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Turning Over a New Leaf

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Mid Tier
And don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree with DMS. But there is no way in hell the "~~elite~~" members of this community will EVER act in a dignified manner. Just sayin...
What do u mean by this lol, sounds like a stereotype.
I can think of a few guys that keep this type of stuff going because it basically keeps them relevant because for some reason people listen to what they have to say.

The second a person realizes that you don't have to give a fuck what anyone else thinks of you or your play as long as your having fun, then you will really start to reap the benefits of competitive gaming and this scene.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I will admit that I am guilty of this too, but I will try my best to not do this anymore lol. I agree 100% with your post DMS

Lol...bitch please. What a crock of shite'. Weren't you the one that made that thread about "Only the best should enter this thread", or whatever RIDICULOUS thread you made? Honey, you are not the best. (keep in mind I love you, and you obviously are a consistently top player) but there are like 50+ killers that can make some serious noise IF NOT win any given tournament.

I'm glad you've come to your senses.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Just to be clear on the whole Joker community vs. SonicFox bullshit (since it's fairly clear that it's being hinted at in some of this) that went down before Final Round, the only reason any of us (mostly Qwark and myself) were taking issue with that thread was because he came in there calling us all downplayers and frauds with our own character. You're right, communities shouldn't shutdown players that come in trying to help, but Sonic's thread was NOT an example how to act, and is pretty much the exact opposite of what you're trying to push here. I'm all for discussing and debating Joker tech; I fucking love it. But don't come in my forums calling me and everyone I've been building this character with a bunch of idiots. That's horseshit, and that's why that thread went the way it did. I have no problems moving forward. Joker is a much better character than people think; I doubt he is top 10, but he's strong nonetheless and that's my opinion. People know we don't downplay him whatsoever, and soon, hopefully we'll be able to show everyone why. Perhaps some more tact will earn you some more respect next time young Fox...
I agree that everyone acted poorly in that thread and Joker is not Top 10, but still viable. I made sure to put Notez on stream until elimination to show people what he's capable of.


aka - RM_AtK !
i agree to the extent of nobody should ever try to demoralize somebody over losing in a game. But you still have to realize that this is "competition" to a point and there will always be that 2nd nature of wanting to know who the "best" or "top" player is in specific categories. That being said it doesnt mean you discredit other players. Still, you will never get rid of that curiosity and debating over who is at the top of the totum pole. I just think the community overall should definetly stop all the asshole-ish popping off on people unless they truely truely deserve to be popped off on. I mean grow up some people that ive seen popoff, are popping off on somebody who has never done anything to them or deserve the embarassing attention. I think nobody realizes that just because its entertaining to ppl watching, you don't see all the negative things you're doing to your opponent while doing this. Overall this is just my opinion though so if you disagree idc i'm not trying to battle with anyone over it. agree to disagree i feel a lot of people in the community have a bit of growing up to do (especially people in there mid 20's - 30's etc).


I agree. It's unfair to call 16 Bit the Catwoman of America with Ra Helios around.

Regardless, I agree with the OP. There are times when it's acceptable, if someone is clearly head and shoulders above the rest with their character (in term of how they play and their results. For example, REO being the best Kabal in MK, or Pig being the best Kenshi), but at this point in Injustice's life, we don't have enough data. The worst part is when the title of "____ of America" changes every week based on who did well at the most recent major. It doesn't work that way.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I agree. It's unfair to call 16 Bit the Catwoman of America with Ra Helios around.

Regardless, I agree with the OP. There are times when it's acceptable, if someone is clearly head and shoulders above the rest with their character (in term of how they play and their results. For example, REO being the best Kabal in MK, or Pig being the best Kenshi), but at this point in Injustice's life, we don't have enough data. The worst part is when the title of "____ of America" changes every week based on who did well at the most recent major. It doesn't work that way.
Yes. We all look like idiots when we make that claim because Superman player A places or wins at a tournament that Superman player B didn't attend.
I do agree with the OP, but I feel like there can be a middle ground. I agree that the community as a whole should be trying to level up each other rather than trying to horde tech or be insular, but aside from the fact that I think the rivalries amongst the character specialists create a lot of hype, competition *does* also create the incentive to level up.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
The problem with this community:

1.) Top players and TO's constantly bitch, "You need to get off your ass and off online and come support your game at tournaments!", but when they do they are treated with absolute disrespect, can barely get a casual warm up before their pool, top name players HOGGING the station with no regard towards anyone else, and then when they voice their tournament experience, they are passively aggressively antagonized by the likes of Shock and other TO's.

To a normal individual, this is UNACCEPTABLE.

2.) How often do we hear people say, "tweet everyone you know, let the world know KDZ is about to fight Forever King". LOL.

Well first off, the commentary is utter shit. You have Flip Kev (or whatever his name is) constantly side tracking, barely commenting on the hype match in front of him. OR....DMS or whomever constantly dropping the "N" word, because he is black, that has nothing to do with what is happening on screen.

So you want me, and my clients, and my business associates (who deal with multi-million dollar accounts) to chime in and listen to you drop the "N" word constantly and barely commentate the match. I DON'T THINK SO, BRO.

Could you imagine if me and a fellow gay dude constantly said "[ban incoming]", and commented on their looks? Yeah...no one would give a shit. Get your shit together, the commentary is anything but tolerable.

To a normal individual, this is UNACCEPTABLE.

3.) The utter shadiness of you people running the scene.

So many post's are coming in about how utterly RIDICULOUS this tournament was and how they were treated.

Need we go back to when 16bit and Pig were accused of rigging brackets? Need we deal with players who are on "staff" taking 3 hour breaks to play casuals? It's utterly astonishing you want to blame the hundreds of people who paid money to attend, when in fact the shadiness all lies with the people controlling shit. Shame on all of you.

So...NO...the only "Leaf" that needs to be turned is to replace all of "you". I have received so many texts and messages from popular players/members saying this is shit and "quite frankly it will never end with these people in control".

People have spent money and they are pissed. Perhaps we need new leadership?


Mama's Little Bumgorf
To a normal individual, this is UNACCEPTABLE.

2.) How often do we hear people say, "tweet everyone you know, let the world know KDZ is about to fight Forever King". LOL.

Well first off, the commentary is utter shit. You have Flip Kev (or whatever his name is) constantly side tracking, barely commenting on the hype match in front of him. OR....DMS or whomever constantly dropping the "N" word, because he is black, that has nothing to do with what is happening on screen.

Yeah take my name off that right now. What's wrong with this community is people like you making baseless accusations without facts.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
"Not sure who's doing it, but I'll throw your name in there anyway." Yeah, no.
Really? You wanna go there, bro? You really wanna defend your culturally inappropriate commentary? You think you are absent from criticism? Lol get a fucking grip.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Really? You wanna go there, bro? You really wanna defend your culturally inappropriate commentary? You think you are absent from criticism? Lol get a fucking grip.
I have never said that on commentary at a Major. You don't even know if it was me; you just said DMS or WHOEVER. Are you serious right now? Get out of here.


Um yeah DMS is not the dude to drop the N word on commentarry ever, so @RunawayMafia you can shut the hell up witht hat shit. YOu talk a big game about how people should keep shit calsasy but you talk just as much shit as the rest of us.

On topic, nothing wrong with wanting to be the best for a character or wanting to prove it, but after awhile things on here got really vitriolic and it was annoying as fuck to see. I think DMS me and you talked about it when we were all chilling by the pool at SCR how ti puts so much weight on new people who got talked up and it fucking sucks.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Um yeah DMS is not the dude to drop the N word on commentarry ever, so @RunawayMafia you can shut the hell up witht hat shit. YOu talk a big game about how people should keep shit calsasy but you talk just as much shit as the rest of us.

On topic, nothing wrong with wanting to be the best for a character or wanting to prove it, but after awhile things on here got really vitriolic and it was annoying as fuck to see. I think DMS me and you talked about it when we were all chilling by the pool at SCR how ti puts so much weight on new people who got talked up and it fucking sucks.
Dude...for the record...I never ran over your dog, fucked your girlfriend, or said you were ugly. Why are you always putting me on blast? I talk a big "game" towards the idiots who deserve it....


The problem with this community:

1.) Top players and TO's constantly bitch, "You need to get off your ass and off online and come support your game at tournaments!", but when they do they are treated with absolute disrespect, can barely get a casual warm up before their pool, top name players HOGGING the station with no regard towards anyone else, and then when they voice their tournament experience, they are passively aggressively antagonized by the likes of Shock and other TO's.

To a normal individual, this is UNACCEPTABLE.

2.) How often do we hear people say, "tweet everyone you know, let the world know KDZ is about to fight Forever King". LOL.

Well first off, the commentary is utter shit. You have Flip Kev (or whatever his name is) constantly side tracking, barely commenting on the hype match in front of him. OR....DMS or whomever constantly dropping the "N" word, because he is black, that has nothing to do with what is happening on screen.

So you want me, and my clients, and my business associates (who deal with multi-million dollar accounts) to chime in and listen to you drop the "N" word constantly and barely commentate the match. I DON'T THINK SO, BRO.

Could you imagine if me and a fellow gay dude constantly said "[ban incoming]", and commented on their looks? Yeah...no one would give a shit. Get your shit together, the commentary is anything but tolerable.

To a normal individual, this is UNACCEPTABLE.

3.) The utter shadiness of you people running the scene.

So many post's are coming in about how utterly RIDICULOUS this tournament was and how they were treated.

Need we go back to when 16bit and Pig were accused of rigging brackets? Need we deal with players who are on "staff" taking 3 hour breaks to play casuals? It's utterly astonishing you want to blame the hundreds of people who paid money to attend, when in fact the shadiness all lies with the people controlling shit. Shame on all of you.

So...NO...the only "Leaf" that needs to be turned is to replace all of "you". I have received so many texts and messages from popular players/members saying this is shit and "quite frankly it will never end with these people in control".

People have spent money and they are pissed. Perhaps we need new leadership?
You're reaching Playing2Win levels of condescension. We get it. You're classy, have a social life and a job. So do many of us, and yet we aren't total dicks about it. Sorry your multi-million dollar dealing business associates are offended so easily and thus you can't Tweet out that "KDZ is about to fight Forever King." Yeah, that's some real life issue right there.

Your points about racial slurs, homophobic language, etc...are absolutely valid. Yet, much like P2W, you can't seem to articulate without coming off like a condescending douche. If you want to harp on people skills, practice what you preach, sir.

The funniest bit about the above post is that it's so forced and out of place. Check the OP again. It has nothing to do with this.

Again, allow me to state that I agree with what you're trying to imply, but perhaps you need to get off your high horse a bit.

PS: DMS never used the N word. So maybe before you call people "shady," make sure you don't throw baseless accusations yourself, especially ones as serious as this.
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