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Turning Over a New Leaf

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Mama's Little Bumgorf
Well...who else would talk like that? Mmmmhmmm

All I know is what I heard and what several people at the tournament texted me about. What? Did you think I was some nobody who didn't know a single soul in the community? LOL

What are you going to do when I compete at UFGT and or/EVO. You gonna talk shit? You gonna make it personal? Of course you will....

We need UltraDavid commentating....these issues don't arise with him at the helm. #TheFuckingTruth
So lets review:

1. You've never heard me say this on stream, yet you accuse me of throwing around the N word at a Major tournament because I'm Black and we obviously all talk like that on live microphones because we can't control ourselves.

2. You're the first person to call someone an elitist, then pull the "TOP PLAYERS TEXT ME" card.

3. You assume I will stoop to your level and throw around ad-hominem in a professional setting because you're too immature to filter personal vendettas.

Is there anything else you'd like to add before completely humiliating yourself?

Lol...bitch please. What a crock of shite'. Weren't you the one that made that thread about "Only the best should enter this thread", or whatever RIDICULOUS thread you made? Honey, you are not the best. (keep in mind I love you, and you obviously are a consistently top player) but there are like 50+ killers that can make some serious noise IF NOT win any given tournament.

I'm glad you've come to your senses.
I guess youre the one that decides who says what in this community, just stop that bs. He made that thread to create hype obviously. Did forever king really think, oh im the best by far and cannot be beaten? I highly doubt that, did or does he think he is one of the best? I think he does and he has all the right to do so, theres nothing wrong with confidence and he has the results to back it up.


Dude...for the record...I never ran over your dog, fucked your girlfriend, or said you were ugly. Why are you always putting me on blast? I talk a big "game" towards the idiots who deserve it....
Why are you always putting everyone here on blast? You can't call people out and expect not to be called out when you're wrong and do this shit constantly.

Well...who else would talk like that? Mmmmhmmm

All I know is what I heard and what several people at the tournament texted me about. What? Did you think I was some nobody who didn't know a single soul in the community? LOL

What are you going to do when I compete at UFGT and or/EVO. You gonna talk shit? You gonna make it personal? Of course you will....

We need UltraDavid commentating....these issues don't arise with him at the helm. #TheFuckingTruth
I watched pretty much all of IGAU, I cannot think of a single time DMS said nigga, and I say nigga alot so I would know. AND YOU NEVER EVEN HEARD THIS YOURSELF? What kind of clown are you?


Mid Tier
I agree with the commentary being shit this weekend with the acception of a couple individuals.

There were times I couldn't have the sound on while watching with my Kids in my games room, and that sucks.

50% of the time the commentators were just talking about themselves.

I dunno, I've def seen better.

Sucks not being able to watch with sound though because of the amount of profanity.

Edit: I don't remember who it was, cause I don't know everyones names, but the N word was definitely used alot at points during the stream, My 4 year old daughter asked me what it ment, so yah, I guess I will be watching streams in silence until there is a disclaimer or something lol.
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Guys, we need to move forward. Forget about playing the blame game and just put the negativity behind you. Yeah, some might slip into old habits and mess up once in a while, but DMS's suggestions are a step in the right direction if you are at all interested in growing the community and increasing the knowledge base.

Don't let the past dictate the future.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
You're reaching Playing2Win levels of condescension. We get it. You're classy, have a social life and a job. So do many of us, and yet we aren't total dicks about it. Sorry your multi-million dollar dealing business associates are offended by "Tweet out that KDZ is about to fight Forever King." Yeah, that's some real life issue right there.

Your points about racial slurs, homophobic language, etc...are absolutely valid. Yet, much like P2W, you can't seem to articulate without coming off like a condescending douche. If you want to harp on people skills, practice what you preach, sir.

The funniest bit about the above post is that it's so forced and out of place. Check the OP again. It has nothing to do with this.

Again, allow me to state that I agree with what you're trying to imply, but perhaps you need to get off your high horse a bit.

PS: DMS never used the N word. So maybe before you call people "shady," make sure you don't throw baseless accusations yourself, especially ones as serious as this.
I am clearly being backed up against a wall and being labeled a racist. That's BS. I am 100% against hearing the N word or the F word or the whatever word. MY POINT to all of that, is these people want us to promote the stream but why should we when we hear nothing but UTTER RUBBISH on the stream? I mean...am I wrong in this?

Look....I may have misspoken, or my words didn't gravitate together the way I wanted, I wasn't trying to insinuate that because DMS is black he said it....i mean looking back i did...but i know what I heard....I know what the text messages I received said...it was point blank said on stream. I don't want to hear that nor do I wanna hear about WoundCowboy drama....PERIOD.

If DMS never said it...I apologize. I just feel like being called a racist cuz I heard that word uttered on stream is ridiculous. No need to back me up against a wall...bully me...and these collective trolls try to attack me is utter bs.

Fine...I guess I just should have said that with UltraDavid commentating I and many other people would been way happier. Is that racist.....no. It's because he is clean cut and no non-sense.

I never hear stupid shit with UltraDaivd....ugh this whole post is a lost cause. You guys are going for my jugular.


The "Everyone who disagrees with me when I say something REALLY dumb, damaging, and foolish are bullying and attacking em defense.

How classy.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
LOL @ disliking. I had no particular opinion of you until recently where it seems like all you do is scold people on how you think they should act, sometimes rightly, and sometimes over the most minute incidents.
Ha...well I can't speak for you...but I would never dick ride anyone in this community. And yes, I have every right to scold people, just as you, or ANYONE here. I just happen to show no fear and speak up. Welcome to Planet Earth. ;)


Let's keep talking of positivity and bringing this community in a new light but continue arguing and bickering about things. I agree with what the OP says, but I don't see that standard lasting long around here. We're playing competitively for money and people get salty for a reason, it be themselves, or some stupid personal shit between players (no one in particular) Granted i'm not even well known here or ever even comment on this shit because I don't really know ANY of you people, and i'm afraid i'm going to say something and get blown up for it, but fuck it.

After reading things about this past major i'm pretty disgusted and turned off to wanting to go to an offline major event. The thread that @HomeLee1121 made about people being right next to him talking shit to his face is beyond fucked up. I would have legitimately hit this person in the face for ruining what was supposed to be fun that I paid a fuck ton of money for. Someone needs to seriously do something about commentary. I actually do enjoy some of it for what it is, but overall for any of us to be taken seriously that shit shouldn't stand. I think people should be a little bit more professional when it comes to commentating because I'd really like more people to get into this game and eventually make MLG status (if even possible)

I guess all I can really say is this if anyone is going to read this:

You want your community/game to succeed and be better? Than start acting a little bit more fucking mature and drop some of the petty bullshit. Put me on blast because I haven't been to a major or whatever, I don't really care. The only thing I do care about is if i'm going to drop a butt load of money to go to a major, I want it to be well worth it and to be fun, not an experience that I have to come back here and write up another stupid one of these posts that shouldn't have been fucking needed in the first place.

I'm going back to hunting down scoundrels for money, later turds.


Alright guys i think this has got out of hand and the hostility needs to stop. I know runwaymafia may have come off as saying racists things but he apologized for his actions and everyone needs to drop it. I know you guys disagree on his opinion but this is borderline bullying and nobody wants to see that. You all have your opinions but please dont personally attack people on the forums. Its not one of the things us newer members of the community want to be seeing


Alright guys i think this has got out of hand and the hostility needs to stop. I know runwaymafia may have come off as saying racists things but he apologized for his actions and everyone needs to drop it. I know you guys disagree on his opinion but this is borderline bullying and nobody wants to see that. You all have your opinions but please dont personally attack people on the forums. Its not one of the things us newer members of the community want to be seeing
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