I don't know Aquaman strings, I'll go look for that.Back 1 from Green Lantern catches backdashes etc and Sinestro's string has awesome range, it can sometimes even check minus four moves like mace charge that have similar pushback to teleport.
I would use his eight frame low, that string you mentioned probably isn't fast enough. I dunno his frame data aside from back 1, scoop and from the deep really.
Can't you cancel it into a special or something? I know it's minus nine for Shazam, but the point is it's an option to check him and if he attempts to escape I'm pretty sure you get a full combo.
Yeah Shazam can cancel b2 into all his specials (both grabs, both teleports, and his torpedo). Torpedo tends to catchh jump backs, but it's his b2, 3 which is the jump back eater. Sounds like a guessing game for both players. Either Martian dashes away or blocks.