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starting to workout, need help for the top tiers.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Oh ok, whats the average calories a person should eat a week or in general because as they say "Dot eat too much as you cant burn" etc. I mean I dont want to get fat either but Im not gonna starve, Im keeping the rice and beans as my main source of protien.
depends on your weight and activity level. 2,000 calories per day is rule of thumb but it will always vary based on the things I mentioned
Consume fewer calories than you burn, shoot for a deficit of a few hundred every day. Don't eat shit and do lots of lower body/core work. Focus on your legs, back, abs, fuck everything above that, it's not worth worrying about, as those are your fun lifts anyways.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Consume fewer calories than you burn, shoot for a deficit of a few hundred every day. Don't eat shit and do lots of lower body/core work. Focus on your legs, back, abs, fuck everything above that, it's not worth worrying about, as those are your fun lifts anyways.
Dips and pull ups are good for your core right? Leg raises and shit like that too

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Dips and pull ups are good for your core right? Leg raises and shit like that too
Every exercise is good for your core if you do it right.

Core activation is one of the most advance things to master in exercise. It enhances every lift and every activity. I'm a believer in not doing core but rather mastering its functionality in other lifts.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Every exercise is good for your core if you do it right.

Core activation is one of the most advance things to master in exercise. It enhances every lift and every activity. I'm a believer in not doing core but rather mastering its functionality in other lifts.
So your core is like your body's foundation right?


Tank Top Guy
Cool, I'll try to explain my experience so far best I can. Right now I'm also training for a show and will be doing a video series, hooray! Since @Decay II gave his origins and posted a before photo, I will too. I used to go to the gym and just lift heavy, one of those douchebags who only did bench and never squatted below the knees. I was noticed by a group of bodybuilders/figure competitors and they gave me the guidance I needed to eventually compete in bodybuilding shows. Here was me before at 240ish:

And here was me a week before the Lenda Murray NPC show 180-181:

The one key thing I had to learn was diet, it is 98% of what you want to do with yourself. The VERY basics of a diet has to do with macros, which is the percentage the fat, protein and carbs that contribute to your daily caloric intake.

Fat - 10%
Carbs - 20%
Protein - 70%

Eating clean is also very important, my God I can't stress this enough. Try to follow the "caveman" rule, if it didn't exist back during caveman times, don't eat it! If there are anymore questions regarding diet please ask because it's a lot to cover in just a generic response. :)

I've been significantly loosing fat for the last 3 weeks.

Eating in a 4-6 hour window everyday, only about 1000-1200 Cal, with weightlifting 4-5 times a week. FastingTwins youtube channel has good info on it.

Shoutouts to freshprince2 mostly for the help.
Good job, you're doing it right!

I have a question. Will I get lean by only doing pull ups, dips, and chin ups? Don't those work outs burn a lot of calories?
Best way to get lean is through diet, those body exercises are nice (that's how I started out) but the main calorie burner is cardio :(

Well I want to lose body fat and gain muscle. I've changed my diet recently to mainly whole foods, nothing processed. No more eating out at McDonalds or shit like that. No more sodas either, just sticking to water. Cardio is my least favorite part about working out. =/
Losing body fat and gaining muscle is the one mystery I still can't crack, mainly cause I don't have the genetics for it! For a year I limited my carb intake while trying to gain mass and it just didn't happen, which sucks cause having a Persian GF means rice in every dish I couldn't eat :( Currently I've sucked up my pride, lost my 6 pack to gain fat along with the muscle I need. Unless you're the mesomorph body type, to gain muscle you usually have to bulk and then diet.
Its drinking Lipton diet green tea good so you can lose weight as well?
No, that crap contains Aspartame, an artificial sweetener. Avoid Saccharine, Aspartame and Sucralose, which causes bloating and overall just isn't good for you.

At work, will respond later :)


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I've heard there are good carbs and bad carbs. Would someone explain the difference pls?


"On your Knees!"
Thanks for the tips from all of you, much appreciated. If I have anymore questions in mind, I'll ask.


King of the Bill
I've heard there are good carbs and bad carbs. Would someone explain the difference pls?
here's a quick idea:Complex carbs vs simple carbs. The complex carbs take longer to digest and basically turn into sugars at a slower rate, fueling your energy. Simple carbs turn into sugar very quickly and are not great as an energy source, and usually results in fat gain.


There it is...
i've not read other comments:

Stick to big compound exercises at the start:

Deadlifts, squats, military press, bench press, bent over row.

DO NOT DO SOME STUPID 1400 Kcal diet that will get you nowhere

I'm 6 5" 110 kilos, eating 3600 calories a day and loosing weight and gaining strength.

If you have a smartphone, get MyFitnessPal

Work in cardio on your rest days.

Also rookie error is thinking that training abs will get you abs, your bodyfat has to be low enough first, and for that big compound exercises and running are the best.


Tank Top Guy
I've heard there are good carbs and bad carbs. Would someone explain the difference pls?
Decay explained the basics, why these carbs types are important is when to eat them. After a workout, you want the simple carbs to create an insulin spike, which body go into a state where it can absorb protein better (this is assuming you're eating protein post workout as well). Complex carbs are the ones you want to eat to stave off hunger, but usually not in a huge amount.

I just wanted to add try to stay away from "Enriched" wheat flour, which is where the complex carb of the grain has been broken down to a simple carb (with most of the vitamins and good stuff removed). A common source of complex carbs for people is white bread which is made of this stuff :/

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
flip kev is right its all about timing. Simple sugars are good for helping replenish used glycogen (muscle sugar) and for enhancing the insulin effect of a workout. Basically simple sugars and lots of protein 30-40 minutes after a workout. When your not exercising its better to go complex to keep your blood sugar and insulin levels steady


Dojo Trainee
So i'm trying to train to become a police officer and i'm doing mostly cardio work (running, push ups, sit ups etc). What sort of foods should I be eating to help maintain fitness. At the moment my diets pretty bad and i'm not seeing maximum results. So i'd like to know what should i be eating to help aid cardio and also help gain lean muscle so I can do more push ups, chin ups etc.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
So i'm trying to train to become a police officer and i'm doing mostly cardio work (running, push ups, sit ups etc). What sort of foods should I be eating to help maintain fitness. At the moment my diets pretty bad and i'm not seeing maximum results. So i'd like to know what should i be eating to help aid cardio and also help gain lean muscle so I can do more push ups, chin ups etc.
read flip kev's post and also download myfitnesspal on your smart phone.


Scrub God Lord
Today I went to the gym:cool:
was there for around 3 hours, did cardio like 70% of the time.
I tried a few machines, but It seems that cardio is the best way to go(like ppl pointed out here).
I never sweated this much in my entire life l0l
My question is should I make cardio my main focus until I lose my body fat?
I am clueless when It comes to protein shakes, powders and that stuff
please give me your top 3 protein shakes,powders (or w/e can help me reach the goals that I wish accomplish.)
lose enough weight to get some abs.
am going for a superman body look, a little more muscle than most people, but not so much that I look rico suave.
Today I went to the gym:cool:
was there for around 3 hours, did cardio like 70% of the time.
I tried a few machines, but It seems that cardio is the best way to go(like ppl pointed out here).
I never sweated this much in my entire life l0l
My question is should I make cardio my main focus until I lose my body fat?
I am clueless when It comes to protein shakes, powders and that stuff
please give me your top 3 protein shakes,powders (or w/e can help me reach the goals that I wish accomplish.)
lose enough weight to get some abs.
am going for a superman body look, a little more muscle than most people, but not so much that I look rico suave.

try to cut your gym time down, minimize lolligagging/rest time between exercise. don't try to cram everything into one session. i'm in and out in no more than 60-90 minutes. cardio is great but in combination with strength training, you'll def see a bigger difference. my advice is this: Lift weights and cardio. and on rest days from lifting feel free to throw in some cardio if you are up for it. Def try to enter the gym with FOCUS and a PLAN, know what you want to do. hopefully tym can provide you with that guidance as well.

Protein shakes are not what you need. Just eat right and save your money.
and i agree and disagree, you can def go without the protein shakes, if you are getting in the protein in your meals. It is a supplement so treat it as one if you do get it. Protein is pricey, but if you can drop the $$ for it, go for it. trying to cram in 70-100+ something grams of protein straight from food can get really filling
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Dojo Trainee
Dude if your starting out from not working out. Keep it simple grab some protein.
Do bench squats pull ups deadlifts.
Do two of em a day. Like bench and pull ups Monday. Squats, deadlifts Tuesday rest Wednesday repeat.
In the beginning it's not that big of a deal bout getting Intricate.
Just don't eat shitty.


I quit soda awhile ago (apart from mixing it with my whiskey) by going to flavored seltzer water. Makes it soooo much easier.
Same here bro. Whenever I get that itch to drink a soda I go straight for a flavored seltzer water. Little tricks like this go a long way towards living healthy.


Well-Known Member
My question is should I make cardio my main focus until I lose my body fat?
I heard it takes hella time and calories for a body to rebuild muscle after weightlifting, which burns more fat overall than cardio. Even though the common answer is "just do cardio." Would like these guys' take on it.

@flipkev @Decay II


Tank Top Guy
@flipkev What about bulking?

Fitting 320 grams of carbs is hard as shit and my apetite isn't even big. I bulk on 2500-3000 cals.
Lifting heavy, such as a 5x5 routine will increase your appetite. With bulking there is dirty and clean, where the dirty is prone to more fat gain than muscle. I hope you're doing a clean bulk, but dirty can work in some applications. If you're bulking on 3000 calories it seems your body weight maybe around 150-160ish, so be sure to get at least 170 grams of protein along with your carbs.

Would you like me to go into generic bulking and what I'm doing now or post what you're eating and have TYM analyze it?


Tank Top Guy
I heard it takes hella time and calories for a body to rebuild muscle after weightlifting, which burns more fat overall than cardio. Even though the common answer is "just do cardio." Would like these guys' take on it.

@flipkev @Decay II
Overall, to lose fat it's going to have to be diet, no feasible solutions otherwise. I've tried eating 12 doughnuts at a time and then attempt to burn it off from cardio, but it just doesn't work for most. For me I have to do cardio along with diet to cut, but some don't have to and I hate them >.<

On a side note, there was a great BBC documentary about losing weight:


One experiment done was to answer the question, do we burn more calories during or after a workout. What they did was put a guy on a treadmill, analyzing the oxygen he burned, then analyzed the same afterwards and it seems you do burn more overall after a workout :)