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What is your #1 worry about Mortal Kombat X?

What is your #1 worry about MKX?

  • Online Issues (example: Laggy gameplay, no rage quit punishing, reigon locking, etc)

    Votes: 144 55.4%
  • Balancing Issues (example: Some characters are super good, others are super bad)

    Votes: 56 21.5%
  • Characters that are to similar to others (example: Cassie being to similar to Johnny and Sonya, etc)

    Votes: 15 5.8%
  • Bad review scores from gaming sites (example: The game is great, but gets a lot of bad reviews, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bad Story (example: The story turns out to be bad, boring, short, ruins the story of MK, etc)

    Votes: 6 2.3%
  • Other (post specifics in the comments)

    Votes: 26 10.0%
  • No worries! I'm fine!

    Votes: 13 5.0%

  • Total voters


Everybody's answer on this damn competitive MK website should be netcode.
Like really?!? It's been shit in the past and we haven't seen any talks about it yet and the game is a month out.


cr. HP Master
Everybody's answer on this damn competitive MK website should be netcode.
Like really?!? It's been shit in the past and we haven't seen any talks about it yet and the game is a month out.
It's kind of worrisome. I am expecting them to say, "its improved from IGAU." They'll leave it at that.


Online easily, me and my brother are going to have a legit offline scene for vegas in mkx for sure now, but we still would like to be able to play others online for matchup experience and just for fun in general. Everything else I am content with without a doubt.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
I'd say the balance because NRS :
A) Can't balance for shit (either because they cannot, because they will not, or because they will patch too quickly and not enough.)
B) Has a history of games with atrocious match-ups with no real attempt at fixing that.

Netcode being bad is not a problem I've ever had with Injustice, only slightly with MK9. Should it be improved? Yeah, sure. With this internet I should be fine for most matches I'd encounter, so that's why I didn't put netcode first, or else that'd be the first priority.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
More than online issues I'm worried about unfixable glitches like input bug and meter drain glitch. These are the things that truly held back the MK9 competitive scene. NRS proved with Injustice that they can make a game relatively free of issues like this but I'm worried one could randomly pop in MKX.
There were no major glitches like this in Injustice. It's mostly safe to say that NRS learned their lesson here.


Hot Gyahbage
I expect the netcode to be buttcheeks though im hoping for the best. You dont know the struggle till you hit up DOA. But character balance has me more worried. Not only because of what a character can/can't do, but these darn NRS-tier hitboxes. Youre either so massive that you get hit by EVERYTHING or tiny enough to do the exact opposite -____- That in itself can turn matchups into a much bigger mess than they should be.


1. balance. I won't want to play it if the balance turns out to be crap.

2. Net code- if the balance isn't shit, I'll want to play online, so i don't want the netcode to be shit.
Wave dashing not being in this game kinda kills it for me, I felt like mk9 was benefiting from that mechanic in terms of aggressive style gameplay. Obviously that's not the only aggressive mechanic but it did make the pressure better.


RIP Akira Toriyama
My two main issues are balance and netcode. I guess netcode a little more. Perhaps a bit of gameplay depth as well... I'm afraid the netcode turns out shit like MK9 and IGAU and that certain characters are easily mastered and not balanced at all since too much focus is put on story mode. I hope I'm wrong, though.
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TestYourMight SUCKS
The worst balance issues NRS will be facing to date. An overpowered Kitana, DVorah and Cassie.


Lol @ people thinking Cassie's going to be overpowered. Half of her moves buffers and are easily noticeable from miles away all one would have to do it just duck and counter that mess.


Probably the roster. If the leak ends up being true, I'll be really disappointing.
I'd be shocked and ashamed to even call this a roster, to be quite frank. Outside a few names, this doesn't look promising (regardless of the newer characters because we all know damn well, we're not getting this game just for the newer characters).


Let's save speculation about what's broken as well as how to deal with said broken commodities until we've all at least played the game once or twice
Okay. But, I'm saving this post to bring it back up when people start saying she's Low Tier or "Crap" tier.


The ability to anti air, I already know there will be and have no fear of a lack of balance and some variations will be ass


I'm worried about balancing, over the course of NRS' record, they stop balancing after dlc hits. That's normally when we need more balancing. DLC shouldn't go unbalanced or have less balancing that the main cast. I would like NRS to keep a team for balancing 1.5 yrs after release. In injustice and MK we are still discovering glitches, bugs, OP strat, etc.... I would just like to see that NRS care more this time.