Why no wakeup? Is it a fast restand?the bnb is j2 32 mb rlg b3 d2 far teeth f23 far teeth f23 far teeth J3
some chars can wakeup but you're right on top of them and theyre right on teethWhy no wakeup? Is it a fast restand?
Definitely at the very least another option to keep people guess. And I do much prefer the f23 BnB just because that link is easier to land than the j2 in various connections. So what followups connect after the j3 with the teeth on the ground?some chars can wakeup but you're right on top of them and theyre right on teeth
this is extremely rough and needs to be polished, i can tell some ways out but its going to be a very solid bnb i can tell
I'll screw with it when I get home. Might be useful to use up teeth to delay them and allows for different resets.there are so many versions of this, too many variations but i really think one of them is an inescapable reset
things that change properties
when you b3
when you j3
if you use j3/j2
which kind of teeth you use
this will take a lot of testing
stops wakeups and resets them unless they tech roll into backdashStarting to sound like every other teeth setup. What's setting it apart?
this is safe and can have huge wallcarry. a normal bnbs worth of carry + tech roll + backdashGil's teeth setups function the same way, but they can't be backdashed either. 50/50 based on if they techroll or not.
projectiles have no invincibility as wakeups and do not go through badly timed projectiles/interactiblesQuark I saw in another thread you were talkin about wakin up with blossom for meter even if it will whiff, why not gunshot? You will build more meter if they block it and the recovery from both moves are probably similar from that range
You can also switch one of the practice options to see them as well. I can't remember the name of it, but the options are 1 (you) and 2 (opponent).This might be random and I'm probably late in finding out ... but I just realized that you can view the second characters move set in training mode while you have record on lol. FUN FACTS.