Well no duh its not a true infinite. I pretty much constantly mention its at least a 7 or 8 frame gap (SDC being sonic disruptor? I usually use nova cancel, I find it gives me an extra + frame or two). I was poking fun at the idea of these blocking infinites when all of the examples given have these frame gaps that can be punished out of. Especially if you read the video description, I even say "I punish 6 frames, does that mean its an infinite now?" or something to that effect.
As for the 1 hitting high, yeah but I've found it a lot harder to punish than advertised. Like with 3xxNBC they were only able to duck as the punch was on its way out. I think I managed it to stuff WW's parry which is 4 frames at one point. So 8 frames, eh... give or take one somewhere. I did 113xxNBC loop to someone offline today, its legitimately hard for some characters to get out of. I think I tried it on a fellow Bane and, barring uppercut, he had no options.
112, I like to mix it in with 113xxTA on hit if I can land it because 112 will combo into it on hit, and set you up with TA advantage on block. My personal go-to combo is like 113xxTA 112 b.3 j.3xxMB nova into another TA set-up. I dunno, cyborg is hella fun but I'm terrible as him haha.
Yeah from what I saw TA is maybe... +40 on block.