed to land on block. Although they're safe. There are a few other things that they should into, too, but I'll bring them up in a later post.
I'm with you at this point. I really think piercing is solid and ravenous needs just a slightly buff on low pounce. Ethereal though..eh you might as well play without variation:)

Edit: But at some point there needs to be a teleport discussion. Right now I'm trying to figure why Scorpion has such an awesome teleport and Mileena has that terrible one.
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Bound by the Blood Kode
Patiently waiting for the vampires skin to drop. Anyone else keen?
Yes! I want dat kostume now! She has some of the best kostumes in the game. And I love her overall design anyways... dat face is perfect.

- Fix X-ray issues
- Fix exTele issues
- Fix d1 issues
- Make her f3 faster (26 frames instead of 33 frames.)
- Make her tele (at least) +1 on hit
- Make her low Sai +11 on hit (same as her regular sai)
- Make her pokes a bit faster (Takeda says Hi...)


Greetings all.

I haven't played any MK games since the early to mid 90s and have just bought MK X on PS4. Played some online PvP today and am impressed enough that I'm going to keep the game and sink time in getting my skills up.

After trying a few characters out I eventually settled on Mileena (only tried piercing). I was getting destroyed at first, but after some 50 matches I'm now beginning to holding my own.. matches are generally close now and I'm getting wins.

It's really obvious that I need to now get some combos down and improve my strategy.

If you could pick 2-3 bread and butter combos to focus on and drill in practising, which would you chose and what situation would they best be used in?

At the moment, I have been practising 1,2,3,roll,J2,D2 plus the variant F3, 4, 3, roll,J2,D2. In training mode I can pull them off, but only once in PvP, although the startup is still useful even if I cant get the roll. Whats best time to go for these? the kick seems slow so I'm thinking on wakeup.
I have also practised the piercing specials like B1,2,1+3 but cannot perform them at all in PvP at the moment.

I feel like I am quite neutral, usually blocking the opponent then countering (which doesn't go well for me if I fight someone like Erron Black who seems to have a lot of pressuring low/highs that are fast and hard to read). If I go offensive its generally with the ball, a jump kick or special drop kick. I've noticed other players pressure quite a bit, what should I be using if I want to get aggressive with Mileena?

Thanks for your help.


If I go offensive its generally with the ball, a jump kick or special drop kick.
That's a good start right there. I would add to try using ball as a block or whiff punisher to stay safe. Many online players tend to use very unsafe moves that are punishable or they whiff too much. Mileena will kill you for that. Erron Black players always do slide which hits full screen as well as sub zeros. Scorpions and ermacs love teleports. All those moves are very unsafe and punishable by ball or TK.
jump kicks with practice can lead to full combo if you can cancel into air Sai blast.
teleport kick is risky because it's unsafe on hit but if your opponent doesn't punish it's okay I guess. I personally use TK to preemptively anti air or preemptively punish projectiles from full screen. if you have meter ex TK is a combo starter so you can do good damage against full screen projectiles.

I suggest you browse the general discussion thread and combo thread for tons of tips and bnb combos. Good luck with mileena!

One good easy bnb to use online is ball, njp, b121+3 dd2. Not the best damage but easy and they are left standing with plus frames for you. If you walk forward you can end with b21+2+4 and you get a hard kd with plus frames and they are closer to you.