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Emperor Jupiter Wins Injustice at Civil War VI


Trust me, I'm a doctor
@Doombawkz why are you wasting so much ime internet fighting and not on titan fall making up winning strategies for our game battles team!!
Winning strategies?
Shoot people, then win. Also, I'd need to know the game mode you're playing since we kinda grab bagged it last time around.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
First, let me preface this with you are an idiot. Ok? Ok.

Second, you can do a half-ass job for 50 years and it means less than someone who does a perfect job for 5.
You can do something for a long time without progressing at all. Its called stagnating. Puddles do it, and apparently you're intelligence took the same route when you hit the age of 3. Time doesn't make someone a better player, I could spend 5000+ hours in training mode and it wouldn't make me a better player because my progression isn't as good as someone who goes to tourneys for 50 hours and achieves more.

Third, people remember you for being good. They don't think "Michael Jordan played basketball for 15 years, he must be good." They think "Michael Jordan has x number of MVP rings and accomplished Y during his career, he must be good." You can get some kind of fame for being good for a long time, sure, but that doesn't come unless you're good in the first place. People base success on how far you've come, not how long it took you to get there.

Lets take arguing for example: You can argue with me for a long time, months and even years, but that doesn't make you any better at it or any less of an incompetent boob. I, on the other hand, can argue you well for about 5 minutes and make more progress than your years of pointless idiocy. You can't give me one example of someone who received an award for doing something without them doing it well, and that alone proves my point. Success isn't based on how long you do something, its based on you getting something done.

Now then if you're done derailing the topic, you can go sit in a corner somewhere and contemplate how much of an ass you've made yourself out to be.


Dojo Trainee
A lot of any single tournament is brackets or how people are playing on any given day. REO was trying to learn Kung Lao leading up to EVO 2012 due to lack of confidence in his character. But IMO that doesn't change Kabal's situation at all.

No matter how good a character or player is, they won't win everything.
Yes, I know all of this. I get what you are saying. I just think people are way overreacting to MMH.

Remember when this broken OP character lost to Catwoman yesterday?

Tony at Home

Just tired of hearing about how broken all these characters all. It's pathetic.

Remember when Kabal was so fucking broken that REO never won EVO?
Kabal is broken. Whether REO won a major or not is irrelevant. Especially if he lost to another broken character.

He's so broken, we literally use his name as an idiom meaning "completely broken"

There's a reason MMH players get defensive when people infer that he's the "kabal of Injustice"

Kabal is so broke he makes Windows Vista look fixed.


superman reset specialist
Kabal is broken. Whether REO won a major or not is irrelevant. Especially if he lost to another broken character.

He's so broken, we literally use his name as an idiom meaning "completely broken"

There's a reason MMH players get defensive when people infer that he's the "kabal of Injustice"

Kabal is so broke he makes Windows Vista look fixed.
a lot of chars in mk9 could fight kabal. out of curiosity did you even play mk9 because what you're saying is grossly overrating how good kabal in mk9 really was.


Dojo Trainee
Kabal is broken. Whether REO won a major or not is irrelevant. Especially if he lost to another broken character.

He's so broken, we literally use his name as an idiom meaning "completely broken"

There's a reason MMH players get defensive when people infer that he's the "kabal of Injustice"

Kabal is so broke he makes Windows Vista look fixed.
So broke that he never won EVO and the last few times REO played MK9 he lost to a Jax and a Quan Chi.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Kabal is broken. Whether REO won a major or not is irrelevant. Especially if he lost to another broken character.

He's so broken, we literally use his name as an idiom meaning "completely broken"

There's a reason MMH players get defensive when people infer that he's the "kabal of Injustice"

Kabal is so broke he makes Windows Vista look fixed.

Kabal wasn't "Broken" he was overpowered with so many tools.