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Match-up Discussion Post-patch Match up List and Discussion


Batman is free to GL set ups and oki but Batman can turtle the hell out of GL and make it difficult to get in. Not as difficult as actual zoning characters but still. GL still has to be careful.

After the patch Batman honestly can't turtle anymore. It takes 10 seconds just for one trait bat to come back, how am I supposed to turtle with that? There is absolutely no way Batman beats Lanturn, it's a 5-5 or Lanturn's favor
After the patch Batman honestly can't turtle anymore. It takes 10 seconds just for one trait bat to come back, how am I supposed to turtle with that? There is absolutely no way Batman beats Lanturn, it's a 5-5 or Lanturn's favor
I was thinking about that, but didn't just get raised 3 seconds? In a match that can mean a lot or nothing. Just depends what's going on.

Mr FiF

Man im having alot of trouble against people who are constatly jumping (Batman, Deathstroke, and scorpion players). Every time i try to anti air with down 2 its gets stuffed. Wth do i do?


Scorpion Scrub
Man im having alot of trouble against people who are constatly jumping (Batman, Deathstroke, and scorpion players). Every time i try to anti air with down 2 its gets stuffed. Wth do i do?
Lift bro.

In all seriousness they shouldn't be jumping on you, j1 usually beats most of their jumps also.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
I know I have asked before but emperor dark keeps bodying me, how Im Chris's named do I fucking deal with the joker? The teeth set ups are ridiculous, and I'd like to say I have to zone him but jokers gun shots are really fast, I just have no idea what to do in that mu.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Stop down playing the best normal attack in the game.
Stop the presses because this is the first time m2dave and I have agreed on anything

I know the GL downplaying is pretty severe in the lantern forum. I tried to keep it in check but I don't care anymore.

I'll just collect more props for when I don't play for months at a time and then randomly show up at a tournament and body everyone except tournament champions

AK Pig Of The Hut the ghost in action

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Stop the presses because this is the first time m2dave and I have agreed on anything

I know the GL downplaying is pretty severe in the lantern forum. I tried to keep it in check but I don't care anymore.

I'll just collect more props for when I don't play for months at a time and then randomly show up at a tournament and body everyone except tournament champions

AK Pig Of The Hut the ghost in action
Since the patch you've never failed me once

My little ghost is growing up
Stop the presses because this is the first time m2dave and I have agreed on anything

I know the GL downplaying is pretty severe in the lantern forum. I tried to keep it in check but I don't care anymore.

I'll just collect more props for when I don't play for months at a time and then randomly show up at a tournament and body everyone except tournament champions

AK Pig Of The Hut the ghost in action

ya it was so funny at summer jam when i was just trying to get some casuals in. i hate no idea who kt is/was and i started playing him. i learned really quick that i needed to get my shit straight and it was not just some scrub. KT smith, to date, has given me the hardest time with green lantern.

things confirmed from that set... green lantern is extremely zonable, he can quickly take 90% of your bar off one touch, ambiguous cross over/non cross over after LMMB is unblockable.


DJT's number on GL vs AM: 6-4, he says that AM has to work harder to keep a lead than GL does, which is true because GL has an air projectile and two ground projectiles than can be put to work. Aquaman only has trident/trident toss and GL can punish unsafe stuff from AM with lift to extinguish the trait.


Gaming4Satan Founder
DJT's number on GL vs AM: 6-4, he says that AM has to work harder to keep a lead than GL does, which is true because GL has an air projectile and two ground projectiles than can be put to work. Aquaman only has trident/trident toss and GL can punish unsafe stuff from AM with lift to extinguish the trait.
I agree he beats AM but only by a little and you gotta know your spacing. Whoever gets the lead first has a massive advantage.

But, GL b1 > AM b1, air rocket > trident spike and lantern has MUCH harder to block mix ups once he gets going.

I also 100% disagree with the idea that GL has to fight his way in on MMH. I've explained why in a post somewhere else, I forget


I agree he beats AM but only by a little and you gotta know your spacing. Whoever gets the lead first has a massive advantage.

But, GL b1 > AM b1, air rocket > trident spike and lantern has MUCH harder to block mix ups once he gets going.

I also 100% disagree with the idea that GL has to fight his way in on MMH. I've explained why in a post somewhere else, I forget
from my matches vs my bro and I played blackula once haha, GL has to work his way in. The main reason being is because MMH possesses the pillars, whatever that downwards projectile is called, and a tele to keep GL from using his projectiles like he usually does. Plus the buff to MMH allows him to hit GL out the air if he does an air missiles with the downward teleport. Also MMH has his orbs, so GL has a lot to deal with from a distance when playing MMH. But i'd like to hear your explanation for sure.


ya it was so funny at summer jam when i was just trying to get some casuals in. i hate no idea who kt is/was and i started playing him. i learned really quick that i needed to get my shit straight and it was not just some scrub. KT smith, to date, has given me the hardest time with green lantern.

things confirmed from that set... green lantern is extremely zonable, he can quickly take 90% of your bar off one touch, ambiguous cross over/non cross over after LMMB is unblockable.
this is how i'd break down GL vs someone like sinestro lol. This is how my matches go vs my bro, i'd either zone him out and keep him away, or he'll get in and pulverize me.


Gaming4Satan Founder
from my matches vs my bro and I played blackula once haha, GL has to work his way in. The main reason being is because MMH possesses the pillars, whatever that downwards projectile is called, and a tele to keep GL from using his projectiles like he usually does. Plus the buff to MMH allows him to hit GL out the air if he does an air missiles with the downward teleport. Also MMH has his orbs, so GL has a lot to deal with from a distance when playing MMH. But i'd like to hear your explanation for sure.
from a few pages back. I haven't played REO since the patch dropped so the overhead teleport buff might be a big deal idk

you gotta get it into your head that his zoning is 75% illusion. In order for him to actually control space in a timely fashion he needs to burn meter on a read (EX pillar or EX jin fireball) the overhead fireball is ok but not going to keep a turbine attempted contained very well.

At full screen you're not as helpless as against others; you can still threaten MMH significantly. You basically have 2 options, look for a spot to trade with standing rocket or make a read on when he's taking a breath from pressing buttons to turbine forward. I know this stuff isn't entirely safe but to quote PL WELCOME TO FIGHTING GAMES. The risk/reward is about even from this position; both characters need to make reads that aren't safe. The only difference is if you try to be passive he can chip you to death. Also, don't try to move after a full screen fireball, pillar is a frame trap.

Air rockets aren't entirely out of the question. If you jump and he pre-emptively does sektor teleport a j1 will often trade or beat him clean, keeping him honest. I wouldn't go around trying to throw air rockets in this MU but it can be done just to keep him on his toes.

Another thing that no one realizes is that MMH presents a MASSIVE target, especially while jumping. This makes him EXTREMELY susceptible to standing rocket from spaces closer than any other character. His teleports don't get him off the screen fast enough to avoid them in most cases either.

GL bops MMH in footsies unless he's traited up but that goes without saying. If he does have trait up, try to stay back out of standing 3 range and shoot standing rockets. He has little choice but to just duck them.

Also, DO NOT respect his regular jin fireballs unless they're part of a legitimate oki set up. That's a great way to let him do whatever he wants and you will lose.

I wouldn't say REO and I go even, he definitely wins more than me. But, he's also a better player.

I rest my case. Even match up."

EDIT: the first part is based on threatening grounded turbine advance or a standing rocket; if you do the wrong version of a zoning tool, GL is now right in your face or you got hit for 18% into a mix up


from a few pages back. I haven't played REO since the patch dropped so the overhead teleport buff might be a big deal idk

you gotta get it into your head that his zoning is 75% illusion. In order for him to actually control space in a timely fashion he needs to burn meter on a read (EX pillar or EX jin fireball) the overhead fireball is ok but not going to keep a turbine attempted contained very well.

At full screen you're not as helpless as against others; you can still threaten MMH significantly. You basically have 2 options, look for a spot to trade with standing rocket or make a read on when he's taking a breath from pressing buttons to turbine forward. I know this stuff isn't entirely safe but to quote PL WELCOME TO FIGHTING GAMES. The risk/reward is about even from this position; both characters need to make reads that aren't safe. The only difference is if you try to be passive he can chip you to death. Also, don't try to move after a full screen fireball, pillar is a frame trap.

Air rockets aren't entirely out of the question. If you jump and he pre-emptively does sektor teleport a j1 will often trade or beat him clean, keeping him honest. I wouldn't go around trying to throw air rockets in this MU but it can be done just to keep him on his toes.

Another thing that no one realizes is that MMH presents a MASSIVE target, especially while jumping. This makes him EXTREMELY susceptible to standing rocket from spaces closer than any other character. His teleports don't get him off the screen fast enough to avoid them in most cases either.

GL bops MMH in footsies unless he's traited up but that goes without saying. If he does have trait up, try to stay back out of standing 3 range and shoot standing rockets. He has little choice but to just duck them.

Also, DO NOT respect his regular jin fireballs unless they're part of a legitimate oki set up. That's a great way to let him do whatever he wants and you will lose.

I wouldn't say REO and I go even, he definitely wins more than me. But, he's also a better player.

I rest my case. Even match up."
good explanation, I'd still have it at 6 4, but a 5 5 is not out of the question for sure. I'll keep playing the matchup with my bro and see what happens, this game is still very young, things will change for sure.