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Strategy Sindel ~ General Strategies/INFO/Questions


Cock Master!!
I'll have to check out that video when I get home. So after a 311 IAF knocks them out of wake up I'm so confused I cant wait to see that. going to add the double fireball and fireball dash to the levitation part tonight. It really is a nice thing, I do a lot of Levi IAFs so mixing in full flight into both of those fireballs is nice. Keeps people in check lol

Question though, how does levitation fireball dash work against teleports? Does she dash into safety? I'm going to fuck around with it tonight.

Konqrr - yea I'm going to remove those from the enhanced ones it is kind of repetitive.

Ur - I'm going to leave that here. This thread is turning into a info/ strategy thread which is good. We share the info then our strategies with it.

Then for combos yea I'll just have a thing saying combos but I'll link it to the thread you are and who ever else are working on. Good stuff. :)

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I use U4 instead of 1 Scream when my opponent starts jump kicking, and all the time in the corner. You can also sometimes get a low fireball follow up if the height is very low. This was pre patch though, :en Scream is probably far more viable now if you see a jump in.


I'll have to check out that video when I get home. So after a 311 IAF knocks them out of wake up I'm so confused I cant wait to see that. going to add the double fireball and fireball dash to the levitation part tonight. It really is a nice thing, I do a lot of Levi IAFs so mixing in full flight into both of those fireballs is nice. Keeps people in check lol
3,1,1/f+3/2,1,2/2,1,b+3 > iFAF doesn't knock them out of their wake-up, it forces them to block after they roll. If they don't roll they get hit and if they don't block after roll then they still get hit. It completely stops their wake-up attack from coming out.


Cock Master!!
3,1,1/f+3/2,1,2/2,1,b+3 > iFAF doesn't knock them out of their wake-up, it forces them to block after they roll. If they don't roll they get hit and if they don't block after roll then they still get hit. It completely stops their wake-up attack from coming out.
Ohhhhh ok it's something I already do then. I just thought it was something else. I also just thought they were just messing up their roll/wake up. Ok so my confusion is over. It's good to know it's not them messing up so now I'll actually do it more often, Kool.

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Cock Master!!
ok so of all my matches tonight when i was sindel i only faced Kung laos teleport and she can levi fireball and dash to avoid his teleport. normally if you air fireball with sindel vs a smart Lao he will just teleport and throw. not tested vs other teleporters yet..

now i wish we could go right into levitation from a high up fireball. like high fireball air dash into levitation.. dreams....

ok edited the first post with this

un-techable moves

1 ~ Hairwhip

end combos with hairwhip is a wise choice to prevent your foe from rolling, they can only use a wake up special.

end combos with -->
3,1,1/f+3/2,1,2/2,1,b+3 > iFAF doesn't knock them out of their wake-up, it forces them to block after they roll. If they don't roll they get hit and if they don't block after roll then they still get hit. It completely stops their wake-up attack from coming out.
just copied what urichinan said. and added delriach video.. please correct anything and rewrite the info if its wrong.. so i can then copy and paste it thanks..

wake up

Low fireball and :en
Step up and :en
Scream and :en

when using sindels wake up attacks you need to be careful and watch out for a cross up attack as it will knock you out of your wake up. the only attack you can do to attempt to counter a cross up attack is the :en scream.
step up and low fireball gives you a 50/50 wake up option.

i dont spend much time in practice so i havent really tested much of her wake up options. so i dont know if hair whip and grpund fireball works as wake ups.. ill test tomorrow if no one else knows.. also hopefully some one else can do a better write up for the wake up strategies if mine isnt too good. im tired and slow..

added this to the levitation info.
6 ~ at full height you can fireball and quicky dash by pressing f,f or b,b after
7 ~ at full height you can, fireball, dash and fireball for 2 quick air fireballs. if the first one hits the second one will hit for a 2 hit combo.

added this to the meter building info.
When your foe is caught in a scream you can build meter by doing multiple flight cancels or jumping high up into the air and doing the :fp air fireball.


the few times i have used wakeup ex scream it was... a dream! it dodged the high attacks, came out quickly, and granted me a 30% combo, hoo-yeah!
hair whip is actually not a wakeup attack but it would be a good one.
& it's disgusting how jumpers ruin her wakeup game.
uppercut will beat any of kung lao's teleport followups.


Cock Master!!
the few times i have used wakeup ex scream it was... a dream! it dodged the high attacks, came out quickly, and granted me a 30% combo, hoo-yeah!
hair whip is actually not a wakeup attack but it would be a good one.
& it's disgusting how jumpers ruin her wakeup game.
uppercut will beat any of kung lao's teleport followups.
if sindel does an air fireball kung can react and teleport then throw her. his teleport goes up instead of down so he avoids her fireballs.

wake up :en scream is nice.


true, but i like using uppercut against kung's teleport because that means i can also watch out for his low hat and throw some fireballs to get him to teleport.

ooo wake ups sound fun. i'll write something up for those tomorrow and everyone can add to it, as usual.
has anyone even tried wakeup levitate?? it's only worked once for me and she seemed to rise pretty fast! might have some use. also try levitate cancel as wakeup.
no one uses this combo, not even me, but i think it should be mentioned. sindel's 2, 1, b2 faceplants the opponent hard and she get some advantage off of it. perhaps she can get even more use out of it?

EDIT: since :en scream is faster now, so is the cancel. i was doing 111 :en scream cancel>throw and sometimes the opponent would still be in hitstun and the throw would whiff. i don't use 111 pressure but could be useful.


No Longer Sh*t Tier!
I have been using the iffb after 3 1 1to good success. I plan to integrate it more often since it seems useful in duality. It distances the opponent and stuffs their wake up. On an unrelated note my ps3 died :( it seems like the YLOD


I have been using the iffb after 3 1 1to good success. I plan to integrate it more often since it seems useful in duality. It distances the opponent and stuffs their wake up. On an unrelated note my ps3 died :( it seems like the YLOD
Oh man, that sucks! =< Hopefully you can get it fixed/buy a new one soon.

So, the new combo guide thread is starting to come together pretty well. I discovered a lot of stuff while working on it so far. Like b+1 > EX Scream is pretty useless. It gets you 27% damage at max (That's the highest I've been able to go) and that's only 4% more then a easier meterless combo of off b+1,2. =/ I miss the EX Fireball glitch, that was the coolest thing she ever had.


here's what i got:

Step Up: Sindel's most used wakeup. Has nice invincibility and is not so easily stuffed anymore after the 1.05 patch. :en wakeup step up can trade spots with her opponent if she's stuck in the corner.
:en Scream: Since the 1.05 patch, this has proven to be a good wakeup move for people who pressure Sindel after a knockdown. Will dodge high attacks and grant up to a 30% combo on hit!
Low Fireball: Use this if you were knocked far away from the opponent and still want a wakeup. Invincibility will nullify projectiles thrown at her. You can also use it up close to avoid high and mid hitting attacks but will most likely lose if your opponent uses a low attack. :en will grant Sindel a knockdown but is otherwise the same as basic.
Levitate: Has invincibility on startup but is sort of inconvenient because of the inputs for the move. A wakeup levitate cancel is also possible. Not very much info on this.
Yell: Technically yell can be used as a wakeup. Every now and then you'll try to use :en scream but get yell instead. Dumb luck might allow it to work sometimes but :en is a far better choice.

A simple jump over a grounded Sindel often avoids her wakeups and a crossup punch will most likely connect because her wakeups don't auto correct and step up doesn't advance her to safety.
Wakeup Low Fireball and Step Up can threaten your opponent with a 50/50.
It won't happen very often, but if you see your opponent blocking Sindel's wakeups and trying to punish then you can just get up and grab.

guess i'll also do special attacks.

Step Up: Overhead. Sindel's fastest special at 15 frames. Only takes two step ups to travel full screen and hit the opponent. Safe against everyone except Kung Lao's Spin and Reptile's Dash and a measly generic D1/D3 from the rest of the cast. Is equally beneficial to end combos or use by itself. Knocks opponent away for Sindel to start zoning.
Fireball: 18 frame startup.
Low Fireball: 18 frame startup. You'll find yourself using this fireball more because it will dodge any attack that's not low and hit low.
Yell: Best used in combos or as an anti air. You have to more anticipate your opponent's jump rather than react to it. Unsafe on whiff or block. For an unknown number of frames, Sindel can duck under any high hitting attack including projectiles. Stuns opponent long enough for Sindel to connect with any of her combo starters or a jip into combo.
Hair Whip: Sindel's third fastest special at 20 frames. Has some nice range. Can be ducked and will only grab late jumpers. Provides untechable knockdown and gives advantage. Just as safe as step up. Good to use in combos or by itself. Substitute this for step up if you want to keep the opponent close to you.
Levitate: A mixed bag. This move has so be used strategically to be useful. Will dodge low and mid hitting projectiles but loses to highs. Sindel’s forward dash covers more ground and is faster than the backdash and she can throw projectiles while flying. If any part of the levitation is canceled with a fireball (dash or rising) Sindel will land, which you can use to your advantage. Consider using to bait teleports or other easily punishable attacks by levitating and landing quickly. Levitate cancel can also be used to make your opponent wonder if you’ll commit to a full levitate.

:en Step Up: The animation might not be as satisfying and isn't worth damage. Sends opponent same distance away as Hair Whip but this can be tech-rolled.
:en Fireball: Knockdown.
:en Low Fireball: Low Knockdown.
:en Yell: Estimated at 25 frames startup. Combos in more places than yell and has better range. Can be charged and dash cancelled but is always blockable. Just as unsafe as yell on block or whiff.
:en Hair Whip: A satisfying way to end combos. Not worth the damage but you can throw it out there if you're sure you're gonna win.
:en Levitate: There is none! =D

XRay: The only low hitting xray in the game but is also a pretty reliable anti air. 31% by itself. Has a deceptively long reach and will connect from about half screen. Highly comboable but consider using it to force a 50/50 on your opponent with Sindel's different strings. Try to find your own setups for landing it instead of using it randomly. If you're having trouble with your opponent, don't be afraid to use breakers or focus more on using :en scream to rack up the same % as the xray does.

i figured we could have a separate section on zoning and more info on her air fireballs and such because i didn't feel like writing that.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I could see myself using it against a Mileena. I typically use the B12 as a punish against her since it seems to work for me more often than not. The damage sucks but if I could eliminate her wakeup game that would be great.
B12 for a blocked teleport/roll? I think a good and maybe the best option is 1~yell, jump punch, b3f2, b12, 111~fireball/hairwhip. Does 34% I believe.


i'll use either B1, 2 or 11B24 fireball to punish mileena's teleport and B3 F2 combos for her blocked roll.
there's a video on how sindel can punish mileena's EX teleport but i've never done it. it's very hard for me, even in training mode.



Husteen, once I finish the combo thread you and I should go through the roster and put together a punishment guide for Sindel. I'll help you test everything and you could do the recording, wanna' do it?


Husteen, once I finish the combo thread you and I should go through the roster and put together a punishment guide for Sindel. I'll help you test everything and you could do the recording, wanna' do it?
a punishment guide sounds fun!
i was actually thinking of doing that next but figured it would take too much work. might be easier with someone to help! do you mean like punishing sub zero's slide and things like that?

i can't do the recording, though. i have to record the tv with my ipod ^.^
wish i had a screen recorder.


a punishment guide sounds fun!
i was actually thinking of doing that next but figured it would take too much work. might be easier with someone to help! do you mean like punishing sub zero's slide and things like that?

i can't do the recording, though. i have to record the tv with my ipod ^.^
wish i had a screen recorder.
I can do the recording then. Where'd you get that Mileena punishment vid from then? Actually, everyone should join in, it'd be a nice community project.


I can do the recording then. Where'd you get that Mileena punishment vid from then? Actually, everyone should join in, it'd be a nice community project.
i found it on youtube a long time ago and remembered it. i don't think that's possible anymore because i've tried to punish mileena's ex teleport countless times and only did it once. sindel's D1 just doesn't seem to have that reach.


i found it on youtube a long time ago and remembered it. i don't think that's possible anymore because i've tried to punish mileena's ex teleport countless times and only did it once. sindel's D1 just doesn't seem to have that reach.
Yeah, looks like Sindel has to crouch block both hits for it to reach, that sucks. I could also record some stuff, but I do stink at this game.


Yeah, looks like Sindel has to crouch block both hits for it to reach, that sucks. I could also record some stuff, but I do stink at this game.
i crouched when i tried it in training mode and it still didn't work. i also asked the poster why sindel should crouch and he said it's just in case she does an air sai after.


Cock Master!!
sindel can counter telekick with up+4 just found that out tonight. im going to have to work on the timing of it though.

god i wish i had any of you guys to practice/play offline with.. :(


you can also use an uppercut on mileena's teleport kick but the odds are about 1000/1.
U4 is more reliable on sheeva's stomp but she still comes down straight on you so mis-timing is a nono.
besides, we have Delriach's anti-sheeva video!

speaking of, Delriach should see if we could use the "anti air" hair whip on mileena's teleport kick! probably won't work because it's so fast, though.


Cock Master!!
you can also use an uppercut on mileena's teleport kick but the odds are about 1000/1.
U4 is more reliable on sheeva's stomp but she still comes down straight on you so mis-timing is a nono.
besides, we have Delriach's anti-sheeva video!

speaking of, Delriach should see if we could use the "anti air" hair whip on mileena's teleport kick! probably won't work because it's so fast, though.
Up 4 is better because of the lowered hit box.

Also had anyone else noticed from certain distances up4 hits people our of their d4. Haven't been able to do it super up close but from a slight distance it hits them.

Be nice if we had a proper training mode to practice little shit like this :(

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Up 4 is better because of the lowered hit box.

Also had anyone else noticed from certain distances up4 hits people our of their d4. Haven't been able to do it super up close but from a slight distance it hits them.

Be nice if we had a proper training mode to practice little shit like this :(

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although U4 lowers sindel's hitbox i still didn't think it would be good against mileena's teleport because she lands right on top of you anyways, just like sheeva.
lol, it beats d4s?! i gotta see that! i assumed sindel can still be hit with low attacks while she's upside down but you said kung's low hat misses her so idk. it's starting to sound like her hitbox disappears when she uses that move!
ch i know. i don't have any friends that know this game well enough >.>


B12 for a blocked teleport/roll? I think a good and maybe the best option is 1~yell, jump punch, b3f2, b12, 111~fireball/hairwhip. Does 34% I believe.
For the roll I just use a B3F2 combo. I was mostly referring to a blocked teleport. Doing a standing 1 sounds like a good option. At one point I was just doing her Shoryuken, kick, fireball thing.