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What would you do with 100 billion dollars?

Travel the world and sight see, buy multiple houses in the vacation spots I frequent, buy a main house, invest it some of it, buy the Chicago Bears, improve the field and shit, buy cool cars, donate to charity of my choice, strip clubs thrown bands for them girls, parties, hire a personal diet chef so I can get my daily macros and calories and than work on a awesome physique, buy everything I want, FASHION, start a clothing line, find a good girl and hopefully the bitch ain't a gold digger. Get a education in the things I like, maybe business.

Experiment with cocaine.

Help family and friends house maybe they can live with me, only close people though.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Give 90 billion away to people who need it then fix everything wrong with my life and get whatever I want/need and die happy


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
buy warner brothers and fox
Ehh, I don't think a billion would cover both man lol. Thought if I had to guess I'd wager Fox would be cheaper then WB. EDIT, thought it said one billion...hmm 100 billion, after that may have to spend a few billion for both man lol. But you should still have some change, may as well buy Disney while you're at it lol.

Read the books. Don't waste your time on the TV show.
Hmmm good to know. Thanks!