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Midtier Mayhem Episode 1 - What are tournaments really? Green Arrow, Real Man's Man of the week.


Mid Tier
I think we got front paged then un front paged lol.

that takes some skills I guess.

I think you guys will enjoy the next episode. We will do guests very soon, probably after NEC, and after we get more used to how to actually do a pod cast. Would really like to keep it to about an hour, but the time actually fly's when you are doing them.

Thanks for all the positive feedback, remember to suggest topics guest anything you might wanna hear discussed. Just PM me Murphy or Chance.

Even if only one person enjoyed the show I would do more, because I think there are somethings that need to be discussed, and other things and people that kinda get looked over.

Going to do our best to have something interesting and useful for you guys to listen too.


That Welsh Guy
So maybe... some Britons should do a podcast too? If you don't feel you have a voice, then maybe you should think about making one for yourself.
British* >.< Damn you ducky!

We did for like 3 episodes long -.- the scenes quiet again... and i'm not sure how long Injustice has left here :'(
I've thought about it, thus I still need the correct people with the right drive to do it with.


Filthy Casual
Downloading now, this is awesome. More NRS/Injustice podcasts the better. BTW if a podcast sprung up with a regular female host it'd be Internet gold.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Haha.. Wrong Guess. Don't like to use the poster boy in fighting games.

The character I'm using has an Overdrive kalled "Nightmare Reaper"

Terumi? He looks pretty awesome. Might play him when I get the game.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Terumi? He looks pretty awesome. Might play him when I get the game.

Yup. He's a rushdown character that builds a ton of meter and relies on it for damage. Otherwise he has fairly low meterless damage and has no standing overheads so it seems like he relies on konditioning to open people up. (kinda reminds me of Arrow without the zoning)...

He has no real Full Screen presence outside of his 100% Heat Super. So I think it's best to play at Mid Range or point blank range.

I'm new to Blazblue in general so maybe I'm wrong. He seems more basic than others but I like him, even if it's mostly the Red Reaper aspect.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Yup. He's a rushdown character that builds a ton of meter and relies on it for damage. Otherwise he has fairly low meterless damage and has no standing overheads so it seems like he relies on konditioning to open people up. (kinda reminds me of Arrow without the zoning)...

He has no real Full Screen presence outside of his 100% Heat Super. So I think it's best to play at Mid Range or point blank range.

I'm new to Blazblue in general so maybe I'm wrong. He seems more basic than others but I like him, even if it's mostly the Red Reaper aspect.

If you need help let me know. I was a pretty high level player back in Continuum Shift. I haven't touched CP yet, but I can help where I can.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
If you need help let me know. I was a pretty high level player back in Continuum Shift. I haven't touched CP yet, but I can help where I can.

Thanx. I'm not really sure how pressure/strings work. When you kancel your strings into each other is there a gap? Or is it only when you stop your attack and then start up again?

This also answers my DP question as well. I'm not used to playing a game with invincible moves like DPs. (Play MK and Injustice as my main games. SCV and DOA5 as side games.)

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Thanx. I'm not really sure how pressure/strings work. When you kancel your strings into each other is there a gap? Or is it only when you stop your attack and then start up again?

This also answers my DP question as well. I'm not used to playing a game with invincible moves like DPs. (Play MK and Injustice as my main games. SCV and DOA5 as side games.)

You have to look at the advantage you get off of you're pressure ender. Obviously when you gatling strings, there's no gap for the most part. Depending on what you end your pressure with, you can start pressure again or even frame trap. For example, I play Hazama and his stance A is 0 on block. That gives me the ability to continue my pressure. There are some specials and normals that give frame advantage on block. It's best to experiment, or look at the frame data if its available. DPs in this game work just like wake ups in MK except that you don't need to be waking up. All DPs have different amounts of invinciblity.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
You have to look at the advantage you get off of you're pressure ender. Obviously when you gatling strings, there's no gap for the most part. Depending on what you end your pressure with, you can start pressure again or even frame trap. For example, I play Hazama and his stance A is 0 on block. That gives me the ability to continue my pressure. There are some specials and normals that give frame advantage on block. It's best to experiment, or look at the frame data if its available. DPs in this game work just like wake ups in MK except that you don't need to be waking up. All DPs have different amounts of invinciblity.

Alright. It's as I thought. That's good to know. I just didn't want to have to fear DP's in the middle of my strings.

Hazama was the character I was trying to learn before (because I knew that Terumi was koming out) but outside of the 2A 5B frame trap he doesn't really play like him.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Alright. It's as I thought. That's good to know. I just didn't want to have to fear DP's in the middle of my strings.

Hazama was the character I was trying to learn before (because I knew that Terumi was koming out) but outside of the 2A 5B frame trap he doesn't really play like him.

There are gatlings in this game with gaps big enough for a DP inside of it. Keep that in mind.
Finished listening. Again I really like the concept of this. I'm sure I'm one of a hundred that says this, but it really seems this is a podcast for me. I play all the time, I'm constantly looking and finding tech and strategies. May be considered a "mid-tier" player.

I haven't been to a tournament since MLG Raleigh so no tournaments for Injustice yet. No scene at all. Only online until I finally make it to a tournament, which will probably be FR17. Good stuff guys. I think this could really go a long way.