Does he get this kind of thing in Marksman, too? Like does he use his rifle to hit the opponent?
From what I tested last night, you can do b32u1 in marksman and waste a minuscule amount of stamina to do a running jp and get similar results.
First thing i did post fatal8 is see what erron could get in the other variations combo wise. He's still uber dangerous because all the meaty mix up strings are exactly the same, but you just vary the combos slightly. In marksman you can do something like f13(overhead, low) into ex walkback rifle shots, run, sonic fox Xerox to your hearts content.
More testing to be done, but yeah, the 50/50s coupled in with the variations where you can actually zone, this character is love. I KNEW 112 and command grab were gonna make him good, leave it to sonic fox to show just how good.
And might I add that the 21122 punch flurry string into command grab is NOT pick up and play easy. Not that any of us should be surprised at this point, but being able to do that consistently on that stage, with that little practice time, hats off to the kid.
Glad erron seems broke, I was here first, I have no shame