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The absence of the Northeast at UFGTX


I disagree on theo having a better resume that KDZ, evo bruh
My point exactly, theo is the only one at their level.
DJT is norcal, that's like me counting florida accomplishments as east coast.
yeah, they are east coast, but they are not one scene.


Come On Die Young
From an outside perspective of the American region battle. I find this to be very very very false. From what I've seen on this site in the last 3 years, it is always the East Coast slinging the shit first, then they get bopped by every other region, go back home, have a local, and say they are the best again. East Coast was super strong in MK 9 tourny scene, and now not so much in the over all Injustice tourny scene,
Oh we're not?

IIRC so far, there's literally one tournament the NE had a presence at that we didn't win. I can't even say who's the best, but no other scene can compare to that at this point, and you can't look at that and say we're by any means weak. The only major tournaments we didn't have a presence at were UFGT, KIT, and SCR. That means every other major except NEC, we have won. CW (2013+2014), ECT (2013+2014), UFGT (2013), CEO, Evo, SJ, TFC, Apex, WB, FR. And for each of these tournaments we were not at, we had plans to send some of our top players to that just fell through.

As far as the mud-slinging goes, most of us in the NE don't say anything unless something is said first. The only things we have done outside the random apologists every coast has are things for hype like the Frantastic-Theo mm callout. By and large people shit on us for no reason, or shit on us because they don't like that we have more tournaments (which isn't our fault), or shit on us because people rebelo our players who have nothing to do with the drama. Now we have a culture of "NE tournaments suck" and all that based primarily on misinformation, as well as the NE scene being perceived negatively for our lack of travel, which I explained earlier. You look at us from this skewed perspective based off what you've heard, but look at where the biggest "voices" in this community come from - except for maybe Tom (whose rivalries are more player-based than region-based), not the Northeast.
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Mid Tier
...I was making fun of the fact you were implying a top Injustice player would magically suck in another fighting game if he didn't have 50/50s...
mmmmmm, no, just that I don't play the game because having to guess to win in 80% of the match ups and matches is not something I enjoy or travel for. So I was saying that I would be back and traveling for MK, because Mortal Kombat is awesome, and shouldn't be a safe guessing game for 80% of the cast. If it is, I won't play it either.

I also implyed that I would meet him in the future of said game, that is, if he is still around after the safe 50/50s are gone :)


Mid Tier
Oh we're not?

IIRC so far, there's literally one tournament the NE had a presence at that we didn't win. I can't even say who's the best, but no other scene can compare to that at this point, and you can't look at that and say we're by any means weak. The only major tournaments we didn't have a presence at were UFGT, KIT, and SCR. That means every other major except NEC, we have won. CW (2013+2014), ECT (2013+2014), UFGT (2013), CEO, Evo, SJ, TFC, Apex, WB, FR. And for each of these tournaments we were not at, we had plans to send some of our top players to that just fell through.

As far as the mud-slinging goes, most of us in the NE don't say anything unless something is said first. The only things we have done outside the random apologists every coast has are things for hype like the Frantastic-Theo mm callout. By and large people shit on us for no reason, or shit on us because they don't like that we have more tournaments (which isn't our fault), or shit on us because people rebelo our players who have nothing to do with the drama. Now we have a culture of "NE tournaments suck" and all that based primarily on misinformation, as well as the NE scene being perceived negatively for our lack of travel, which I explained earlier. You look at us from this skewed perspective based off what you've heard, but look at where the biggest "voices" in this community come from - except for maybe Tom (whose rivalries are more player-based than region-based), not the Northeast.
Fair enough. I guess this is just what it looks like from the out side of someone who's not even in America. Not my fault really. Was just saying. I think it comes down to when there is a beef, the only way it gets squashed is when people travel to the North East tournys because North East players don't really travel, that could frustrate alotta people, who knows.

Just mentioning things that I see in streams, chats, twitter, all that, the over all picture. And I did say that the East is strong in the game, just no where near as strong and dominant as MK. I don't count anything pre patch that involves superman, Black Adam or Green Arrow. I'm also reluctant to count anything that had top 8s with 6/8 being testers and the game was less then 3 months old. :)


Come On Die Young
Fair enough. I guess this is just what it looks like from the out side of someone who's not even in America. Not my fault really. Was just saying. I think it comes down to when there is a beef, the only way it gets squashed is when people travel to the North East tournys because North East players don't really travel, that could frustrate alotta people, who knows.

Just mentioning things that I see in streams, chats, twitter, all that, the over all picture. And I did say that the East is strong in the game, just no where near as strong and dominant as MK. I don't count anything pre patch that involves superman, Black Adam or Green Arrow. I'm also reluctant to count anything that had top 8s with 6/8 being testers and the game was less then 3 months old. :)
We were actually in a worse situation in MK by this point. Detroit won NEC like PPJ did, but we had guys like Michaelangelo come and win ECT. The only difference now is that we have players from other regions who we know are at least equal to our top players right now. But in terms of results, we have it.

The main problem imo is that we're unnecessarily putting more on the line when we meet with other regions. We don't set ourselves up for anything, but when we do have a regional clash everyone else sets us up for blowups. It kind of sucks tbh. 5 months later we're still hearing "PPJ bodied you all" against us defending ourselves like we didn't support him and got hype for it when it happened. Yet literally days after Theo came and ran through UFGT, Midwest guys are still pumping themselves up and saying they're the best, and no one really cares. Which they shouldn't really care, but the unequal treatment is really aggravating. If Jupiter doesn't win MLG you know we're going to be called shit. But if he does win, no one is going to call the other regions shit and everything will go on as usual.


Mid Tier
We were actually in a worse situation in MK by this point. Detroit won NEC like PPJ did, but we had guys like Michaelangelo come and win ECT. The only difference now is that we have players from other regions who we know are at least equal to our top players right now. But in terms of results, we have it.

The main problem imo is that we're unnecessarily putting more on the line when we meet with other regions. We don't set ourselves up for anything, but when we do have a regional clash everyone else sets us up for blowups. It kind of sucks tbh. 5 months later we're still hearing "PPJ bodied you all" against us defending ourselves like we didn't support him and got hype for it when it happened. Yet literally days after Theo came and ran through UFGT, Midwest guys are still pumping themselves up and saying they're the best, and no one really cares. Which they shouldn't really care, but the unequal treatment is really aggravating. If Jupiter doesn't win MLG you know we're going to be called shit. But if he does win, no one is going to call the other regions shit and everything will go on as usual.
Def sounds like the way it will actually go down. We should come back to this post after MLG.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
99% of the north east ONLY cares about a weekly tourney once a week. The overall effort to level up is few and far between. Training does not matter, play your 2 games once a week and go home.

North East is falling. Its the only region where there is an apparent offline scene but you can only play them in sessions online, if that even. I had to BEG to get what offline scene I have now. EC scene is on life support.
I would love to play casuals and level up. It's what gives me the drive to want to travel out of NY for tournaments. We tried to get a weekly casual gathering going but it failed because nobody would come. You have my number (I'm pretty sure) if you want to practice, rob is only 30 mins from me. Honestly I spend more of my free time in training mode and trying to find people to play then I do getting real practice.