I was thinking the same, but they can only answer yes or no.Oh wait... I'm confusing this with the "Two Guards" puzzle... this appears to be a different "Three Guards" puzzle.
I don't know if that's the case but if it is then the description is throwing me off, because I might be interpreting it wrong. The OP states " Each guard will answer only one question. (You may pose up to three questions, one to each guard)" That could possibly mean what you either you or I trying to prove. Seems it could go either way really since there are no more details. Also another reason I was under this impression was because of this spoiler:The only way to prove this is by plugging it in to all possible combinations.
Liar - Truth - "Random" / Liar - "Random" - Truth / Truth - Liar - "Random" / Truth - "Random" - Liar / "Random" - Truth - Liar / "Random" - Liar - Truth.
Let's take this combination: Truth - "Random" - Liar with "Da" meaning "yes". Perfect situation and the first guard obviously says "Da" to the first question. You then ask the Liar his question. 1=1 and "Da" does mean "yes". He's a Liar so he'd say "Ba" meaning "no". You've figured the Liar and the Truth teller. Now you're left with the "Random". He can either say a truthful answer or a false one. Whether he says "Ba" or "Da" doesn't matter. You don't know if what he says is the truth.
You're asking them once multiple times. Against the rules.
Yes. I stated that the solution didn't work because of that in my original post.you don't know what ba or da means
you asked a paradox which means BOTH the liar and truth teller in fact become random........ so now you have 3 random answers.
LOL........ ouch babe.
sure you can..... my final question was actually wrong.... because I didn't stipulate the same thing as the first question.The only way to prove this is by plugging it in to all possible combinations.
Liar - Truth - "Random" / Liar - "Random" - Truth / Truth - Liar - "Random" / Truth - "Random" - Liar / "Random" - Truth - Liar / "Random" - Liar - Truth.
Let's take this combination: Truth - "Random" - Liar with "Da" meaning "yes". Perfect situation and the first guard obviously says "Da" to the first question. You then ask the Liar his question. 1=1 and "Da" does mean "yes". He's a Liar so he'd say "Ba" meaning "no". You've figured the Liar and the Truth teller. Now you're left with the "Random". He can either say a truthful answer or a false one. Whether he says "Ba" or "Da" doesn't matter. You don't know if what he says is the truth.
I read your first point as if you were asking if "Da" meant yes if you were a truthful person.snip
LOL You go to Hell! =(Wow, A Doomsday player taking the easy way out. Never having to think about anything. I'm so surpriesd right now.
And Charlie Murphy has the right idea.
The problem is your first question breaks down under different conditions.
Haha, interesting... I knew they were overcomplicating it. Thanks for posting this btw, I love these type of things even if I suck at them.Just a hint, the answer has been posted in this thread, but the person who answered didn't know they posted a solution.
The problem is your first question breaks down under different conditions.
Scenario; Da = Yes
Truth will answer "Ba(no). Ba doesn't mean yes"
Liar will answer "Da(yes). Ba means no"
Therefore this question doesn't deduce anything meaningful as an answer of Ba or Da doesn't indicate whether or not they equal yes or no.
Nice logic, but what if the first question is posed to random? You cannot deduce the identity of random from your question. Only the identity of someone who is not random.So if I asked the first guard....
"Does da mean yes if and only if you tell the truth and the 2nd guard speaks randomly?"
If he answers da... then... I know that the 3rd Guard is Either one of the Truth/Liar and that the 2nd Guard speaks random
If he answers ba... then ... I know that the 2nd Guard is either one of the truth/liar and the 3rd guard speaks random.
Now I simply can go to the guard i've deduced as the truth/liar and ask the simple question "Does da mean yes if 1 equals 1?"
If he answers da, then I know he is the truth.
If he answer ba, then i know he is the liar.
ask the last guard "Will the first path lead me to the riches?"
edit: the first question is worded weird... but i'm pretty sure that it flawlessly tells me which guard is random even if the guard i asked is random... could be wrong tho
Ba, Da, Ba."Am I a real nigga" to guards 1,2,3
@NRF CharlieMurphy is correct in his thinking here. You don't get to the answer by asking which path leads to where. You get to the answer by:
1. Deducing what ba and da mean.
2. Deducing which guard is the random
The last thing you have to remember is that "random" doesn't mean giving random answers. "Random" means that for each question, that guard's mind is either "liar" or "truth"(50/50 coin flip for each question asked of the random guard). That means that in order to deduce the correct answer from the random, you have to ask about the guard's MINDSET AT THAT MOMENT in a multi-tiered question that has a condition that you know to already be correct. Based on his answer (assuming you have deduced the meaning of ba and da), you can determine if the mindset of the random guard AT THE MOMENT OF THE QUESTION was liar or truth.
For the point of this answer, lets assume that the guards will say Ba for Yes and Da for No. (We don't know this yet, but we will as we ask questions)
You need to ask multi-tiered questions where both conditions must be met in order to get a "yes" answer from the truthful guard.
You MUST assume that any of the guards could be the random, so you must incorporate the the above "random stipulation" (noted in yellow) to all questions.
Go to G1:
Hold up 1 finger and ask:
"At the moment of this question, Does Ba mean yes, if and only if I am holding up one finger?"
-"Ba" - The guard has met both conditions of the question. = Truth or Random
-"Da" - The truthful answer to this question is Ba(because you KNOW you're holding up 1 finger already), so the lying guard will respond with Da. = Lying or Random
-In both scenarios, you have now deduced that Ba means Yes and Da means No.
Go to G2:
Now you need to root out the random guard so you know what to ask guard 3.
Hold up 1 finger and ask:
"At the moment of this question, Will G1 speak the truth, if and only if I am holding up one finger?" (Remember, we know that the truth teller MUST answer Ba to this question)
--If G1 answered "Ba"
----G2 answeres "Ba"
------- We have already deduced that G1 is either the truth or the random, so G2 is now deduced to be either truth or Random.
----------You may now freely ask G3 (who in turn MUST be the liar) if "X" path is safe to take and then immediately take the other path.
----G2 answers "Da":
------- We have already deduced that G1 is either the truth or the random, so G2 is now deduced to be either lying or Random
----------You can now question G3, who is EITHER truth or random with the following question:
------------"At the moment of this question, is "X" path safe to take, if and only if I am holding up one finger?" (Again, we KNOW we are holding up one finger, so a TRUTHFUL answer will be "Ba" and a lying answer will be "Da"). Based on the answer given, you take the appropriate path.