Shazam is a devastating character when he gets in. Mmmmmmmmmyeah, Superman, Deathstroke, Aquaman, and Black Adam reaaaaally don't let Shazam do anything unless you time his teleport just right. His dashes are fine, yeah, but not when Low Shot into Quick Shot is presented towards him, or MB'd Lightning Strike happens(the funniest thing about this move is the fact that it hits you if you attempt to jump it, too). I agree that he doesn't need a million and 2 buffs, but maybe just extending the period of time his Advancing/Eluding Mercury's projectile invincibility or full invincibility.
Also, Red Reaper's right, the Cage wakeup just ignores everything in that MU, including the jump ins n stuff. Shazam isn't bad but dear god I doubt the boy is that great (i
really hope i get to eat these words in the future).