Oh we're not?
IIRC so far, there's literally one tournament the NE had a presence at that we didn't win. I can't even say who's the best, but no other scene can compare to that at this point, and you can't look at that and say we're by any means weak. The only major tournaments we didn't have a presence at were UFGT, KIT, and SCR. That means every other major except NEC, we have won. CW (2013+2014), ECT (2013+2014), UFGT (2013), CEO, Evo, SJ, TFC, Apex, WB, FR. And for each of these tournaments we were not at, we had plans to send some of our top players to that just fell through.
As far as the mud-slinging goes, most of us in the NE don't say anything unless something is said first. The only things we have done outside the random apologists every coast has are things for hype like the Frantastic-Theo mm callout. By and large people shit on us for no reason, or shit on us because they don't like that we have more tournaments (which isn't our fault), or shit on us because people rebelo our players who have nothing to do with the drama. Now we have a culture of "NE tournaments suck" and all that based primarily on misinformation, as well as the NE scene being perceived negatively for our lack of travel, which I explained earlier. You look at us from this skewed perspective based off what you've heard, but look at where the biggest "voices" in this community come from - except for maybe Tom (whose rivalries are more player-based than region-based), not the Northeast.