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The saltiest you've ever gotten in this game? Salty stories!


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Playing vs PL and REO in long sets. Ugh, so frustrating... >_<


Come On Die Young
Almost everybody has sent a ragemail or ragequit at least once in this game. Anybody who says the hasn't is just lying.
Nope, I've never rage quitted and the only rage mail I sent was to a guy who used Cyrax 3rd costume for bomb traps and who shit talked through the mic. But that one doesn't really count. I always give 10's when beaten in KoTH (unless it's a glitchy costume)

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Losing to people who are so bad they do stuff I don't expect them to always makes me salty. Also everytime I get hit by an ice clone, Lao spin, Kabal block trap, or midair Kitana fan I pop a blood vessel.


El Psy Congroo
I only get annoyed when people do fatalities on me. Usually this happens when I'm playing a low tier character for fun in player matches and they win barely. They then proceed to leave without rematching. Not only did they waste my time with the pointless fatality they left before I could body them with a character that doesn't have to win a 3-7 matchup. Very irritating and defeats the purpose of player matches which are supposed to be for replaying the same person.


Jesus Fucking Christ
I get pissy when I play my roomie. He's your standard full-screen Scorpion player. I've picked up Kabal recently so my losses are usually due to my own input errors and overall not knowing how to punish yet in every given scenario. I get noticeably surly when I lose to his bullshit on that rare occasion. Usually if he can't win with his turtle Scorpion he runs to turtle Kano. To each his own. Play the style that's most comfortable to you. I just get frustrated playing the same match over and over again.

Hellfire, spear, FP into throw attempt, uppercut, poorly timed hellfire, jumpkick to airthrow, jump-in *gasp* teleport fake out, hellfire, EX-teleport, etc...

Didn't work. I'll try Kano.

Knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, upball, knife knife, knife, knife, forward ball, jumpkick to airthrow. Hmm, I haven't landed a true hit yet, but I can go for a block stun into X-ray with all this meter I've accumulated to make it look like I gave him a good fight.

I hate to say it. He's my best friend but I hate playing this game with him. He never learns any new tactics. If the character doesn't have a throw that can be linked off a jumpkick, he isn't interested in learning. I've developed some bad habits playing him because I'm always expecting new opponents to play as carelessly and thoughtlessly as he does.


Dojo Trainee
I only get annoyed when people do fatalities on me. Usually this happens when I'm playing a low tier character for fun in player matches and they win barely. They then proceed to leave without rematching. Not only did they waste my time with the pointless fatality they left before I could body them with a character that doesn't have to win a 3-7 matchup. Very irritating and defeats the purpose of player matches which are supposed to be for replaying the same person.
I've sent many a mail saying just this, and I tell em ranked is more up their alley if they are just gonna jet after one game.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
One time I was online and this scorpion player comes up who is 0 and 1. He knows 2 moves spear and hellfire. And I lost because he guessed right so many times. I try to jump, he spears and jumps back a couple times then hellfires, I don't jump he guesses right and hellfires. After this, I went outside in the middle of the night, pouring rain, and run as hard as I can in2 a tree. Come back inside, challenge the guy again, and double flawless him.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Most recently i have been encountering a lot of Freddy players, which doesn't bug me that often but i keep having that stupid hitbox glitch with the dream shift happen when i'm putting pressure on with Johnny Cage i do the F3,3,3,Ex DF2 and both shadow balls wiff right through him when he isn't even blocking giving him the advantage and me eating 36-58%. This wouldn't bother me as much however, it happens EVERY GAME! Doesn't help that i play a lot of kitana and when i need a high damage combo to finish him off a B2,Fan will go right through him. :wut:


Dojo Trainee
I get pissy when I play my roomie. He's your standard full-screen Scorpion player. I've picked up Kabal recently so my losses are usually due to my own input errors and overall not knowing how to punish yet in every given scenario. I get noticeably surly when I lose to his bullshit on that rare occasion. Usually if he can't win with his turtle Scorpion he runs to turtle Kano. To each his own. Play the style that's most comfortable to you. I just get frustrated playing the same match over and over again.

Hellfire, spear, FP into throw attempt, uppercut, poorly timed hellfire, jumpkick to airthrow, jump-in *gasp* teleport fake out, hellfire, EX-teleport, etc...

Didn't work. I'll try Kano.

Knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, upball, knife knife, knife, knife, forward ball, jumpkick to airthrow. Hmm, I haven't landed a true hit yet, but I can go for a block stun into X-ray with all this meter I've accumulated to make it look like I gave him a good fight.

I hate to say it. He's my best friend but I hate playing this game with him. He never learns any new tactics. If the character doesn't have a throw that can be linked off a jumpkick, he isn't interested in learning. I've developed some bad habits playing him because I'm always expecting new opponents to play as carelessly and thoughtlessly as he does.
HAHA, i've got a guy on PSN I play with reguarly that does that to an extent. He has a bad habit of spaming one move from each character he plays over and over. If it's scorpion its teleport over and over and square square square. He's so predictable. I try to tell him to mix it up, but he refuses to listen.


Dojo Trainee
One time I was online and this scorpion player comes up who is 0 and 1. He knows 2 moves spear and hellfire. And I lost because he guessed right so many times. I try to jump, he spears and jumps back a couple times then hellfires, I don't jump he guesses right and hellfires. After this, I went outside in the middle of the night, pouring rain, and run as hard as I can in2 a tree. Come back inside, challenge the guy again, and double flawless him.


Jesus Fucking Christ
HAHA, i've got a guy on PSN I play with reguarly that does that to an extent. He has a bad habit of spaming one move from each character he plays over and over. If it's scorpion its teleport over and over and square square square. He's so predictable. I try to tell him to mix it up, but he refuses to listen.
Funny you say that. I'm not a Scorpion player but I know his 50/50 setups. I tried teaching these to my roomie. One of out ten times he actually connects the teleport after the f2, 1 but it's worth shit because he simply follows this brilliant setup up with 1, 1 spear. Wow. If I fail to punish (rare) he attempt a crossover JK into airthrow. It's...painful.


Frost Warrior
This happend today. It was me(rain) vs. Kenshi(Who I think is easy as hell to play, but thats a different story.). It was tied rounds and he had a FAR superior life lead (me 5% him 95%.). I started to make a major comeback. I was so pumped as his health steadily went down. I was gonna finish the fight when, AS he was getting up, teleported right behind me, and did a quick jab to kill me.

I was furious and yelled "BullShit!"!. Then my Father out of nowhere runs into my room and goes "Dude! Pass the salt man!" And ran away. My anger turned into hysterical laughter.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Scratch my last post, I get salty when I lose to a kitana as jax who does nothing but iafs all round and then babalitys me. Fuck Kitana altogether, I'd rather lose to someone who does nothing but low hats as kung lao.


Aquaman is dead lel
Challenge Tower. At 300 and 256 I was grinding my teeth and twisting the controller in pure anger. Online It's not that bad, I mean, if I lose to something ridicoulos I don't really mind it because the next time I'll be prepared for it. But I do make people salty with leaving during fatality.
I only get annoyed when people do fatalities on me. Usually this happens when I'm playing a low tier character for fun in player matches and they win barely. They then proceed to leave without rematching. Not only did they waste my time with the pointless fatality they left before I could body them with a character that doesn't have to win a 3-7 matchup. Very irritating and defeats the purpose of player matches which are supposed to be for replaying the same person.
OH GOD what pisses me off is when someone tries to do a fatality they dont really know the command for. You get to sit and watch for 30 FUCKING MINUTES WHILE THEY MOVE BACK AND FORTH AND PUNCH THE AIR LIKE A RETARD trying to get the command entered. Then, right when your thinking the damn time limit has got to be overdue, they get it right and your forced to wait AGAIN. Ugghhhh.
Get a new keyboard plz. You sound like you came out of a dragonball z cartoon.

topic post: losing to someone I know I should've bodied, then get taunted, then get fatalitied, then insta-leave by opponent. Never fails to to over-season me with all the salt in the world.


too smart to play MKX
This happend today. It was me(rain) vs. Kenshi(Who I think is easy as hell to play, but thats a different story.). It was tied rounds and he had a FAR superior life lead (me 5% him 95%.). I started to make a major comeback. I was so pumped as his health steadily went down. I was gonna finish the fight when, AS he was getting up, teleported right behind me, and did a quick jab to kill me.

I was furious and yelled "BullShit!"!. Then my Father out of nowhere runs into my room and goes "Dude! Pass the salt man!" And ran away. My anger turned into hysterical laughter.
I'd be pissed as fuck if a Kenshi teleported against me too.


1 2 3 drink
Ive broken like 6 or 7 xbox controllers when i used to play tekken.For mk9 i havent broke one yet i guess i learned a lesson.

also funny some long time ago i got so angry when i played halo, i picked up my shoe and slammed it down so hard on the table that the table broke. i had alot of explenations to do for what happened to the table.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Losing to bad players who do random off the wall crap is pretty rage inducing. Fatalities/babalaties always piss me off. Losing to players who cannot even do a 20% combo piss me off. Raiden online pisses me off, massively. Kitana and my inability to beat good Kitana players pisses me off. Oh, and online in general, pisses me off.

So, in essence, most of this game just pisses me off...all the time. I'm pretty sure it's terrible for my health, but I continue to play it.

Fuck Kitana altogether, I'd rather lose to someone who does nothing but low hats as kung lao.
Yeah, I feel the same way. I can actually deal with Kung Lao; Reptile can at least punish his spin. With the 3 characters I'm decent with - Reptile, Ermac and Sub Zero they just get massively bodied by Kitana. Fans shut Reptile down completely, and in the event that he gets in close, she'll just fly away in which she has a invincible start up and continue to spam fans. If I elbow dash up to her and attempt a cross up, she'll just lift me, and fuck my shit up. Ermac cannot recover from pressure, nor can he trade with her projectiles, so he's pretty fucked there as well. Sub Zero doesn't fair any better, clones are utterly useless in that matchup and even in the event that I can land an EX freeze she'll likely be full screen so all I can land is a slide on her.

She eludes me, I cannot find out where she has any inherent weakness, at least with these specific characters. I guess I can play Lameo against her and just spam spam spam. Never had an issue against her with him in the past, I just hate reducing myself to such a simple character.