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Match-up Discussion Anything but mediocre! The Zod Pictorial Match Up Chart

B W1zZ

I always do well against B Wizz's Zod. I thought it was because his Zod wasn't that great, but after his showing at WNF it seems his Zod is pretty solid so maybe that is just a difficult match up for Zod
To be fair its actually been quite awhile since we've played that matchup at all. I placed better than I thought I would at WNF, my Zod play was hella sloppy because I was playing nothing but green arrow for like a week.

There's a lot Bwizz doesn't do yet and it'll take time
I can do all his standard stuff pretty consistently but haven't got too deep into the trait recharge combos, and my trait game in general probably needs a facelift.

That was my feeling too(about B Wizz and the match up) but I can't blow up the guy who out placed me that at last tournament we were both at. I think he thinks it's 5-5 or slight advantage Ares.
It's probably even, I think one of Ares strengths in that MU is being able to run away from the trait with tele.
Just so Pig doesn't have to get into it again, i'll lay it out. Zod's trait is pretty much worthless when Sinestro has trait (which is quite often against Zod). Zod gets outzoned because MB FB and Boulder can't be crouched and do more damage than any of Zod's projectiles. Sinestro also has decent air control and can shut down Zod's attempts at trying to stay in the air and get projectiles on screen. Sinestro also punishes Zod's only real mixup (overhead trait grab) with 34% into a vortex setup. I think it's at least 6-4 in Sinestro's favor.
Isn't MB FB and Zod's MB SA the same damage?

AK rtd

Wound Cowboy's exceptional talent skews the match up charts for Sinestro IMO. it's probably best not to factor his results into any of these MU analysis.

to make things more interesting though, Wound Cowboy could pick up Zod and we could see if any of the top Sinrstros can beat him. such a challenge would rule out Wound Cowboy's X-factor.
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