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MKX Comic Plot Discussion & Speculation Thread


Master of The Universe
Even the OP is discussing this. What's this site's infatuation with stifling discussion?
I came here to read MKX info, and I'm getting schooled about Piracy.

Can we have some discussion and speculation regarding the MKX comic instead of debates on the ethics of piracy?

I think this is getting a bit out of hand.
It needs to be dealt with. Bring a mod to this.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
@Goldy plz clean up youtube spam posts that add nothing to the conversation
Do they not? The discussion has reached a point where certain content is being considered either unsuitable for post, or appropriate.
I feel like it is a fair discussion considering that it does entail the focus of the topic (the MKX comic) and can/will outline the stipulations for further posting of content. I don't feel like any post given since the youtube video post has been wasted, personally. Barring some which are just insults.

In fact, I think it would be wrong to end the discussion without a clear line on what is and is not okay to post. Are we against all information if it has to do with the comic, are we starting a toll where only people who have paid can talk and read, or are we keeping it completely open ended?

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Mileena finally speaks! Plus, we get some clearer looks at her new costume. Can't wait for her reveal man to see her variations. Anonyone else think Rain is going to get a new "origin story" now and get a bit of a revamp since he got scorched? I don't think NRS is totally done with him but they want to overhaul him a bit.
I'm really curious about her eyes.

If memory serves, she had her orange catty eyes when we first saw her, and in this issue she seems to have very "normal" blue-ish eyes. I wonder if this is just because of the different artists, an oversight, or if it's intentional.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
I came here to read MKX info, and I'm getting schooled about Piracy.
There's plenty of MKX discussion in this thread. It just so happens that people are discussing something else. In fact, are we not discussing about comics? You can ignore it if you like.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I'm really curious about her eyes.

If memory serves, she had her orange catty eyes when we first saw her, and in this issue she seems to have very "normal" blue-ish eyes. I wonder if this is just because of the different artists, an oversight, or if it's intentional.
I didn't notice it before, but you're right on that. Also, did you happen to notice Reiko's behavior? Like I know he is a good double agent but he seems a bit too convincing for my tastes. Also he seems to be right on the money about Goro, something he wouldn't divulge if his goal was truly to get rid of both Mileena and Goro.


Filthy Casual
I'm really curious about her eyes.

If memory serves, she had her orange catty eyes when we first saw her, and in this issue she seems to have very "normal" blue-ish eyes. I wonder if this is just because of the different artists, an oversight, or if it's intentional.
I noticed that too and honestly, as much as I'd like to think it was intentional, it's probably just a continuity issue.


Commentary is covered under fair use law. Likewise its a transformative act upon the piece, which is also covered by the first preamble.
Reading stuff word for word isnt commentary on my planet.
Why do you always trying to be right?

But whatever...


I hope Reiko got Shao Kahns hammer and he gonna be in MKX. Would be cool to see him have a Kahn like play style.
Hey maybe he can even wear his helmet finally for at least 1 variations. :DOGE

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I didn't notice it before, but you're right on that. Also, did you happen to notice Reiko's behavior? Like I know he is a good double agent but he seems a bit too convincing for my tastes. Also he seems to be right on the money about Goro, something he wouldn't divulge if his goal was truly to get rid of both Mileena and Goro.
Based on Goro's dialogue about how the Shokan are conquerors and not subjects, I think Reiko was right on about Goro. Using and dismissing Goro so soon would be a waste of his abilities and resources, so perhaps Reiko only planned to have use Goro to kill Kotal and then leave Goro in the dust, effectively killing two birds with one stone.

The real question though is who's using who between Reiko and Mileena. It's tough to say now, but I think it's possible that Mileena is feigning ignorance and compliance to use Reiko to her advantage. He appears intelligent and resourceful, so allowing him to think he's in control would be the best way to use him.


Trust me, I'm a doctor

I hope Reiko got Shao Kahns hammer and he gonna be in MKX. Would be cool to see him have a Kahn like play style.
Hey maybe he can even wear his helmet finally for at least 1 variations. :DOGE
I can imagine he will be, though I don't know if he will have the hammer. I'm more interested in how Goro will play now that he is...


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Based on Goro's dialogue about how the Shokan are conquerors and not subjects, I think Reiko was right on about Goro. Using and dismissing Goro so soon would be a waste of his abilities and resources, so perhaps Reiko only planned to have use Goro to kill Kotal and then leave Goro in the dust, effectively killing two birds with one stone.

The real question though is who's using who between Reiko and Mileena. It's tough to say now, but I think it's possible that Mileena is feigning ignorance and compliance to use Reiko to her advantage. He appears intelligent and resourceful, so allowing him to think he's in control would be the best way to use him.
Well lets assume that he wants to out Mileena, why say anything about Goro? If Goro wins, he can take out Mileena and Reiko can probably get the up on Goro considering his confidence in the matter... It just doesn't make much sense to warn your enemy of what might've potentially been your best weapon.

It does bug me a bit that we haven't seen much of Mileena's outlook barring her trying to seduce Goro with Mutton, and telling Reiko she trusts him.

Reiko is deff gonna end up with the hammer. He is the only one that could use it and not seem awkward with it imo
Goro seemed pretty badass with it.


Kung Fu Treachery
I'm really curious about her eyes.

If memory serves, she had her orange catty eyes when we first saw her, and in this issue she seems to have very "normal" blue-ish eyes. I wonder if this is just because of the different artists, an oversight, or if it's intentional.
When we first saw her in Raiden's vision she had the same eyes as the latest issue. Only the issue with the guest artist had the MK9 cat eyes.

Here are all the images we have seen of her eyes in order of appearance.

I'm going to wager it was simply an error on the part of the guest artist.

I personally thought the cat eyes were cool and set her even further apart from Kitana.

ALSO, daaaaamn. Kotal Kahn is a baller. I am loving all the new characters.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Well lets assume that he wants to out Mileena, why say anything about Goro? If Goro wins, he can take out Mileena and Reiko can probably get the up on Goro considering his confidence in the matter... It just doesn't make much sense to warn your enemy of what might've potentially been your best weapon.

It does bug me a bit that we haven't seen much of Mileena's outlook barring her trying to seduce Goro with Mutton, and telling Reiko she trusts him.
The only reason I can think of for Reiko offing Goro and sticking with Mileena for now is that being with Mileena must have advantages that wouldn't exist with her out of the picture.

It could be possible that she commands respect amongst many of Shao Kahn's previous subjects and in using her, Reiko can use them to get rid of threats like Goro and Kotal. Perhaps he's attempting to use Mileena and her resources to get rid of all the "truly dangerous" threats, and either ruling through Mileena when she's back in full control or simply offing her once there's no more competition and he has cemented himself as her successor? I think it would be much easier to rule through, manipulate, and possibly overthrow a (technically) 15 year old girl than a 2,000 year old Shokan prince.


Plus on block.
If its not illegal then whats the problem? Is it just that I won't throw a dollar at a comic site that might not be giving the whole dollar to the publisher?
Its something that, literally, anyone can access at their own volition. I just happened to post one of potentially multiple videos. It would take me 5 minutes to find another video from another person that does the same thing minus the voices. And I'm aware its not an impression video, but its not as though I couldn't find one that shows the comic and then gives an impression of what they just read.

Oooh, Doombawkz is a big bad guy because he won't pay a dollar. Yeah, ok, sure. I'm a terrible person for not paying a dollar.
Everyone who hasn't paid a dollar in this thread is equally as terrible for scrounging off of the discussion of others.
Everyone who has paid a dollar and discussed in this thread is equally as terrible for allowing those who haven't paid to gain the benefit.

Or maybe you just keep chucking your dollars at the screen and pretend like without that 99c MKX wouldn't survive.
I'm sure we can't do it without your pocket change fueling us on.

Then why are you in here? Did you pay your dollar toll to get in on the info? Perhaps you haven't bought every copy?
If so, then how dare you come in and gain or provide free information for those who haven't supported the comic?
You should be ashamed for either taking advantage without supporting the creators, or allowing others to do so.

When it goes full circle, you guys can point the finger at me all you want. At the end of the day, you're criticizing someone for posting a video when most of the people in here haven't bought a single copy. This discussion is for speculation and discussion, something I've enabled for more people to do in more depth and detail. The best you guys have done in the past 2 pages (barring Youph who actually provided some valid well-thought-out points) is say anyone who hasn't paid for it (90% of this topic's viewers) is a bad person. The literal worst logic since the first post, the entire thing the thread is based off of, gives anyone the ability to learn exactly what happened in the comic FOR FREE, meaning they don't have to pay or support anyone. Was it paid for by someone? Sure, but then, so was the video since the guy bought the comic so he could do a reading of it.

The only difference is I'm trying to add discussion, you guys are trying to remove/censor it. Get that weak zealot shit out of here.
No one cares about your feelings. They wanna know the juicy tidbits. They wanna see Rain get turned into a ReDead and left as a smoldering husk on the floor. Either you tell them, or they'll just go find out on their own. They don't care that you think they are bad people, because being frank, they aren't bad people. They are just people.

Now if you guys are done, get back to the discussion.
Rain looks like a ReDead from the Zelda franchise, and frankly, I don't think he will be coming back since we are already overdue for burn-face Liu Kang.
Also somewhat impressive that Kotal is apparently strong enough to rip off Goro's arms, yet not strong enough to tank a bullet to the kidney. Ferra/Torr look spiffy, and a lack of Erron black is interesting.

You're over here throwing a hissy-fit talking about things I didn't even say.

And i've paid for every single copy.

If you want to take advantage of things you didn't pay for, do it, but don't act like you're justified in doing so, is all that I said.

If it's free it's free, but you're never going to not sound like an asshole if you honestly think something being free against the creator's will = something being deserved or okay to take.

I didn't say "you don't pay, you can't discuss", that was never my quarrel with you people, it's the bullshit reasoning you had for not paying and then taking advantage of. If you didn't say it I wouldn't even have asked or mentioned or replied about it.
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Trust me, I'm a doctor
The only reason I can think of for Reiko offing Goro and sticking with Mileena for now is that being with Mileena must have advantages that wouldn't exist with her out of the picture.

It could be possible that she commands respect amongst many of Shao Kahn's previous subjects and in using her, Reiko can use them to get rid of threats like Goro and Kotal. Perhaps he's attempting to use Mileena and her resources to get rid of all the "truly dangerous" threats, and either ruling through Mileena when she's back in full control or simply offing her once there's no more competition and he has cemented himself as her successor? I think it would be much easier to rule through, manipulate, and possibly overthrow a (technically) 15 year old girl than a 2,000 year old Shokan prince.
Perhaps, but at the same time, it still doesn't make much sense to warn her about Goro. At least, not that soon. An easier rule doesn't make up for the fact that you traded one of your strongest warriors, someone battle-trained to the point of being the prince of a race who decides sovereignty by battle, for a 15 year old girl. In the harsh reaches of outworld, where brawn is probably more valuable, I can't imagine Goro being less than Mileena.

You're over here throwing a hissy-fit talking about things I didn't even say.

And i've paid for every single copy.

If you want to take advantage of things you didn't pay for, do it, but don't act like you're justified in doing so, is all that I said.

If it's free it's free, but you're never going to not sound like an asshole if you honestly think something being free against the creator's will = something being deserved or okay to take.

I didn't say "you don't pay, you can't discuss", that was never my quarrel with you people, it's the bullshit reasoning you had for not paying and then taking advantage of. If you didn't say it I wouldn't even have asked or mentioned or replied about it.
None of this has anything to do with the MKX comic discussion at hand. The issue is moved on from. You can pm me your grievances if you still have them.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
So Mileena rules Khans army and Kotal rules the resistance? Im still not sure on this.. Ikno Kotal ruled Outworld at one point but then Mileena overthrew him Or is Kotal still ruling Outworld :confused:. So did the rest of Khans army go with her and left Kotal stuck with just his Race and a resistance right? Im so lost on this part of the story.


Likes nerds with big ...
I personally thought the cat eyes were cool and set her even further apart from Kitana.
I disliked it! It seemed like they wanted to drill in the whole "flawed" clone angle. It's less jarring to see a woman with cat eyes take down a veil to reveal a monstrous mouth than it is one with a seemingly normal visage. (Plus it made people seem stupid when confusing her with Kitana)

However, the worst thing they did was make her a newborn in MK9. :(