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What is your #1 worry about Mortal Kombat X?

What is your #1 worry about MKX?

  • Online Issues (example: Laggy gameplay, no rage quit punishing, reigon locking, etc)

    Votes: 144 55.4%
  • Balancing Issues (example: Some characters are super good, others are super bad)

    Votes: 56 21.5%
  • Characters that are to similar to others (example: Cassie being to similar to Johnny and Sonya, etc)

    Votes: 15 5.8%
  • Bad review scores from gaming sites (example: The game is great, but gets a lot of bad reviews, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bad Story (example: The story turns out to be bad, boring, short, ruins the story of MK, etc)

    Votes: 6 2.3%
  • Other (post specifics in the comments)

    Votes: 26 10.0%
  • No worries! I'm fine!

    Votes: 13 5.0%

  • Total voters

Apologia X

Trump 2020
Netplay for sure. As far as I know, there's nobody really hyped about MkX from where I live besides the casual fan that's going to drop it after a couple of months so online is really important to me. If online is crap, I'll just do what I did when Mk9 was out, which was watch streams and tournaments.


Reviews dont mean anything man. Sfxt got like... 8.7?? Or something and that game died off quick cause it sucked ass.

Mkx will no doubt have great reviews anyways. Reviewers are suckers for story modes and mk always has fantastic story modes. Not to mention the name mortal kombat alone will give it decent reviews immediately.
Mainstream Reviews for fgs don't matter they usually are noobs when it comes to competitive understanding let alone competitive design.

In fact when I saw dark souls 2 get better ratings than demons souls and dark souls 1 I lost all faith in mainstream reviewers


1) The influence of scrubs on the game's major balance decisions.

2) Lack of gameplay diversity.

3) Mediocre online gameplay.
unfortunately 80% of people lack solid zoning fundamentals and think landing 80%damage off a lucky guess and a setup takes more skill than constantly controlling your opponents movement and making 0 mistakes. Most people think rush down takes more skill and/or is more fun(when it really depends on the mu and sometimes zoning is much more demanding) Personally I wouldn't mind a game that was more purely about spacing and reactionary play.

Unfortunately I don't see a lot of risk reward consideration in nrs games. I atleast hope I have strong options for punishment of jumps (whether they yield big damage is not the issue) and I am not competing with absolutely retarded mixup games that yield huge damage.

id be happy without any Sonyas, batgirld, or Freddie's in the game


Kytinn King
I expect the netcode to be buttcheeks though im hoping for the best. You dont know the struggle till you hit up DOA. But character balance has me more worried. Not only because of what a character can/can't do, but these darn NRS-tier hitboxes. Youre either so massive that you get hit by EVERYTHING or tiny enough to do the exact opposite -____- That in itself can turn matchups into a much bigger mess than they should be.
I can't believe DOA netcode is still bad, they are spending too much time on costumes.


Mainstream Reviews for fgs don't matter they usually are noobs when it comes to competitive understanding let alone competitive design.

In fact when I saw dark souls 2 get better ratings than demons souls and dark souls 1 I lost all faith in mainstream reviewers
thats what i was saying lol


Yeah I was backing you up
Thanks homie

Also I need rain in my life. Boon shares so many frickn' RAIN pictures on Twitter.... I'll be so pissed if he's not playable my god.

That actually might be higher up on my wishlist than perfect netcode at this point. Damn you boon!!!

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
*Large abundance of useless normals
*Too many matchups decided at character select
*Lack of good footsie tools that isn't a d3/4
*Game hella unbalanced at the start of it's lifespan and or early tournaments meta is very one dimensional and hurts the games lifespan


Oh and no Baraka with rekkas. I'm getting cold sweats.


Im worried about NRS doing constant patches.

Hopefully we can allow the game to develop more until they start throwing it in. This has been an issue that turned many people off to NRS games.
I would wait at least 4 months in.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
I'm worried about two things specifically:

1. Variations on most characters will be simple 'traits' that don't offer much difference to some that have nice buff kind of variations.

2. Crappy DLC Characters.