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MKX Comic Plot Discussion & Speculation Thread


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Yes its not illegal to watch a youtube video but its about your mindset of why pay if you can get it for free even tho its not really free.
Also this isnt a "impression video" alone. Its shows and reads the entire comic. A comic impression is like a synopsis. It shouldnt show and tell you anything.
Go feed the poor Robin Hood.
If its not illegal then whats the problem? Is it just that I won't throw a dollar at a comic site that might not be giving the whole dollar to the publisher?
Its something that, literally, anyone can access at their own volition. I just happened to post one of potentially multiple videos. It would take me 5 minutes to find another video from another person that does the same thing minus the voices. And I'm aware its not an impression video, but its not as though I couldn't find one that shows the comic and then gives an impression of what they just read.

Oooh, Doombawkz is a big bad guy because he won't pay a dollar. Yeah, ok, sure. I'm a terrible person for not paying a dollar.
Everyone who hasn't paid a dollar in this thread is equally as terrible for scrounging off of the discussion of others.
Everyone who has paid a dollar and discussed in this thread is equally as terrible for allowing those who haven't paid to gain the benefit.

Or maybe you just keep chucking your dollars at the screen and pretend like without that 99c MKX wouldn't survive.
I'm sure we can't do it without your pocket change fueling us on.
If you want to pirate, and/or take advantage of things without supporting the creators at least don't try to bullshit up a reason to make yourself feel justified.
Then why are you in here? Did you pay your dollar toll to get in on the info? Perhaps you haven't bought every copy?
If so, then how dare you come in and gain or provide free information for those who haven't supported the comic?
You should be ashamed for either taking advantage without supporting the creators, or allowing others to do so.

When it goes full circle, you guys can point the finger at me all you want. At the end of the day, you're criticizing someone for posting a video when most of the people in here haven't bought a single copy. This discussion is for speculation and discussion, something I've enabled for more people to do in more depth and detail. The best you guys have done in the past 2 pages (barring Youph who actually provided some valid well-thought-out points) is say anyone who hasn't paid for it (90% of this topic's viewers) is a bad person. The literal worst logic since the first post, the entire thing the thread is based off of, gives anyone the ability to learn exactly what happened in the comic FOR FREE, meaning they don't have to pay or support anyone. Was it paid for by someone? Sure, but then, so was the video since the guy bought the comic so he could do a reading of it.

The only difference is I'm trying to add discussion, you guys are trying to remove/censor it. Get that weak zealot shit out of here.
No one cares about your feelings. They wanna know the juicy tidbits. They wanna see Rain get turned into a ReDead and left as a smoldering husk on the floor. Either you tell them, or they'll just go find out on their own. They don't care that you think they are bad people, because being frank, they aren't bad people. They are just people.

Now if you guys are done, get back to the discussion.
Rain looks like a ReDead from the Zelda franchise, and frankly, I don't think he will be coming back since we are already overdue for burn-face Liu Kang.
Also somewhat impressive that Kotal is apparently strong enough to rip off Goro's arms, yet not strong enough to tank a bullet to the kidney. Ferra/Torr look spiffy, and a lack of Erron black is interesting.


Likes nerds with big ...
FYI: You guys CAN report the videos for Copyright infringement/Send the links to Shaun/NRS.

Anyways, I don't think they're out of bounds for speculating but it's gotten to a ridiculous point where people are at each other's throats. IIRC it started because someone got testy at the reception to his theory...

And @Doombawkz a lot of people here did actually pay that .99 so where did you come from?


Trust me, I'm a doctor
FYI: You guys CAN report the videos for Copyright infringement/Send the links to Shaun/NRS.

Anyways, I don't think they're out of bounds for speculating but it's gotten to a ridiculous point where people are at each other's throats. IIRC it started because someone got testy at the reception to his theory...

And @Doombawkz a lot of people here did actually pay that .99 so where did you come from?
Once he purchases the comic, he is free to do with it what he wishes. From then on, that specific copy of the comic is his property, to which copyright cannot be claimed against him.


Likewise since this is a free service, not forbidden by any direct statement, contract, or exclusive right, you can't call it an act of piracy or theft.

Also this topic has some 75k total views, and totaling in a 1400 or so replies. Assuming that not even 1/10th of these people are repeat visitors, I still highly doubt that of those 7500 unique viewers and 140 unique replies a majority have shelled out .99 for every single issue. A lot of people? Sure, maybe, depending on your definition of "a lot", but I can wager with almost 100% certainty that more people have not than have.

Because he is weaker. Read what he says right before taking the bullet.
I can't because it makes me a bad person or something


Justice 4 Firestorm
Hopefully they kill off Kintaro and Sheeva. They had no problem doing it in the old timeline and they haven't added much in general.

Mostly because my boy Motaro wasn't allowed to live. :( Plus I've always despised Kintaro.
Wonder if we'll see any of the Shokan and Centaur rivalry or any centaurs, but with no Motaro anymore, I doubt it.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Hopefully they kill off Kintaro and Sheeva. They had no problem doing it in the old timeline and they haven't added much in general.

Mostly because my boy Motaro wasn't allowed to live. :(
Wonder if we'll see any of the Shokan and Centaur rivalry or any centaurs, but with no Motaro anymore, I doubt it.
Its interesting that we get to see a bit of ShoKan culture as well, and its a bit surprising that Kotal knows about their customs on acts of kindness and the like.

Reptile switches sides a lot, I wonder if it'll happen again. Seems more likely than Rain getting back up.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Ill sum this shit up right here and right now...If you ever downloaded music from a site/app or whatever for free, then you can't talk down or criticize ppl watching a read through of a comic book on youtube for free Imean come on ...It's not even that big of a deal tbh
Thats actual piracy. Once again, not the same thing.
Most people haven't pirated music, myself included. I'll shell out .99 for music because I plan to listen to it more than once.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
Thats actual piracy. Once again, not the same thing.
Most people haven't pirated music, myself included. I'll shell out .99 for music because I plan to listen to it more than once.
Piracy or not the point is how can someone complain about not supporting something even if it is only a dollar when everyone here has downloaded ,watched something for free...No one pays for EVERYTHING they want entertainment wise when there are a million options to get it free online , Ppl like free shit and if someone is offering something for free more then likely your gonna take it.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
Isn't watching some comic on YouTube the same exact thing as watching some gameplay of a game on YouTube?

For example, I watched a whole playthrough of MGS4 to understand the story. I could've bought a PS3 and the game itself but I simply couldn't be bothered. Does that make me a scumbag for not supporting Konami?


Justice 4 Firestorm
Its interesting that we get to see a bit of ShoKan culture as well, and its a bit surprising that Kotal knows about their customs on acts of kindness and the like.

Reptile switches sides a lot, I wonder if it'll happen again. Seems more likely than Rain getting back up.
Normally I'd be sick of Reptile being a dumb lackey, but Kotal Kahn seems like he would actually help him out. Would a preferred he got with Khameleon already and had kids.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Piracy or not the point is how can someone complain about not supporting something even if it is only a dollar when everyone here has downloaded ,watched something for free...No one pays for EVERYTHING they want entertainment wise when there are a million options to get it free online , Ppl like free shit and if someone is offering something for free more then likely your gonna take it.
I mean I get the point, but like... No.
Piracy is actually illegal, and punishable by fines and imprisonment.
What we are referring to is protected under Fair use laws. Its actually legal.

Isn't watching some comic on YouTube the same exact thing as watching some gameplay of a game on YouTube?

For example, I watched a whole playthrough of MGS4 to understand the story. I could've bought a PS3 and the game itself but I simply couldn't be bothered. Does that make me a scumbag for not supporting Konami?
Theres a special circle in hell for you.

Normally I'd be sick of Reptile being a dumb lackey, but Kotal Kahn seems like he would actually help him out. Would a preferred he got with Khameleon already and had kids.
He doesn't seem like a "dumb" lackey, but like with Kano it was a bit interesting because you never know where his allegiances lie. Quan pulled this same card in the final chapter of the MK9 story, and I think its a nice twist since Reptile seems to actually be that kind of character which never had the chance to fill that role.

Also maybe killing his father to make Kotal the new king... was the plan all along :O

Vak Phoenix

Lol guys wtf, someone tell me what happened in the new issue? Kotal took off goros arms and burned rain and then sonya shot him right?

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
I mean I get the point, but like... No.
Piracy is actually illegal, and punishable by fines and imprisonment.
What we are referring to is protected under Fair use laws. Its actually legal.
Smh you do kno my post was to help you out right?..And what im trying to explain to you is ..Everyone in this thread that is bashing you for watching the comics on youtube have no right to do so if they ever downloaded music for free ( which LBSH EVERYONE HAS, who pays for every single song they have downloaded? ) or watched a blockbuster movie online for free..It's free entertainment which everyone is most likely guilty of...And to say most ppl haven't downloaded music( aka pirated) for free is nonesense.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Actually open readings of the entire thing especially commercialized actually falls under copyright infringement. Just saying.
Commentary is covered under fair use law. Likewise its a transformative act upon the piece, which is also covered by the first preamble.


Filthy Casual
Mileena finally speaks! Plus, we get some clearer looks at her new costume. Can't wait for her reveal man to see her variations. Anonyone else think Rain is going to get a new "origin story" now and get a bit of a revamp since he got scorched? I don't think NRS is totally done with him but they want to overhaul him a bit.

EDIT: Also...pssst....if you guys collectively stop talking about derailing topics then topics stop getting derailed. (I.E Don't type/respond to things with your keyboard. It's a conscious choice.)