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Green Lantern BnBs and Strategies

Sorry if something similar has been posted before but here's a combo that I use a lot.
I use this as my jump in medium. If the jump in isn't blocked I combo into 123, MB LM, B3, Ji3, 223, LM - 40%

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
I see this is a strategy thread, so I think this is the place to post this, but if it isn't let me know. I recently started picking up GL seriously as an alt to my main, and I played at our GGA local yesterday with a little success. I know that one of his weak points is the zoning game, but I was wondering if any GL players used Rocket Power in his zoning game. I find it to be very effective if you know the placements of each rocket. It's +21 on block so you get a free dash out of it if they block and on hit you can probably get 2 dashes. It would definitely help the issue of getting in at full screen. What do you all think?
I see this is a strategy thread, so I think this is the place to post this, but if it isn't let me know. I recently started picking up GL seriously as an alt to my main, and I played at our GGA local yesterday with a little success. I know that one of his weak points is the zoning game, but I was wondering if any GL players used Rocket Power in his zoning game. I find it to be very effective if you know the placements of each rocket. It's +21 on block so you get a free dash out of it if they block and on hit you can probably get 2 dashes. It would definitely help the issue of getting in at full screen. What do you all think?
His zoning game can be very solid actually. That's the thing about Lantern. Good at everything, great at nothing. If you're in a MU where you have to run away and zone, using ORs, AORs, MG as well as using these with trait. AOR recovers faster, MG has farther reach and they all do more damage and chip damage.

For RP though, it is good to use if you know the placements and have them afraid to move. If they see your arm come up in the beginning animation they have plenty of time to jump to a different range or even shoot their own projectile, if they have one, to punish. Something I personally do is use RP's block advantage to get my trait active and start zoning with that.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
His zoning game can be very solid actually. That's the thing about Lantern. Good at everything, great at nothing. If you're in a MU where you have to run away and zone, using ORs, AORs, MG as well as using these with trait. AOR recovers faster, MG has farther reach and they all do more damage and chip damage.

For RP though, it is good to use if you know the placements and have them afraid to move. If they see your arm come up in the beginning animation they have plenty of time to jump to a different range or even shoot their own projectile, if they have one, to punish. Something I personally do is use RP's block advantage to get my trait active and start zoning with that.
I also like to use MB version of RP too since a lot of ppl don't see it coming and it has even more advantage on it. I'll start using trait more when I'm zoning and see how it works out for me.
I see this is a strategy thread, so I think this is the place to post this, but if it isn't let me know. I recently started picking up GL seriously as an alt to my main, and I played at our GGA local yesterday with a little success. I know that one of his weak points is the zoning game, but I was wondering if any GL players used Rocket Power in his zoning game. I find it to be very effective if you know the placements of each rocket. It's +21 on block so you get a free dash out of it if they block and on hit you can probably get 2 dashes. It would definitely help the issue of getting in at full screen. What do you all think?
I dont like to use it too much. it doesnt go full screen, you'll lose the trade if the opponet trys to zone you back, you can jump it dash it and crouch it. it only hits when it explodes not during the travel time so if you use wrong distance then they can start zoning you back. i only use it when they're not trying to counter zone you or anything and really respecting GL's zoning. but theres almost no one that does that so idk
I also like to use MB version of RP too since a lot of ppl don't see it coming and it has even more advantage on it. I'll start using trait more when I'm zoning and see how it works out for me.
yeah with GL's zoning you want to back them to the corner and use trait zoning to keep them there

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
I dont like to use it too much. it doesnt go full screen, you'll lose the trade if the opponet trys to zone you back, you can jump it dash it and crouch it. it only hits when it explodes not during the travel time so if you use wrong distance then they can start zoning you back. i only use it when they're not trying to counter zone you or anything and really respecting GL's zoning. but theres almost no one that does that so idk
Of course you shouldn't use it as his main tool, but I throw it out on occasion to see if I can catch them standing there. I haven't had too many instances where I didn't have the range down, and when I did, the recovery on it is quick enough to block there punish attempt for the most part. Most of the times when I traded it was neutral or in my favor and I got a dash, but this was against Cyborg and Nightwing so it might be character specific. Just an option I thought I would see what ppl think of.
Of course you shouldn't use it as his main tool, but I throw it out on occasion to see if I can catch them standing there. I haven't had too many instances where I didn't have the range down, and when I did, the recovery on it is quick enough to block there punish attempt for the most part. Most of the times when I traded it was neutral or in my favor and I got a dash, but this was against Cyborg and Nightwing so it might be character specific. Just an option I thought I would see what ppl think of.
yeah just throwing it out once or twice usually works good. what ive been trying to do lately is end a combo in 223 4 RP. 223 give the hard knockdown and the RP will hit them if they try to wake up and you can follow up with MB minigun for %28. if they dont wakeup you get the +21 on block to start your trait zoning or pressure. ever since that guy found the F3 setup the other day ive been using trait for that though lol

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
yeah just throwing it out once or twice usually works good. what ive been trying to do lately is end a combo in 223 4 RP. 223 give the hard knockdown and the RP will hit them if they try to wake up and you can follow up with MB minigun for %28. if they dont wakeup you get the +21 on block to start your trait zoning or pressure. ever since that guy found the F3 setup the other day ive been using trait for that though lol
Does RP blow through wakeups?
Does RP blow through wakeups?
well its slow enough that it hits after the invincibility frames and 223 puts you far enough to where most WU's wont hit you in time. you will have to switch to close RP or minigun for a few characters wakeups. it works on DS sword spin, on all of DD's wakeups, all of supermans wu's except low scoop which wont hit you at the distance anyway. the only wakeup it doesnt work on is killer frosts slide. ravens soul crush will also trade with RP everytime. everything else i tested was stuffed

The first 10ish matches are my GL. I need to work on my hitconfirms because I did too many B13 lifts.
That was good just gotta learn more of his BnB's and setups. My favorite Bnb's are b1 MB OR f3 ji2 b13 4 223 LM %41 or b13 4 22 MB OR 223 LM %33. end his combos with setups to. use the F3 crossup that was just found they're pretty much dead if you land it once. or when you were ending your combos in MB LM and dashing over to the other side, the opponet can just wakeup out of that. if you delay your dashup just a little you will appear to be on the other side but at the last second pop back to the same side you started dashing from. that and the ji3 and turbine setup are really useful to.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
That was good just gotta learn more of his BnB's and setups. My favorite Bnb's are b1 MB OR f3 ji2 b13 4 223 LM %41 or b13 4 22 MB OR 223 LM %33. end his combos with setups to. use the F3 crossup that was just found they're pretty much dead if you land it once. or when you were ending your combos in MB LM and dashing over to the other side, the opponet can just wakeup out of that. if you delay your dashup just a little you will appear to be on the other side but at the last second pop back to the same side you started dashing from. that and the ji3 and turbine setup are really useful to.
My GL from a competitive standpoint is only like 3 days old. I'm gonna check out these setups and see if I can apply them.


Dojo Trainee
Ashenar's set-up into the F3 cross up added.

I got another set-up for the F3 cross up

B1xxF3 J3 B13 trait into setup 33%

doesn't do as much damage as Ashenar's but its been opening people up for me nicely, especially if you do it after a jump in making them block OH low OH. Be aware that F3 will whiff if you B1 at max range or hold mb too long and the B1 mbOA set up (ashenar's) will whiff if you B1 too close on a low blocking opponent.

oh and whilst I was playing with f3/b3 cancels I noticed trait can be canceled at any point during its active frames. I can see that having some useful applications if you got meter to spare.
One more thing, in the Ashenar follow up combo doing 12 instead of b2 is allot easier, does the same damage and still gives you the trait bounce.

Edit: Ignore me, i didn't realize that B3/F3 cancels took 2 bars
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I got another set-up for the F3 cross up

B1xxF3 J3 B13 trait into setup 33%

doesn't do as much damage as Ashenar's but its been opening people up for me nicely, especially if you do it after a jump in making them block OH low OH. Be aware that F3 will whiff if you B1 at max range or hold mb too long and the B1 mbOA set up (ashenar's) will whiff if you B1 too close on a low blocking opponent.

oh and whilst I was playing with f3/b3 cancels I noticed trait can be canceled at any point during its active frames. I can see that having some useful applications if you got meter to spare.
One more thing, in the Ashenar follow up combo doing 12 instead of b2 is allot easier, does the same damage and still gives you the trait bounce.
why would i do 2 bars for %33 into setup when i can do %33 or %36 into setup for 1 bar?