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A Unique Idea that will help the community.


Dojo Trainee
I'd say the best bet would be to schedule it for two weeks from now, the following monday. That gives everyone time to get all of this in order.

Hosting isn't really an issue yet, because I'm sure the TYM staff would be gracious enough to host us in the meantime. All we really need to get started is a dedicated thread and a Youtube channel, so we should be fine for now. Also, if it absolutely comes to it, I could design a basic page layout, but uh... I'd much rather leave that to someone else. I have a basic working knowledge of HTML, but I don't know the first thing about flash or java. I'm sure there must be someone around here more qualified than I am (which isn't exactly a tall order). If it really comes to it, I could always ask some people. Still, I think it'd be best if we kept this on TYM, if at all possible. The more close-knit this project is, the better.

I think our best bet right now would be to figure out what staff positions we'd need to fill in order to operate this. I think it'd be fine if we had anywhere from 10-20 filling out the non-essential positions, like coders and editors, as they can operate on a more flexible schedule. We should probably keep the behind the scenes crew as small as possible, though. One or two recorders, a couple commentators with possible guests, and maybe one or two organizers to coordinate the events. Once we figure out what we'll need to get this off the ground, I'll PM Storms and ask him if he'd be willing to post this on the front page so as to garner more publicity, which will make it a lot easier to fill the rest of the positions. At that point, we should probably just make a more streamlined topic to get the point across quicker, since this is basically just a brainstorm thread.

Of course, I'm just throwing out suggestions. If anyone has any better ideas, I'm all ears.

I like this idea of putting up bio cards like you'd see in pro wrestling or MMA, though. It's kind of tongue-in-cheek, and I'm a sucker for ironic humor. I thought the ridiculously exaggerated height/weight listing was a really nice touch too, and I was just waiting to see "parts unknown" somewhere. If you could find a template for the MK font, you could make those cards look really badass.


Dojo Trainee
Actually, here's a thought I had: What if we had some more unusual events on the card to mix it up a little, like you'd see in a WWE event? Tag matches, tourney style team 3v3 (or 5v5, though it'd have to be single-elimination last man standing), and maybe a joke match with kombat codes. We could definitely make for some interesting matchups this way.

I'd really like to see someone go up against two of the Crazy Dominican brothers in tag, especially if we could get two tourney players/clan members on the same console. That'd make for one hell of a show.
Just woke up, fixed breakfast and am now about to go workout..
Altair, maybe we should do some ladder matches too. :p
In all seriousness, what about this kind of match schedule(all of you are free to speculate on this):
-Noob Matches
-Tag Team
-Expert Matches(can't think of a better name)
-Main Event
Two popular people go at it. (THTB and 16Bit)
or 4 people do a tag match. :)

Along with the cards, maybe when we have a champion in tag(and others too) put ON THE CARD a gold belt that says "MM Tag Team Champion".
Or will that be too much like Wrestling?..just another Idea to take into consideration.


This is coming along nicely. The only thing I think we have to account for is timezones, but I guess people in Europe and stuff can have their own bouts and we can still produce them, it's just they will be harder to supervise or whatnot because of the time difference.

I also think it's a good idea to have 3-5 people on the commentating staff just because things happen, shit comes up and it's best to have a solution. For the first couple of weeks we can mix and match and see who has better chemistry and come up with commentating crews like that as well.

I wouldn't mind working on the website when it comes down to it as well, considering I just finished my own portfolio site. To be honest though, while I am pretty familiar with the visuals, I might not be as technical when it comes to coding and writing the site so it's best to have 2-3 people for that as well.

Just my 2 cents.


Dojo Trainee
I'm sure it'll be fine without needing backup commentators. The point of recording it in advance is to ensure that everyone can find the time to do their part. Guest commentators would still be welcome just to keep it colorful, though. I'd actually really like to get THTB on commentary at some point, if he's down. If it gets big enough, maybe we can even coerce Brady into giving up his Skype name for this.

Also, if we have multiple matches per card, we could actually record both PS3 and 360 matches to be shown on the same night, so long as we specify systems to avoid confusion. It'd be a lot easier than alternating systems, since it's a lot easier to find five good matchups between both systems than it is to find them on a different system each week. Of course, we'd either need someone with both systems or multiple recorders, and the problem with having multiple recorders is the difference in quality. Granted, I'm sure there are more than a couple guys around here with a standard HD PVR. In either case, all they'd have to do after that is share access to the Youtube channel and we'd be set.


TYM White Knight
Well ladies and gents, I will be releasing a comprehensive list of who we have doing what positions shortly. I just got home and need to catch up on participating members. Altair you have great suggestions, however as I said, we need recorders. Some more notables would help as well, but I could easily create a card with what we have now. As far as the format goes, obviously it could differ from card to card. There could be gimmick cards for instance. I do like the idea of throwing in the tag matches because competitive tag is very rarely shown and I would love to see the crazy combos people can come up with.

Basically, picture me as the Vinnie Mac of this project. I will be doing the editing, while you guys will be deciding what types of matchups you want to see etc etc. But right now, we are still in the organizing stages and need dedicated recorders!!!!


TYM White Knight
Alright, I updated the main thread. If I missed anyone let me know.

Moved players to Current Personnel section, and emphasized the need for recorders. If I missed anyone please let me know.

King and Beef_Supreme can you please confirm your willingness to do some graphics? Those matchup cards were great. Also if anyone is interested in making posters, submit your version of a "Mortal Monday" poster into this thread and the one deemed most worthy will be the one we use to promote.

Guys I need you to ask anyone you know that has a capture card if they would be down for this. As I said, we could ghetto record it as a last resort, but I would rather keep that option as an absolute last resort.

Also, is Mortal Monday copyrighted? I checked some copyright searches online as well as trademarks but couldn't find any hits for it. That is by no means an accurate way to check but still...


There is no area restriction. Europe is definitely welcome as long as you and your opponent can connect.


Good stuff. Mortal Monday sponsored by Anderson Valley Oatmeal Stout and delicious Black and Tan's. I want in, but ONLY if the person I'm paired with wants to do it drinking game style. We agree on a highly speculative tier list (excellent, great, good, fair, poor) and higher guy drinks the difference in tiers BEFORE the match starts. Round loser takes a drink. Flawless loser chugs a beer, Babality takes 3 drinks, so on.

All in fun, so if I'm taking Drunken Monkey Kombat into a ridiculous direction, just let me know and I'll just play as normal :D
This sounds really intriguing.

The Gears of War community has a similar type of organization going on and a dedicated website and staff that works to improve and bring tournaments, events, matches, to the online community. I am very well familiar with this type of thing, but in order for this to work, you need a strong group of dedicated people that manages this, and a supporting and active ONLINE community. This can go beyond Online, you can represent it offline and spread the word, represent it at Tournaments, Etc.

The Gears of War community was at first called GCON meaning Gears. Community. Organized. Nights., but the success of it grew and so did the community and it eventually became, GCON as in Gears Community Oraganized Network.

It grew and evolved from a forum based gathering of fun nights into a full blown Network of players and staff that thrives to bring the latest competitive, casual, and all around Gears content, and in game events. There's a dedicated Youtube, and stuff for it too.

I believe this is a good thinking for the MK Community, and hopefully it evolves if people are serious, and the community supports it. We can get a good thing started here. Hopefully, people don't take this as a joke, because it's online, I see potential in this.

Haha, you can even call it MKON Mortal Kombat Organized Nights. :).

Here's the Gears counter part.



A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Timezones shouldn't be much of a problem, because everything is going to be recorded so there will always be ways to agree on a specific time to play.

I do think that as that the more recorders the better. Maybe 2 per console.

2 Recorders per console
2 Regular commentators per console (several people willing to commentate as guests)
2-3 People to make threads on TYM/Gamefaqs about upcoming events
3-5 People to make posters/bio cards

I would like to say I will be able to record, but I'm not going to say I am 100%. I would however like to commentate on occasion and would also like to be making threads on TYM/Gamefaqs about the upcoming events and such. I feel like I can do a good job of spreading this around these sites and I can eventually spread it around on other sites I frequent as well.

I PM'ed GamerBlake (XRAY THAT BIIIIIIIITCH) to see if he would want to commentate for the ps3 side as either a regular or guest. To be fair maybe he can guest commentate for both consoles since he is incredibly hype


TYM White Knight
Wile E Jaguar has graciously agreed to lend us his services with his recorder :)

That means that yes...we indeed have a dedicated recorder (Xbox 360) which means we can soon begin to plan cards.


Bone and Metal
Something about Shady and Altair calling events seems very fitting, like a true face and heel commentary team.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Wile E Jaguar has graciously agreed to lend us his services with his recorder :)

That means that yes...we indeed have a dedicated recorder (Xbox 360) which means we can soon begin to plan cards.
So how many fights are there gonna be per event? And are we doing the alternating systems or what?

I still think that alternating systems would make the best opportunites for people to play since that means a PS3 and a 360 main event will get equal numbers, but I guess there are other ways around that too.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Yeah but the thing I'm worried about is if the quality of mine is garbage compared to Wile E Jaguar then people won't want me to record and I'd be down like 100$ for no reason lol.


Bad Reputation
Ummmm ... I guess all my posts were overlooked ... -_-

Once again, I'd like to participate in matches and am willing to do some commentary