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Most Entertaining Character to Watch?

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Sorry if this topic already exists, but:

Who do find is the most entertaining character to watch in streams, videos, etc?
I find Mileena, Quan Chi, and Scorpion to be the most enjoyable.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Top 3: Ermac, Scorpion, Rain.
Honorable mentions: Shang Tsung, JADE.

I see the fucking crazy things Jade does with that staff and I honestly don't know how she isn't higher on the echelon.


Magical Gaming Wizard
Johnny Cage. My personal favorite. Its just so fun to watch a good Cage because his gameplay is so dependent on block strings, footsies, and reads.
And when they get that forward 3,3 Ex. Fireball (x3) string going.... <3


Play Monster Hunter!
Jax, Scorpion, Smoke, Rain, Kabal.

Worst to watch.
Nightwolf, Kano, stryker, Raiden, Freddy(Though this is more nitpicky because I hate the way he stands and animates in general, I just find him ugly).
Also possibly baraka, I mean I love when he shows up because he is so rare, but if he was more popular he would probably get boring fast.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Johnny Cage. he's like watching two heavy weights in a UFC match. You are just sitting there... waiting for someone to knock the other out. Once JC is in... its like a flurry of awesome.
I also like watching Sub and Noob.

Lt. Boxy Angelman


I'm also fond of Sektor and the ping pong action of multiple TUs.
If Rain gets Pop The Bottle, and Sonya gets Onion Ring, I think it's only fair the next time there's a Sektor on stream (SwiftTom comes to mind), someone on commentary's gotta say *BOING* everytime he bounces someone with TU flurries.



Favs: Rain (CD Jr), Sub-Zero (Tom Brady), Nightwolf (L0rdoftheFLY), Scorpion (Slips and Check), Ermac (j0sh99 and PyschoToad), Sheeva (Digi! :)), Sindel (DanCock), Cyrax (TrohyClub and Mustard-LK from the UK :D), Sektor (Ketchup from the UK), Sonya (f0xy and Riu48), Mileena (REO!), Kitana (16 bit and Konqrr)

Worst: Kung Lao unless it's McFly ;)

Lt. Boxy Angelman

REO's Cage scares me more than his Mileena.
I had the biggest problems with her for awhile, which I mainly set out to learn how to beat her because of watching him play her, then I get the hang of it finally, and he comes back with Johnny and is even more of a beast than he was before. Good grief.
Amazing fighter, reputed awesome dude...last person I'd ever want to run into in a tournament.

Can't go wrong with the Sauce Brothers, Mustard or Ketchup.
Smoke - Aris/KT Smith
Reptile - Chris G/Teef/Sabin
Nightwolf - JimCoastin
Sheeva - Simon Belmont
Stryker - Simon Belmont
Mileena - REO/Bryan/Luis
Kitana - Konqrr/CD/16 Bit
Kung Lao - Perfect Legend/Classy Sasquatch/Tom Brady
Liu Kang - Brian (NJ Body Shop)
Baraka - Shadow Zero/JamesMK/Simon Belmont/SomeCubanGuy
Raiden - JOP/PR Balrog
Cyber Sub Zero - REO/David
Kabal - Erik Warda/AC1984/REO
Sindel - Dancock
Sektor - Swift Tom/David
Cage - Infusion/JOP/REO and many others.
Cyrax - DarthArma/Noobe/Maxter
Scorpion - ScootMcGee/Slips/Infusion
Ermac - Floe/Josh99
Noob - Chris G/Tomahawk/Hitoshura
Kenshi - Sabin/Teef
Jax - CDjr/Erik
Kano - Indrid Cold/George and everyone else who uses him.
Sonya - Morty Seinfeld/Riu48
Jade - REO
Sub Zero - Maxter/Denzel/Tom Brady
Shang Tsung - DetroitBallin
Quan Chi - Big Marcus/REO/David
Skarlet - Chris G/REO
Rain - CDjr/Chris G
Freddy - Darth Arma


Smoke - Aris/KT Smith
Reptile - Chris G/Teef/Sabin
Nightwolf - JimCoastin
Sheeva - Simon Belmont
Stryker - Simon Belmont
Mileena - REO/Bryan/Luis
Kitana - Konqrr/CD/16 Bit
Kung Lao - Perfect Legend/Classy Sasquatch/Tom Brady
Liu Kang - Brian (NJ Body Shop)
Baraka - Shadow Zero/JamesMK/Simon Belmont/SomeCubanGuy
Raiden - JOP/PR Balrog
Cyber Sub Zero - REO/David
Kabal - Erik Warda/AC1984/REO
Sindel - Dancock
Sektor - Swift Tom/David
Cage - Infusion/JOP/REO and many others.
Cyrax - DarthArma/Noobe/Maxter
Scorpion - ScootMcGee/Slips/Infusion
Ermac - Floe/Josh99
Noob - Chris G/Tomahawk/Hitoshura
Kenshi - Sabin/Teef
Jax - CDjr/Erik
Kano - Indrid Cold/George and everyone else who uses him.
Sonya - Morty Seinfeld/Riu48
Jade - REO
Sub Zero - Maxter/Denzel/Tom Brady
Shang Tsung - DetroitBallin
Quan Chi - Big Marcus/REO/David
Skarlet - Chris G/REO
Rain - CDjr/Chris G
Freddy - Darth Arma
I forgot Reptile too... Sabin, Chris G and THTB :(


Awesome list, botha!


Come On Die Young
Favorites: Baraka, Kitana, Sektor, SHEEVA

I don't like watching Liu Kang's that much. The only entertaining one, in my opinion, is xblades (or whatever his name is)

And Check, no Bw1zz for Raiden??? He's the most entertaining Raiden I've seen.


This is how I would describe all characters gameplay (in order of my liking):
Johnny Cage - rushing snake; gets close and bites you till you die.
Jade - patient fox; stands close, backs up if she has to, attacks when sees an opportunity, but never runs away.
Skarlett - flesh hungry panther; nuff' said, eat you alive.
Rain - thunder bolt; very dangerous and flashy.
Smoke - gracious ninja; the most gracious ninja in my opinion.
Noob Saibot - silent assasin; "pure evil" as stated in OneBoxyRobot's banner.
Mileena - seductive fist technique (some sort of fighting style :))
Ermac - unseen fist; I like watching him a lot, telelkinesis is da shit.
Kenshi - steady warrior, deadly strike.
Jax - pure power in the chin; pure physical power.
Scorpion - stinging scorpion (obviously lol); here, there, 111, awesome!
Kitana - tricky butterfly; beautiful, yet deadly.
Sonya - aggressive fox; pretty aggressive character - this I like.
Human Cyrax and Sektor - they're like ying/yang brothers, I like watching them a lot more than robo versions.
Goro - moving mountain; a piece of a goddamn mountain moving towards you, CRUSHED!
Shao Kahn - the ultimate power burst; the man with the master plan - pure power, pure energy, and evil, can one want more?
Shang Tsung - spitting cobra; he's pretty cool to watch doing damage without moving and having so many options for setups, cool character.
Quan Chi - slow but deadly leech; pretty slow, but tricky and flashy at times.
Stryker - police brutality!!! Like a bat on your spine.
Sindel - more like a panther close and more like a snake from far.
Nightwolf - elder eagle (I think Eldereagle fits him better than Nightwolf, cool name though); deadly from far and coming in close really fast.
Liu Kang - pure technique; although he has 1-string combos, he seems technical to me and I like watching him.
Sub-Zero - patient tiger; patient, but if he gets in - rips you apart.
Kabal - light machinegun; from far shoots fast, from close - hits fast.
Reptile - rapid lizard; he's like all over the place and all over you, yuk. Kabal and Reptile look the same to me.
Cyber Sub-Zero - rushing ox; I see him as an ox coming in very powerfully, don't know why.
Kung Lao - deadly mouse; quick and deadly.
Baraka - raging bear; seems like he's coming to rip you in pieces.
Sheeva - female version of the moving mountain, more of a stomping rock or something...
Sektor (robo) - pure tank and armor, the most armored-badass cyborgs in my opinion.
Cyrax (robo) - all sorts of traps, when I watch him I imagine traps, lots of'em...
Kintaro - I like watching him, he has cool moves and is like a giant tiger that comes to rip your head off, but, man, looks gay...
Raiden - traveling lightning; don't like him too much, irritates me.
Kratos and Freddy Krueger - don't like to see them at all, although Freddy has some good stuff.

That's my view on characters. Of course, the player may present them in other lights, but I see them this way.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
I find the playstyle of the player entertaining, not who the player chooses. But any underused character is always entertaining, if used at high levels.
Thanks Scott. You inspired me to make one :) Thanks for the mention also.

revolver - Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet last night. Anyway, i have not seen BWizz's raiden in action yet. Hook me up with a link if you dont mind. I don't know where he plays. I try to watch as many streams as possible etc. Thanks for the heads up. Just never saw him play yet. I'm sure he's boss.


Come On Die Young
Bw1zz is an AZ player and plays at their locals with DrDogg, Detroitballn, JediRobb, and others. I'm pretty sure he's around the forums too. And yeah, I'm kinda shy around people until some conversation starter comes up, next time I'll say hi haha.