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How to Read, Understand and Calculate Frame Data in MKX

Another note you may want to look into (though this may be unnecessarily complex for a tutorial)

Sometimes recovery frames overlap with active frames. This seems to change from game to game, not sure if it's in MKX or not. But it presents the situations in which a move is a bit "more safe" if it makes contact with the opponent near the end of it's active frames.


It's been 5 years trying to understand the frame data thing lol can't get it at all! I'll just play and learn from observing lol


I hope that's how cancel advantage works, but in MK9 your opponent's blockstun and hitstun would vary depending on if you canceled or not, and there was no flat formula to calculate how much it would vary. Fingers crossed.


Meta saltmine
@Evil Eddy Wang
Maybe I've missed something, but... In MK9 Somberness said that his "execution" data meant, in fact, not just startup, but also 1st active frame. I'm not sure if the same is correct for MKX. If what we see here is indeed just "startup", then "official MKX" 5f is just as fast as "Somberness brand execution" 6f. Can you comment on that?

Also, "Cancel" means how much of recovery is being cut off by action of cancel? Interesting. Thanks for that one, I was guessing between cancel on block advantage and cancel on hit advantage :D

Also what @Trini_Bwoi said. Are you sure, OP, that everything you've posted is correct, or is that your educated guess?


That's about right.
So, if I was to connect a move on block that left me at +3, how do I know the safest way to follow it up? How many frames would a move need to have to make it safe to follow up a +3 move?


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
So, if I was to connect a move on block that left me at +3, how do I know the safest way to follow it up? How many frames would a move need to have to make it safe to follow up a +3 move?
That depends on what your opponents options are, but, genreally, your fastest normal will beat their fastest normal every time, if you're at +3. The opponent probably can't even throw you out of your normal, because throws have startup in MKX too.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
So, if I was to connect a move on block that left me at +3, how do I know the safest way to follow it up? How many frames would a move need to have to make it safe to follow up a +3 move?
If you're +3 (assuming you're at point blank range) and their fastest normal has a 6f startup, then if you use an 8f startup or less normal it will beat theirs everytime.

If you were to use a 9f normal, it would trade with their 6f normal, as 9-3=6 and 6-6=0, which is neutral.


ive never invested in learning frame data, but i think i will for this game, great post! i just have one question though, you use the word "fade" a few times... is that the correct word to use? i mean active frames dont fade do they? they end and then recovery frames begin? or am i misunderstanding? or are there instances of them overlapping?
I've never bothered to really learn frame data, but I might for MKX. I just don't really know how to apply it to my thought process while playing, like I don't see moves as numbers you know? I don't think I have the reaction time tbh lol

but great write up anyhow, @Evil Eddy Wang


If you're new into the world of advancing gaming, this might be a good way to start, also if everyone is to start fresh in MKX with no hidden or unfair advantage, this is something that everyone should know so they can know what to look for when they get their hands in the game.

Be wary that frame data is not 100% correct at this point in the game, but that doesn't mean that the principle will not apply after the day 1 patch, on the contrary it will, more so when the data get corrected.

Of course top players will take a huge advantage over this, but will help new guys to understand what's going on before start crying to nerf something.

Without further delays, MKX runs at 60 frames per second, meaning that at ever 1 second in real time, 60 frames will run in the game.

State 0, or Neutral state = Its a technical term in M.U.G.E.N or fighting games to define all stances from a fighting game, during the state 0 the character is free from any draw backs, it means the Player has the control over the character at that exact moment and he can block, attack move at any moment. So when the fight word fades, both characters starts at State 0.

This is what you will see on the frame data screen:

The MKX only gives you 6 options of Frame Data statistics so before i go any further into this i
So how do you do that?

Cancel advantage is one of the most important datas in the game, it can tell you if P1 strings is indeed a blockstring or just a frame trap.

So what is a blockstring?
Blockstring is when a move canceled into another move doesn't leave any gap between the cancel and startup frames, forcing you to block the whole thing during the process.

How to find out if my opponent is doing a blockstring on me?

In MKX almost all strings and normals can be canceled, and there are some that can't be canceled, lets

So standing 1 is 8f startup, on block is 0 frames, and canceling is 11frames.
0- 11 = 11f blockstun

, 2 (the next attack in line) is 6 frames startup, meaning that it reaches the opponent before the blockstun of cancel advantage fades so 1, 2 is a true blockstring, and has a cancel advantage of 16 frames and a block adv of -10 frames.
16-10 = 6f blockstun


Eddy, appreciate the info but although u changed the formula to cancel + advantage instead of minus, several of the examples you gave still have the minus formula. Could you change that or explain why I'm wrong? Thanks

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
ive never invested in learning frame data, but i think i will for this game, great post! i just have one question though, you use the word "fade" a few times... is that the correct word to use? i mean active frames dont fade do they? they end and then recovery frames begin? or am i misunderstanding? or are there instances of them overlapping?
English its not my first language, i should have use end instead, but they can overlap too, it happened in street fighter with longer active frames like Ibuki's cr.MP.
@Evil Eddy Wang
Maybe I've missed something, but... In MK9 Somberness said that his "execution" data meant, in fact, not just startup, but also 1st active frame. I'm not sure if the same is correct for MKX. If what we see here is indeed just "startup", then "official MKX" 5f is just as fast as "Somberness brand execution" 6f. Can you comment on that?

Also, "Cancel" means how much of recovery is being cut off by action of cancel? Interesting. Thanks for that one, I was guessing between cancel on block advantage and cancel on hit advantage :D

Also what @Trini_Bwoi said. Are you sure, OP, that everything you've posted is correct, or is that your educated guess?
Unless Paulo did something just to piss us off, that is how it is intended to work
A dude on youtube tried to link a jip into F4 with scorpion, he miss timed the cancel and lost the hit advantage, so then the next attack didn't came out in the cancel window since is 24 frames, and J2 is only 23 hit adv, didn't recognized as a combo link

Eddy, appreciate the info but although u changed the formula to cancel + advantage instead of minus, several of the examples you gave still have the minus formula. Could you change that or explain why I'm wrong? Thanks
Its math, C = (a) + (-b)
+- = -
- and - = +

If i put the formula with minus, and i have a move with less blockstun then i will end up having a wrong calculus because two negatives returns the result as positive.


I've never bothered to really learn frame data, but I might for MKX. I just don't really know how to apply it to my thought process while playing, like I don't see moves as numbers you know? I don't think I have the reaction time tbh lol
This is one of the the most common misconceptions people have about Frame Data. You are NOT thinking constantly about frame data during play. You test things out in training based on frame data. You might remember during play certain strings has holes in it so you can blast right through it. Remember a move is an X amount of negative frame on block and you know which moves you can use to punish it, or atleast know your move will come out before.

Just by looking at frame data you can think up entire scenarios in your head by simply looking at it, then when you go into training you know what you want to try out.

So in short, you use framedata during training to practice things only to make it muscle memory to use in a match.


"I saw you staring"
Dude... That "Cancel" data is going to really help so much so you know how to form combos or block strings.
1, 2, 3 (the final attack in line) is 8 frames meaning that it will not connect the opponent before the blockstun fades, so gravedigger (1, 2, 3) its not a true blockstring there is at least a 2 frame gaps where you can armor trough the last part of the string and expose scorpion for not know knowing this, making him less reckless and actually check your meter before doing that string again.
Doesn't this mean there is actually only a 1f gap? 6f of blockstun plus first active is the 8th frame?
This is one of the the most common misconceptions people have about Frame Data. You are NOT thinking constantly about frame data during play. You test things out in training based on frame data. You might remember during play certain strings has holes in it so you can blast right through it. Remember a move is an X amount of negative frame on block and you know which moves you can use to punish it, or atleast know your move will come out before.

Just by looking at frame data you can think up entire scenarios in your head by simply looking at it, then when you go into training you know what you want to try out.

So in short, you use framedata during training to practice things only to make it muscle memory to use in a match.
cool, thanks for the advice. I will definitely be trying to implement this into my training for MKX :D


Meta saltmine
Can someone tell me what a 50/50 means?
Situation where you must guess what attack opponent will be doing to block/avoid it correctly. Like, when you are pressured and opponent can go for either low or overhead attack that are too fast for you to react to - that is classical 50/50. Obviously, there are variations of that situation (low/overhead may be hit/throw instead), but the effect stays.

Legion DC

"Another weakling..."
Situation where you must guess what attack opponent will be doing to block/avoid it correctly. Like, when you are pressured and opponent can go for either low or overhead attack that are too fast for you to react to - that is classical 50/50. Obviously, there are variations of that situation (low/overhead may be hit/throw instead), but the effect stays.
Thanks. I know what a 50/50 is now.