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That one game you never beat!


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
That game was just broken I never beat it ever!!!
Lets see 4 games I always wanted to beat:

Friday the 13th - NES, It had been claimed by so many it was not beatable and then I watched someone do it and I have never been able to do it like ever.

Super Metroid - SNES

Legend of Zelda 2 - NES, yeah its the basterd child of all Zelda games, but I still want to beat that damn to this day.

Mega Man2 - NES, Though I have beaten it I just want to be at Quick Man's stage without having to freeze time!!!


Blaster Master on NES

I *think* I *might* have beaten it, but I was so young I am uncertain. When I watch the ending on YouTube, it feels familiar. *shrug*

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
That game was just broken I never beat it ever!!!
Lets see 4 games I always wanted to beat:

Friday the 13th - NES, It had been claimed by so many it was not beatable and then I watched someone do it and I have never been able to do it like ever.

Super Metroid - SNES

Legend of Zelda 2 - NES, yeah its the basterd child of all Zelda games, but I still want to beat that damn to this day.

Mega Man2 - NES, Though I have beaten it I just want to be at Quick Man's stage without having to freeze time!!!
Never played any of those, but I know for a fact that LoZ2 is a bullshit game.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)


FF8 FF9 and FF10

As a kid I was never good at keeping track of 4 discs lol.

As for FF10 I never owned it I just kept renting it until I beat it and sooner or later my dad was sick of renting it lol

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves


Never played FF9, but I was devastated in FF7 when I went too far and couldn't get a certail powerful spell. I can't remember what it was called.
The FF series is usually very good about being free-form enough that you can re-visit places you've been to so you can grind or find things you missed the first time around. If you still have the game, look online for strategy guides and get that spell! I'll still never forget getting W-Summon and Knights of the Round and beating Sephiroth in like 2 rounds....

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
FF8 FF9 and FF10

As a kid I was never good at keeping track of 4 discs lol.

As for FF10 I never owned it I just kept renting it until I beat it and sooner or later my dad was sick of renting it lol
One thing I disliked about th FF franchise. I would love to see a FF Tactics remake tho. Don't touch anything. Just update graphics please.

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
The FF series is usually very good about being free-form enough that you can re-visit places you've been to so you can grind or find things you missed the first time around. If you still have the game, look online for strategy guides and get that spell! I'll still never forget getting W-Summon and Knights of the Round and beating Sephiroth in like 2 rounds....
I did look online and that's how I know. Once you got onto a certain train, you could go back, but I do agree about it being free-roam enough to go back and get what you missed. Wasn't a big fan of the FFX series.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Deadly towers for NES and Last Battle for Genesis, I dunno if they would be hard now but I could not fuck with them when i was young.


Smash tv - arcade/snes/genesis
Monsters in my pocket - nes
Nemo: adventures in slumberland - nes
Valkyrie profile 2 - ps2

Idk if these games would still give me trouble today but back then they kicked my ass

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Smash tv - arcade/snes/genesis
Monsters in my pocket - nes
Nemo: adventures in slumberland - nes
Valkyrie profile 2 - ps2

Idk if these games would still give me trouble today but back then they kicked my ass
YESSSSSS! Monsters in my pocket. I never beat that as well, but didn't care because it was so much fun playing.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES.

I could never get past Beebop in the first level. After 10 tries, a truck ran me over at the level select screen. I proceeded to take the game out and never played it again.

To this day, I have no regrets.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Catherine on the hardest difficulty was also salt inducing as fuck.


Final Fantasy 9. Not so much because of the game's difficulty, but because if I had to look at Steiner's empty-headed face for another second, I'd smash the game, grind it into dust and sprinkle it on my cornflakes.

Ghouls and Ghosts. Man, there ain't enough quarters on the planet to finish THAT game... Fuck you Cashcom :p
Do you know what happens when you beat it? YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE WHOLE GAME AGAIN!!! You get sent back to the first level and have to play through the entire game again to actually beat it! It's top 10 greatest video game trolls of all time.

The game I never beat that bothered me was Shinobi for Sega master system.


Metal Gear Solid 1, boss fight vs psycho mantis. That guy was unstoppable unless you plugged your controller into slot two!

Or Maximum Carnage for Sega Genesis. I tried over 100 playthroughs and could never beat that game as a kid, the farthest I could ever get was the boss battle against the robot in the fantastic four level. Never could beat him