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starting to workout, need help for the top tiers.

The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
It's a fallacy to think cardio makes you lose muscle mass. There's no scientific proof that it occurs. Also, there's different types of cardio, but just long distance running. Hiit cardio that involves sprinting will get you lean and build muscle well too, just look at the physique of a sprinter. I'm saying that bringing your heart rate up will help burn fat if fat loss is your goal. If bulking up is your goal, then you don't care so much about how slim your waistline is and you won't focus on the cardio aspect.
Decay is right. Its fallacy that you will lose your mass from this. The only way you would lose the mass is from being in a dormant phase for a long period of time of being physically inactive with a bad diet, or the absolute extreme phase of complete over exertion of an extreme nature while not being properly hydrated and fueled (rhabdomyolysis). Thats why your diet is the lynch pin of your workout goals.


Filthy Casual
Your cardio is just as important as the weight training. If you miss a day I would recommend doing some moderate cardio after your strength session like Decay II advised. You will not lose any gains if its a moderate session say 15minutes. But keep the heavy cardio away from strength training, 30 minutes or more of semi intense cardio. I would NOT do any make up cardio of an intense nature just before lifting. 10 minute warm up is perfectly fine to get the blood pumping and circulating nutrients. I usually warm up on an airdyne bike for 10 minutes before weight training. If I do any cardio after I will do 15 minutes of intervals to circulate the blood more and then call it a session. I weight train 3 days a week and do heavy cardio 5 days a week away from lifting. My cardio consists of Airdyne, interval running, boxing and jiu-jitzu. Cardio comes in all shapes and forms, if running is hard for you to get motivated for (which it is for many, lets face it, it can be boring) try some other forms like taking a martial art (if you interested in anything like that). Or try an airdyne bike, tread-climber, etc.
Running for me isn't hard to get motivated for, I've just been avoiding prolonged high-impact cardio on my knee. But thanks, I'll incorporate some light/moderate cardio at the end of the weight training days and try for heavy cardio on rest days.

The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
Running for me isn't hard to get motivated for, I've just been avoiding prolonged high-impact cardio on my knee. But thanks, I'll incorporate some light/moderate cardio at the end of the weight training days and try for heavy cardio on rest days.
Have you considered swimming? Its a great alternative if you have the resources, no joint impact at all, and you will burn just as much if not more then running. Something that I myself need to get back to since I have been having lower back and knee issues.


Filthy Casual
Have you considered swimming? Its a great alternative if you have the resources, no joint impact at all, and you will burn just as much if not more then running. Something that I myself need to get back to since I have been having lower back and knee issues.
Yeah I'm lap swimming T/R and lifting M/W/F. I just haven't been consistent on the swimming. This week is shaping up good though. I'm only on week 4.


Filthy Casual
So what's the opinion on pre workout shakes? Are they worth it? Any recommendations? I've tried NoXplode, Jack3d, and Assault (I think that was it's name).
I realized I gotta stop being a lazy piece of crap and actually focus on my diet, it's my biggest failure and reaching your goals is 98% diet. I fail to prep meals so I can get my protein carbs and healthy vegetables in and most importantly my surplus calories.

I think starting after todays workout, imma get up early and start prepping, and dirty bulk a lil too. Smh. If you don't see results its 100% your fault.

It takes a lot of mental strength and discipline and time management to do this, it'll mean some days I can't drink, or not very often, some days I won't go out because I need my sleep, but until I reach my goals it'll have to be a lifestyle.

A good advice I've read is as you grow mature you'll learn that a few good laughs and drinks isn't more important than life goals and accomplishments.

Failure to plan is planning to fail.


My blades will find your heart
So what's the opinion on pre workout shakes? Are they worth it? Any recommendations? I've tried NoXplode, Jack3d, and Assault (I think that was it's name).
No. If anything take them after the workout. Although if you eat a lot of protein you don't really need them.
So what's the opinion on pre workout shakes? Are they worth it? Any recommendations? I've tried NoXplode, Jack3d, and Assault (I think that was it's name).
I personally take them, but it's up to you. I enjoy the C4 one and I've had MusclePharm preworkout, you don't really need them, a little amount of caffeine will do, if you're a coffee person just brew a cup of coffee but coffee makes my stomach upset so I don't drink it and stick to the prework out. If you're really anal about what goes in your body you can order individual ingredients from TruNutrition and build your own but eh, I'm a bit lazy.

Just make sure you eat some carbs before working out, a banana will suffice.


blink-182 enthusiast
cool to see so many fitness oriented posters here on TYM.

Anyway anybody tried the new muscletech clear muscle stuff? I've been reading M&F's article on how well it works, searched around for average joe testimonials, apparently it's the real deal. I'm set to start the 12 week plan this monday, just wondering if anybody else has heard anything about it

So what's the opinion on pre workout shakes? Are they worth it? Any recommendations? I've tried NoXplode, Jack3d, and Assault (I think that was it's name).
I can take 'em or leave 'em, to be honest. Usually if I'm in a funk prior to lifting I'll just listen to a few pump up songs, but I've known guys that swear by them. Just a little too much $$ for my blood lol


Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
I'm a tennis fitness coach, so best thing to do for losing weight is heavier on cardio and dieting. As for gaining abs and losing weight do a elevated jog/run for 5 minutes, stop and do 20 straight crunches, then 20 cross crunches on each side, and a 30second-1min plank. Then repeat for 4-6 times. Really will trim you down if you do this 3 times a week.

Tony at Home

Yeah, I can't enjoy a beer nearly as much as I used to- at least until after this year's marathon. As a runner it seems to slow me down inordinately. Probably because of the effect it has on hydration.

On the other hand, my body doesn't give a f* if I eat 100 donuts a day (and this is almost literally the case with me). I can eat the entire stock of Dunkin Donuts and run 10 miles aftewards without issue.
I will start to workout in the following days, I could really use some advice from the TYM top tiers.
am 6 feet tall, weight close to the 200 pounds.
Am what is known as skinny fat.
My main goal is to lose some fat, gain muscle, abs and so on.
am not really going for the super big guy look.
any tips regarding what I should start with recommended protein shakes, how long and often I need to be working out are more than welcome.
@Decay II @Rico Suave @flipkev @any1ThatHasUsefulInformation
Empr Theo should have the best advice on this .....
oooh wait
@Decay II , @flipkev

Alright seems like we got a knowledgeable bunch here so I could definitely use some advice. Former athlete and I'm just getting back into a routine after an injury (knee / ACL) and several years of inactivity.

Stats: Age: 33
Height: 5'9
Weight: 200 lbs
Body fat% : ~20%

Body type: Honestly I'm not sure. I always had problems putting on weight and hovered around 160 - 165 lbs / 13 - 15 % body fat. I used to lift / run a lot in my teens and 20's until an ACL injury put me out of commish for a while at 27.

Goal: Increase % muscle mass while reducing % body fat. I want to try and bulk eventually but I wanted to get some strength / muscle back before attempting that since I'm coming off pretty much stopping all together for a few years.

Routine :
  1. M - Lifting Chest/Back - 5-10 min interval cardio on treadmill/eliptical. 2 exercises per body part, 1 compound 1 iso (1x8 / 1x6 pyramid sets per each exercise with enough weight to go to failure. Increasing weight each week)
  2. T - Swimming / Rest
  3. W - Lifting Shoulders / Triceps - 5-10 min interval cardio on treadmill/eliptical. 2 exercises per body part, 1 compound 1 iso (1x8 / 1x6 pyramid sets per each exercise going to failure)
  4. R - Swimming / Rest
  5. F - Biceps / Legs - 2 exercises per body part, 1 compound 1 iso (1x8 / 1x6 pyramid sets per each exercise going to failure).

I haven't been counting calories but I've been using info from the AbsDiet in cutting out "dirty" stuff, eating 5 small meals throughout the day, making sure I'm getting lots of Protein through 1lb chicken breast, frozen stir fry veggies, turkey deli meat, eggs, almonds, protein shakes, light greek yogurt, banannas, natural unsweetened peanut butter, whole wheat bread, and protein shake.

So any help from you guys would definitely be appreciated. Especially in the diet department ( I love to eat). To organize the questions and make it easier for feedback.

  • How does the weight routine look? I'm coming fresh off of prolonged inactivity and I didn't want to risk injury (currently on week 4 but been slacking on cardio days).
  • How should the weight routine evolve? (sets/reps/months/weeks)
  • Ideas / advice on fine tuning my diet? Basically my way to keep myself honest is to only buy clean foods so I'm not tempted to cheat.
  • Any free software / apps that can help me track stuff like routine progress and diet?
Any and all feedback is helpful. Thanks guys.

go check your Test Levels before waisting your time honestly if you have low numbers you wont built anything no matter how hard you work its harsh but true . but if you in the high average range start picking up them weights .

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I've tried eating 12 doughnuts at a time and then attempt to burn it off from cardio, but it just doesn't work for most.
Helps you avoid donuts AND bacon.
On the other hand, my body doesn't give a f* if I eat 100 donuts a day (and this is almost literally the case with me). I can eat the entire stock of Dunkin Donuts and run 10 miles aftewards without issue.

We have found the secret to weight loss.
here's a quick idea:Complex carbs vs simple carbs. The complex carbs take longer to digest and basically turn into sugars at a slower rate, fueling your energy. Simple carbs turn into sugar very quickly and are not great as an energy source, and usually results in fat gain.
at a cellular level they are identical both turn into glucose to fuel cells. complex carbs keep you fuller but in terms of how your body uses them it is the same if you eat 10 grams of carbs from sugar to 10grams from oatmeal.


Filthy Casual
I personally take them, but it's up to you. I enjoy the C4 one and I've had MusclePharm preworkout, you don't really need them, a little amount of caffeine will do, if you're a coffee person just brew a cup of coffee but coffee makes my stomach upset so I don't drink it and stick to the prework out. If you're really anal about what goes in your body you can order individual ingredients from TruNutrition and build your own but eh, I'm a bit lazy.

Just make sure you eat some carbs before working out, a banana will suffice.
Thanks man. Yeah I've tried the shakes and just caffeine pills in the past and there's definitely a "hyped up / pumped up" feeling that I got from the pre workout shakes but the pills to a lesser degree. I'll look into the ones you mentioned though since I've been out of shape (and out of supplement stores) for 3-4 years now.

Also. I hear you 100% on the struggle in watching what you eat part. The amount of discipline involved with that can be so daunting. Putting in work at the gym or out doing whatever for me is the fun / easy part...trying to monitor everything I eat...not so much. Especially with football season around the corner, there's beer to drink and chicken wings to eat dammit!

Missing meals is my struggle right now.


Filthy Casual
go check your Test Levels before waisting your time honestly if you have low numbers you wont built anything no matter how hard you work its harsh but true . but if you in the high average range start picking up them weights .
What do you mean "test my levels"? And going to the gym isn't a waste of time when you're out of shape, that's vague advice. I'm not talking about bulking up to be a competitive body builder, I'm talking about losing flab while building muscle. If you're saying "we're limited to our genetics" that's true for sure but you can ALWAYS improve where your at. Even if it's just for health purposes. I don't agree with your mentality.


join a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school.... Lifting weights will not help you defend yourself...
join a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school.... Lifting weights will not help you defend yourself...
People have different goals man. It's wise to understand that. Some people want aesthetics, doesn't mean you can't do both if one wants to learn self defense.