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starting to workout, need help for the top tiers.


Who cares? What's with people trying to derail what has been a pretty informative conversation thus far.
not trying to derail anything its real life advice... Some people go to the gym and put on muscle which then causes some (not all) to believe that they can fight... Thats far from the case.
I believe everyone should train in Martial Arts/Self defense even BEFORE they get into a gym routine.


People have different goals man. It's wise to understand that. Some people want aesthetics, doesn't mean you can't do both if one wants to learn self defense.
just making a general statement... That I think everyone should train in self defense NOT specifically the OP. everyone.


Filled with determination
I have a question, I have tendinitis in my right hand and I've had it for a few years now, that's fine I've gotten used to it and can do any lift or exercise no problem, except Deadlifts, I find that my right hand just falls apart and can't hold on to the grip past 225 pounds my left hand is fine and I feel my back can take more weight but my shit hand is holding me back. So any tips?
What do you mean "test my levels"? And going to the gym isn't a waste of time when you're out of shape, that's vague advice. I'm not talking about bulking up to be a competitive body builder, I'm talking about losing flab while building muscle. If you're saying "we're limited to our genetics" that's true for sure but you can ALWAYS improve where your at. Even if it's just for health purposes. I don't agree with your mentality.
you said build muscle right?. your free testosterone levels basically regulates how much you can get. just advice to see what your gonna be in the gym for if you wanna loose weight go on a caloric deficit and do high rep weigh training ,cardio is great for the heart and burning caloires but your not burning all fat your body may be burning muscle tissue as well . just something to think about


People are much less likely to screw with a huge bulky dude, so I dont get your point.

You can do both, btw.

You have to get my point unless English isnt your strong point.

But yes BOTH are fine...Self Defense is more important though.


My blades will find your heart
You have to get my point unless English isnt your strong point.

But yes BOTH are fine...Self Defense is more important though.
I get what you're saying and it is completely off topic. This is not a "Defend Yourself" thread, this is a "Workout Routine" thread. So kindly leave if you aren't going to add to it.

Edit: How do you know any of us are looking to fight? What the fuck are you talking about?


Filthy Casual
I have a question, I have tendinitis in my right hand and I've had it for a few years now, that's fine I've gotten used to it and can do any lift or exercise no problem, except Deadlifts, I find that my right hand just falls apart and can't hold on to the grip past 225 pounds my left hand is fine and I feel my back can take more weight but my shit hand is holding me back. So any tips?
You could invest in a pair of wrist straps that help with grip issues. They're pretty cheap (around $15-$25). Also, what kind of Deadlifts are you doing that cause the pain to flare up, dumbbell? You could try different variations of Deadlifts (trap bar, straight bar, machine) to see if it's more comfortable.

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I get what you're saying and it is completely off topic. This is not a "Defend Yourself" thread, this is a "Workout Routine" thread. So kindly leave if you aren't going to add to it.

Edit: How do you know any of us are looking to fight? What the fuck are you talking about?

My advice is to "workout" by doing BJJ. GET IT?

The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
Have you considered swimming? Its a great alternative if you have the resources, no joint impact at all, and you will burn just as much if not more then running. Something that I myself need to get back to since I have been having lower back and knee issues.
Are you referring to a pre-workout Caffeine and Nitro supplement? If yes I would recommend NO Xplode. The only one in the market that I've tried that is really effective. N.O. is really good for dilating the vascular system and caffein is quite benificial when lifting. Ease into these products. I cant stress that enough. I would start with half the recommend dose they prescribe on the label, especially with NO Xplode. N.O. is really good for your manhood down stairs, increase dilated blood flow will occur everywhere.


Filled with determination
You could invest in a pair of wrist straps that help with grip issues. They're pretty cheap (around $15-$25). Also, what kind of Deadlifts are you doing that cause the pain to flare up, dumbbell? You could try different variations of Deadlifts (trap bar, straight bar, machine) to see if it's more comfortable.

Straight bar it's not painfull necessarily I don't really feel pain my wrist just cracks whenever I move it and I can't grip nearly as well with it I may try those wrist straps

The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
You could invest in a pair of wrist straps that help with grip issues. They're pretty cheap (around $15-$25). Also, what kind of Deadlifts are you doing that cause the pain to flare up, dumbbell? You could try different variations of Deadlifts (trap bar, straight bar, machine) to see if it's more comfortable.

I never use these. Your grip, believe it or not is one of the most essential components in your strength. Strong grip equals greater strength, even in pushing/pec excercises. I would suggest taking the time to do grip oriented excercises like captian of crush grippers or just taking a heavy hammer by the end of the handle, arm extended straight and working it forwards and back. If you use the straps a lot your grip gets taken away a bit.


I just do 10min of cardio after workout at 4.0 - 5.0 speed to increase appetite cuz I'm bulking, idk why people think it makes you lose muscle mass, you'll lose if you don't eat enough and you're at a deficit.
A cardio only routine over time will. your body won't keep what it doesn't use and not all muscle fibers do the same thing, some a great at endurance but are weak, others are strong but can't work for long periods of time.

If you're trying to burn fat, doing resistance training immediately before cardio seems to work best according most recent research. You'd be better doing 30 minutes of weights then 30 of cardio than 60 minutes of cardio only.

Diet is also my downfall m can't out exercise a bad diet and I love cheeseburgers and pizza.


Haha, so many "experts".

There are many ways to skin a cat, but abs are made in the kitchen.

Take whatever advice you want workout wise and go ahead and experiment with different diets. Everybody is different, treat your body like a laboratory and figure out what works for you. It can be Intermittent fasting, carb backloading, low carb high protien, paleo, whatever. Ideally you don't want to make a diet change you want to make a lifestyle change so try to set small goals. There is typically one universal truth with the majority of diets and that's cut sugar out. Stop drinking soda, don't load your coffee with sugar, stop eating candy, etc. And there are a lot of studies that despite sugar substitutes not technically being sugar the brain still sees them as a sweetener and still triggers an insulin response.

This is why a trainer can be helpful, they can help suggest different things and also hold you accountable.


So what's the opinion on pre workout shakes? Are they worth it? Any recommendations? I've tried NoXplode, Jack3d, and Assault (I think that was it's name).
I like noxplode for the boost energy. Not sure if the no part actually does anything although I can do slightly more on days I use it, but I'm mostly a caffeine addict that doesn't like coffee :D


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I've lost 6 pounds so far in like five days. I'm currently 192 pounds. I've been sticking to my diet of whole foods and water, no processed or fatty stuff. I've been taking my dog for 30 minute walks almost every day and I've been doing a lot of pull ups, chin ups, dips, push ups, and up downs. When I do my up downs I do 5 jumping jacks every time I come up. I basically do them until I need a rest and then I do like 3 more sets of them. So far so good. :)


at a cellular level they are identical both turn into glucose to fuel cells. complex carbs keep you fuller but in terms of how your body uses them it is the same if you eat 10 grams of carbs from sugar to 10grams from oatmeal.
No this is not true. simple carbs enter the bloodstream so quickly it causes your insulin to spike to clear it out, which it does by converting it to fat very quickly. complex carbs take longer to break down and don't cause the insulin spike, providing you with a more steady source of energy. excess carbs (like excess fat or protein) will get stored as fat though.
I have a question, I have tendinitis in my right hand and I've had it for a few years now, that's fine I've gotten used to it and can do any lift or exercise no problem, except Deadlifts, I find that my right hand just falls apart and can't hold on to the grip past 225 pounds my left hand is fine and I feel my back can take more weight but my shit hand is holding me back. So any tips?
Straps can help, but before even using those strengthen your grip , do arm hangs, lightweight forearm curls (i say lightweight because you shouldnt put too heavy of concentrated weight when bending the wrist so repetitively), any thing to strengthen your forearm msucles. Stronger (forearm) muscles = stronger tendons/ligaments = stronger (wrist) joints = stronger grip. ice it or cool compress after workout too..and once it starts hurting during exercise dont push it..rest. I say arm hangs are a good way to start and always use. helped me so much on grip strength. you should rehabilitate that hand and take the time to if you can. idk if you've seen a PT or a trainer but straining it until it cant go during lifting can bite you bad i the future. you dont need to do it everyday (i know some people can get carried away and think itll be faster, ive been guilty of that), just like with everything else, rest is just as important.


TYM White Knight
This is pretty much the best thread I have read on TYM in a while.

I am trying to cut down on body fat, which is no problem for me, I was a wrestler and I can drop weight healthily (without fasting), but my problem is I lose the weight and feel I look small.

I want to tone it up a little bit just to have some "Muscle Ridges". I don't want to be huge and bulky, but I want to be able to see my six pack again.

If I start mixing in Cardio along with some at home ab/back workouts, what should I be aiming for calorie wise? I am about 173 lbs currently, and am aiming to shave off a little more belly fat and tighten up.
I have a question, I have tendinitis in my right hand and I've had it for a few years now, that's fine I've gotten used to it and can do any lift or exercise no problem, except Deadlifts, I find that my right hand just falls apart and can't hold on to the grip past 225 pounds my left hand is fine and I feel my back can take more weight but my shit hand is holding me back. So any tips?

Reverse grip, when the bar rotates our grip strengthens in your other hand. Just make sure to switch hands as you go so that you don't favor one side too much. Also hook grip which is wrapping your hand around the bar then squeezing your thumb underneath your fingers in between the bar. More information can be found here: http://breakingmuscle.com/strength-conditioning/get-a-grip-3-ways-to-grip-a-deadlift-and-how-to-get-your-grip-stronger

As someone who uses the hookgrip a lot I'll say that when you first learn it, it's pretty uncomfortable but you get used to it and it's very strong. I don't use straps on any of my 1RM lifts.


Filled with determination
Reverse grip, when the bar rotates our grip strengthens in your other hand. Just make sure to switch hands as you go so that you don't favor one side too much. Also hook grip which is wrapping your hand around the bar then squeezing your thumb underneath your fingers in between the bar. More information can be found here: http://breakingmuscle.com/strength-conditioning/get-a-grip-3-ways-to-grip-a-deadlift-and-how-to-get-your-grip-stronger

As someone who uses the hookgrip a lot I'll say that when you first learn it, it's pretty uncomfortable but you get used to it and it's very strong. I don't use straps on any of my 1RM lifts.
Was a good read.


Extremely easy. 3 meals of Lean protein and vegetables is all you need with 3 days of strength training a week mixed in with cardio.


Alright, figure I might as well get in on this too.

So like some others in here, I've been trying to lose some weight, hopefully get a little definition while I'm at it.
Been going to the gym pretty much every day for the past 8 months or so, but didn't start to lose any weight till about 4 months ago.
Since then I've lost about 25 pounds by simply cutting down on calories and am currently hovering around the 139-142 range.
Now while I definitely notice a practical difference(I don't struggle to zip my jeans any more. <.<), I haven't noticed much of a cosmetic difference. I still have a ton of flab.
So my question is, will I eventually see results if I continue to cut some pounds out?

*NOTE* A change in diet beyond calorie count is totally out of the question, as I don't buy the groceries.
I don't eat like total shit, but it's certainly not "clean."

Also, another quick question.
Someone in here earlier said that most of your daily calories should come from solid food. Why is that? I drink a good bit of milk a day(2-4 cups). Is that an issue?