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Combo List - Jacqui Briggs Jacqui 'Bae' Briggs Combo Science Thread

HTs biggest advantage is the amount of chip you do with charged gauntlets.

That being said I'll take the absurd footsies and Oki of SG over anything.
high tech is really fun, but hard to get in on zoning. That's why i feel it needs a a little buff on damage.
I disagree, i have a easier time with it getting in as df 2 nullifies most all projectiles... And it is easier to stay in when u get in.

HTs biggest advantage is the amount of chip you do with charged gauntlets.

That being said I'll take the absurd footsies and Oki of SG over anything.
SG aint that great for footies because u can get punished HARD!! .. Its good whne they block or get hit but the risk reward ain't too even imo
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How do you get punished when they are safe on block?

SG is phenomenal for footsies. You're wrong, point blank.

When it get's jumped it's horrible. They can usually land a full combo. When it gets blocked its good . But from playing my friend it doesn't look to hard to jump offline.
When it get's jumped it's horrible. They can usually land a full combo. When it gets blocked its good . But from playing my friend it doesn't look to hard to jump offline.
Then, no offense, but you don't have the footsies ability to be using SG. Defending vs a jumpair is fighting 101 man.

The same range you can land a dust at is the exact same range you can get an antiair b1 INTO dust, this is no coincidence.


Then, no offense, but you don't have the footsies ability to be using SG. Defending vs a jumpair is fighting 101 man.

The same range you can land a dust at is the exact same range you can get an antiair b1 INTO dust, this is no coincidence.
Low shotgun is too slow it can easily be jumped on for a full combo.
Low shotgun is too slow it can easily be jumped on for a full combo.
If you're just running around shooting low shotgun all day sure, you will eventually get jumped in on. Like I said, it's a footsies tool. It's not the Be-all-end-all lockdown never lose again button.

As a footsies tool it lets you convert poor spacing/decision making on their end into a full ground combo + SG oki.

She needs 3 touches to end a round as SG.


If you're just running around shooting low shotgun all day sure, you will eventually get jumped in on. Like I said, it's a footsies tool. It's not the Be-all-end-all lockdown never lose again button.

As a footsies tool it lets you convert poor spacing/decision making on their end into a full ground combo + SG oki.

She needs 3 touches to end a round as SG.
Most in the game can kill in 3 touches, That's not great bro. I'm not saying Shotgun is not good, but Shotgun gets killed by Kano , Erron black, Kung jin, Cassie and Kung lao all of them can do whatever they want because they don't have to respect her damage in shotgun.
If you're just running around shooting low shotgun all day sure, you will eventually get jumped in on. Like I said, it's a footsies tool. It's not the Be-all-end-all lockdown never lose again button.

As a footsies tool it lets you convert poor spacing/decision making on their end into a full ground combo + SG oki.

She needs 3 touches to end a round as SG.
You get over 33% from a combo starting off a low shot gun ? I need to step my shit up.. The most i can get is very basic mid screen. db2 run bb bf4.

Then, no offense, but you don't have the footsies ability to be using SG. Defending vs a jumpair is fighting 101 man.

The same range you can land a dust at is the exact same range you can get an antiair b1 INTO dust, this is no coincidence.
And yea if they jump the low shot gun they can hit you with full combo punish. You would not recover fast enough to Anti air ..... Her Anti Airs kinda blow too.. She isn't an F there but at best a C+ (probably worst though).
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Hey guys,

I have some trouble doing the QBRC (the df2~run cancel) in HT. Anyone have some tips to perform this consistenly? And what are your inputs in order to do this? Maybe there is some shortcut i'm missing..

I'm new here, sorry if this has been asked before.


You get over 33% from a combo starting off a low shot gun ? I need to step my shit up.. The most i can get is very basic mid screen. db2 run bb bf4.

And yea if they jump the low shot gun they can hit you with full combo punish. You would not recover fast enough to Anti air ..... Her Anti Airs kinda blow too.. She isn't an F there but at best a C+ (probably worst though).
Her anti air sucks. why you think i say she needs more damage in shotgun and high-tech to make up for the weak spots
Hey guys,

I have some trouble doing the QBRC (the df2~run cancel) in HT. Anyone have some tips to perform this consistenly? And what are your inputs in order to do this? Maybe there is some shortcut i'm missing..

I'm new here, sorry if this has been asked before.
After the string wait for the df 2 move animation to begin, as soon as you can see or hear it activate press F the F+block the immediately press the button you want to cancel it too.

From playing around yesterday i think b33 gives the most frame advantage on hit followed by 33 and the easiest move to land after the cancel is 1.


O boi, people saying SG sucks....people saying players using SG just suck.
I want to see the receipts. Playing folks online means nothing. I don't care if you 10-0 PL with SG online, go to an offline tournament and perform, that's all that matters. Talking about it on this site means absolutely nothing.

With that said, SG is definitely the most fun of her variations.
O boi, people saying SG sucks....people saying players using SG just suck.
I want to see the receipts. Playing folks online means nothing. I don't care if you 10-0 PL with SG online, go to an offline tournament and perform, that's all that matters. Talking about it on this site means absolutely nothing.

With that said, SG is definitely the most fun of her variations.
I feel you bro. I know my shit works though. Can't wait to get to a major.

These people are theoryfighting while I actually use SG main(and play offline at weeklies) and realize it's strengths. How is "they can jump the low shotgun" a valid argument? You can't jump it on REACTION without getting dusted. That leaves a preemptive jump as the only option. At which point, what if I was waiting to anti air?.

SG has the tools to deal with every character. You can shut them down from outside sweep range and start your pressure. You turn neutral to offense in 1 move even if it trades.
After the string wait for the df 2 move animation to begin, as soon as you can see or hear it activate press F the F+block the immediately press the button you want to cancel it too.

From playing around yesterday i think b33 gives the most frame advantage on hit followed by 33 and the easiest move to land after the cancel is 1.
From what I've observed, 121 gives the most frame advantage. You can do a fairly deep run after it and still connect 33.


I feel you bro. I know my shit works though. Can't wait to get to a major.

These people are theoryfighting while I actually use SG main(and play offline at weeklies) and realize it's strengths. How is "they can jump the low shotgun" a valid argument? You can't jump it on REACTION without getting dusted. That leaves a preemptive jump as the only option. At which point, what if I was waiting to anti air?.

SG has the tools to deal with every character. You can shut them down from outside sweep range and start your pressure. You turn neutral to offense in 1 move even if it trades.
Yea I agree, its impossible to jump Dust on reaction. If you do jump on reaction, you'll still get dusted because your in the hitbox. If your getting jumped on, they are making reads, which means they are just outplaying you.

I don't agree that SG has the tools for every character because some characters absolutely excel at max range, a range outside of SG Dust and at the same time have advancing normals or specials that can put them from outside Dust range to inside dust range. (Kano, Liu Kang, Reptile, Subzero).

But with all that said, the proof will be in the pudding. No one will believe your argument until putting it to the test against the best in the world, and succeeding. A lot of things that may work online or weeklies will get utterly exposed at majors. Hell, EVO this year will be a shitshow and the play level will look like garbage when evo 2016 comes along.


Not sure if these have been posted but here's 2 easy combos for the SHOTGUN variation. Damage numbers are from memory, could be 1% off or so.

0 Bars 25% - 1,1,4 x DB2 ~ Dash ~ 1,2,1,2 x BF4 (super lenient timing for the dash. Can also run cancel instead)
0 Bars 29% - F1,2,2+4 x Run x 1,2 x DB2 ~ Dash ~ 1,2,1,2 x BF4. (timing for the run is not strict)


Not sure if these have been posted but here's 2 easy combos for the SHOTGUN variation. Damage numbers are from memory, could be 1% off or so.

0 Bars 25% - 1,1,4 x DB2 ~ Dash ~ 1,2,1,2 x BF4 (super lenient timing for the dash. Can also run cancel instead)
0 Bars 29% - F1,2,2+4 x Run x 1,2 x DB2 ~ Dash ~ 1,2,1,2 x BF4. (timing for the run is not strict)
1st combo doesnt work on women unless you burn meter on dust.
2nd combo, Dust after F1,2,2+4 has a huge window and then you can run and just do 33~bf4 for 28%. Arguably easier.


Miley Cyrax®
Would someone mind posting a video of the QBRC stuff? I'm not sure I completely understand. I haven't had time to explore the HT variation much yet.


Would someone mind posting a video of the QBRC stuff? I'm not sure I completely understand. I haven't had time to explore the HT variation much yet.
I'd like to see it too. It doesn't seem as easy as some people said it was, at least not for me.