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What would you do with 100 billion dollars?


That is a lot of money. What would u do? Considering the fact that you would have to jump from what you have now, to 100 billion dollars.


Dojo Trainee
What the hell why 100 billion? Thats ridiculous maybe winning like 10m on the lottery or something but 100 billion is waaaay to much. Id just give away a heap of money to friends family, charities etc until i have enough money as to where i think i could sustain myself to ensure i still have an enjoyable life and all the comforts id like to have and maybe a bit extra to pass on to my family. Hell even 1 billion is ridiculous and id end up giving most of it away....


I want Kronika to step on my face
What the hell why 100 billion? Thats ridiculous maybe winning like 10m on the lottery or something but 100 billion is waaaay to much. Id just give away a heap of money to friends family, charities etc until i have enough money as to where i think i could sustain myself to ensure i still have an enjoyable life and all the comforts id like to have and maybe a bit extra to pass on to my family. Hell even 1 billion is ridiculous and id end up giving most of it away....
Ok then what about a thousand billion gajillion dollars?
Can't argue with that.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
  • Pay off all debt
  • Elevate some folks I know that work their ass off and never catch a break to a financial position of security
  • pay Mike Z to finish the entire Skullgirls roster and expand his crew (it deserves it. Its an amazing game and its shameful it can't get fully funded)
  • Do whatever it takes to get DC comics and Marvel together in a fighting game on the Lab Zero Skull engine for a new VS series
  • possibly pay Omiya Soft to port a new Culdcept to PC
  • Hire the talent needed to help me finish development of what I'm working on now
  • setup to finally begin work on the wrestling game design bible I have been working on for quite some time (its a big design. It'd take a lot of work to even setup its fundamental infrastructure)
  • Pick Capcom's corpse in a few years after they run themselves into the ground
Host a few majors.
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Oh, my days !
I would buy the Philadelphia 76ers would be one thing...
Then.... I don't know. Probably, write the screenplay and produce the next MK movie as well as season 3 of legacy.
Then.... I don't know! Whatever! Visit and buy a place in Scotland, visit and buy a place in Finland, visit and buy a place in Canada, buy the whole land of Greece and open up restaurants and pastry shops wherever !


Dojo Trainee
-Buy Capcom, fund SF5, CVS3, SF x T 2
-Buy SEGA, fund Shenmue 3
-Give Bethesda money to make Morrowind HD
-Give Square money to remake Deus-Ex 1
-Give money for MK x Injustice

That would probably cost 1-2 billion in total.


cr. HP Master
If I had any ridiculous amount of money I would not invest it into the video game market, that is for sure. I would invest wisely. Such as buying shares of Google since they are taking over the world. Then I'd take care of me and purchase a simple home in the middle of nowhere and pay a little of that money forward to medical research. Outside of that, I would get involved with some STEM organization to brighten the future.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
I'm going to skip over the obvious shit and say this: If I had that kind of money, I think it would be neat to travel around the country giving millions to hand picked TO's to set up new scenes in new regions. Pump enough money into the pots, streaming setups, venues and people will keep coming back and eventually find out that they also love fighters, and the competition.

You could exponentially grow the community by force with that kind of cash. Make NRS tournaments a big fucking deal.


I'm going to skip over the obvious shit and say this: If I had that kind of money, I think it would be neat to travel around the country giving millions to hand picked TO's to set up new scenes in new regions. Pump enough money into the pots, streaming setups, venues and people will keep coming back and eventually find out that they also love fighters, and the competition.

You could exponentially grow the community by force with that kind of cash. Make NRS tournaments a big fucking deal.
Wow. You "stole" my idea. :( Well, one of them anyway.

If I had $100B, I would first and foremost make sure my immediate family and all my other close relatives were well off for the rest of their lives. I'd say $10-20M per family would suit them rather well. If they were irresponsible with it and ran out in a few year's time, they would be on their own, however.

I'd do some traveling with my wife and kids for sure and various other things.

Wanna know what I WOULDN'T do if I had this ridiculous amount of money? I wouldn't live the lifestyle that most people with that kind of money do. I wouldn't want $500M mansions, 100 different cars, etc. Sure, some people may say, "You think that now." But I'm serious. I don't want to live the lifestyle of someone über rich. I would rather live a more comfortable life than I live right now with my wife and kids and know that we have nothing to worry about from this day forward so long as we're not stupid about how we handle our money.

All in all, there would be far too many things I'd like to do if I had that kind of money.

Vak Phoenix

get a nice house in malibu, nice house in east hamptons, nice house in hawaii, nice house in fiji and become new imelda marcos by buying all louboutins AHHH SHUUUUZZZ! then with rest get me some elie saab, valentino and nicholas kirkwood shit. and after just go in one of my houses have a secret lab and turn myself into a super natural human with the ability to read and control minds. but 50% of what i said is already true so..