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Guide Scorpion Community Combo Guide V2


I have picked up Scorpion as a secondary now. Glad he got his damage back plus 2u3 got some sort of buff I believe as well. I am now practicing all these combos listed here.

Scorpion is AWESOME!!!


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
thanks 1man3letters, but i have to say i hate any combo with more than 1 bar lol.

yea i get what u mean but i think scorpion can get alot of use out of the new mb b/f3's so just wanted to make a section for combos over two bars,i know personally ive been 112~mbing b3 like a motherfucker since the patch lol

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
yea i get what u mean but i think scorpion can get alot of use out of the new mb b/f3's so just wanted to make a section for combos over two bars,i know personally ive been 112~mbing b3 like a motherfucker since the patch lol
man, when i use Scorp, i burn the meter like a crazy guy who has nothing to lose lol, if i use 2 bars i'll be screwed lol, btw can you update every 1 bar and 2 bar bnb combo in the OP?


I Am The White Wolf

Meterless traitless combos
b12~telepunch, f22u3~spear - 25%
b12~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 24%

b2,dash,f113~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 31%
b2,dash,2u3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 29%

f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3, 113~leg takedown -30%
113~telepunch, 113~flipkick - 22 % (113~telepunch whiffs on characters listed in post #4)
113~flipkick - 17 %
2u3~leg takedown - 17%
f113~leg takedown - 19%
112~telepunch -13 %

b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown - 37%
b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 34%

f3, j3, 112~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown - 35%
f3, j3, 113~flipkick - 31%

d2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 22%

1 bar no trait combos
112~MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown - 33%
112~MB spear, b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 31%
112~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 22% into vortex

113~MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown - 31%
113~MB spear, b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 29%
113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 22% into vortex

b12~MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown - 35%
b12~MB spear, b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 33%
b12- MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 23% into vortex

b2, MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown - 35%
b2, dash, f113~MB spear, nj2 f22u3~telepunch, 11~leg takedown - 35%
b2, dash, 112~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 32% into vortex
b2, dash, f113 - MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 30% into vortex

f113~MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown - 35%
f113~MB spear, b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 33%
f113~ MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 24% into vortex

1 bar trait combos
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3~telepunch, MB hellfire - 30% + 9 % - 39%
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, f3, MB hellfire - 29% +9% - 38%
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, b2, MB hellfire - 29% + 9% - 38%
11~trait, f113~MB spear, b3, j2, j2, 113~leg takedown - 34%
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, j2, b12~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 33% in vortex
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, 113~ MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 31% in vortex

b12~MB spear, b3, j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch - 31% into vortex
b12~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch - 27% into vortex

b1~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2 b3, j3~MB spear nj2 f22u3~spear - 33%
b1~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 32% into vortex

b2, dash, f113~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, 11~leg takedown - 38%
b2, dash, f113 - MB spear, nj2, 11~trait, 112~telepunch - 34% in vortex
b2, dash, 112~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch - 34% into vortex

Meterless trait combos
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3, 2u3~leg takedown - 33%
b1~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3, 2u3~leg takedown - 32%
f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, dash, trait, 112~telepunch - 27% into vortex

b3, j2~trait, f22u3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 36%
b3, j2 j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch - 34% into vortex

f3, j3~telepunch, trait, f22u3~spear - 33%
f3, j3~telepunch , trait, 112~telepunch - 31% into vortex

2 bar + Combos
112~MB b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 3~leg takedown - 45%
112~MB b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 113~MB spear,nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch - 48% into vortex
112~MB b3, j2 j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch - 42% into vortex

3~MB b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 3~leg takedown - 47%
3~MB b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 113~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch - 50% into vortex
3~MB b3, j2 j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch - 44% into vortex

B1~trait, 3~MB b3, J3 NJ3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 47%

J3 combos
j3, f113~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 33%
crossover j3, f22u3~telepunch, 3 ~leg takedown - 33%

j3, f113~telepunch, d2 , MB hellfire - 27% + 9% - 36%
crossover j3 , f22u3~telepunch, d2, MB hellfire - 28% + 9% - 37 %
j3, f113~MB spear, nj2,112~telepunch - 32% into vortex
crossover j3, f22u3~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2~112~telepunch - 36% into vortex

j3, f113~MB spear, nj2, 2~trait, 112~telepunch - 36% into vortex
crossover j3, f22u3~telepunch, 3 ~MB spear, nj2, 2~trait, 112~telepunch - 38% into vortex

Corner combos
112~trait, 112~MB spear, f3, b2 112, 112~leg takedown - 37%
112~trait, f22u3~telpunch, nj2~telepunch, b12~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 33% into vortex

b12~trait, f113~MB spear, b3, jumpback3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 39%
b12~trait, f22u3, d2, dash, 113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 35% into vortex
b12~trait, f22u3, d2, dash, 113~flipkick - 33%

b2, 3, f22u3~trait, f113~MB spear, nj2 2u3~leg takedown - 46%
b2, 3, f22u3~trait, f113~MB spear, nj2 112 ~telepunch - 45% into vortex
b2, b2, 3~ trait, f113~MB Spear, nj2 112 telepunch - 44% into vortex
b2, 3, 112~trait, f113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 43% into vortex
b2, b2, 112, 112~MB spear, dash, nj2 3~trait, 112~telepunch - 43% into vortex
b2, b2, 112, 112~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch -39% into vortex

3~trait, f22u3~flip kick, 112, f113~takedown - 42%

j3, b12~trait, 112~MB spear, nj2 b2 112~leg takedown - 44%
j3, f113~trait, f113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 42% into vortex
crossover j3 ~telepunch, f113~MB spear, dash, nj2 3~trait, 112~telepunch - 33% into vortex

Stage bounce combos
11~trait, 3~stage bounce, b3, j3 j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 43%
11~trait, 3~stage bounce, b3, j2 j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 41%
11~trait, 3-stage bounce, b3, j2 j3~telepunch, 11~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 41% into vortex
11-trait, 3~stage bounce, nj2 j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 39%

112~stage bounce, trait, f22u3~MB spear, b3, j3, j3~telepunch, 11~leg takedown - 40%
112~stage bounce, b3, trait, f22u3~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 39% into vortex
112~stage bounce, nj2 j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 37%
112~stage bounce, b3, dash, trait, 112~telepunch - 32% into vortex

b1~trait, 112~stage bounce, b3, j3~telepunch, 113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 38% into vortex
b2, dash, 2~stage bounce, b3, j3~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112 telepunch - 43% into vortex

j3, 11~stage bounce ,trait, f22u3~telepunch, 11~MB spear, nj 112~telepunch - 40% into vortex
j3, 11~stage bounce, b3, trait, 112~telepunch - 37% into vortex
crossover j3, 2 ~stage bounce, b3, j3~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch - 43 % into vortex

D2 AA combos
d2, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown - 29%
d2, b3, j2, j2, 113~leg takedown - 26%
d2, j3, 113~leg takedown - 23%
d2, j3~telepunch, b12~spear - 22%

d2, b3, j2, j2, 113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch - 28% into vortex
d2, j3, 113~MB spear, nj2 112 telepunch - 25% into vortex

d2, b3, j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch - 25% into vortex
d2, j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch - 22% into vortex

d2, b3, j2, j2, 113~MB spear, nj2 2~trait, 112~telepunch - 29% into vortex
d2, j3, 113~MB spear, nj2 2~trait, 112~telepunch - 29% into vortex

Unclashable damage
j3~MB hellfire - 11% + 9% - 20%
j3, MB telepunch - 18%
j3, MB telepunch, MB hellfire - 18% + 9% - 27%
j3, MB telepunch, MB telepunch, MB hellfire - 21% +9% - 30%
j3~MB spear, b3 f3 - 26 %
j3~MB spear, b3, f3, MB hellfire - 26% + 9% - 35%

b3, f3 - 19%
b3, f3, MB hellfire - 19% + 9% - 28%
MB b3, f3 - 25%
MB b3, MB f3 - 29%
MB b3, MB f3, MB hellfire - 29% + 9% - 38%

MB spear, b3 f3 - 16%
MB spear b3 f3, MB hellfire - 16% + 9% - 25%
MB spear, MB b3, MB f3 - 23%
MB spear, MB b3, MB f3, MB hellfire - 23% + 9% - 32%

b1~MB spear, b3, f3 - 18%
b2, MB spear, b3, f3 - 24%
b1~MB spear, MB b3, f3 - 21%
b2,MB spear, MB b3, f3 - 27%
b1~MB spear, b3, f3, MB hellfire - 18% + 9% - 27%
b2, MB spear, b3, f3, MB hellfire - 24% + 9% - 33%
b1~MB spear, MB b3, MB f3, MB hellfire - 24% + 9% - 33%
b2, MB spear, MB b3, MB f3, MB hellfire - 30% +9% - 39%

Super Combos
112~super - 40%
b2,dash,112~super - 45%
b12~super - 42%

credits: Scorpion TYM Kommunity <3

combo/thread notes:
*nj2 11/2~trait after MB spear can also be stance switched after the spear so nj2 3~trait is possible for extra damage aka the tony t special, not possible on characters listed in post #4.
*"f22u3~teleport,d2,b3" combos can also be done without d2 for better scaling, x10 times harder though,so not advised.
*all hellfire damage posted is from guaranteed on full cast hellfires, please do not post hellfire damage unless guaranteed.
*apart from j3 please post your combos without j1/j2.



Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
the fact that he also gets it from j3 crossups is insane, ive wanted bounce cancels to be 1 bar for so long but knew some characters would end up so broken lol

yea me and lar talked about what if that happened lol, yea prob would of been too good, think the new mb b/f3 are perfectly done


Joker waiting room
yea me and lar talked about what if that happened lol, yea prob would of been too good, think the new mb b/f3 are perfectly done
tbh with that KF wouldve been #1 uncontested by far along with MMH being buffed too

scorpion would end up in top 10

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
i wish he could have good poke frame data and great air moves like his old J3, if he had those things, he'd be a great char cuz now i still think he's a risky char. Maybe i'm too greedy lol.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
i wish he could have good poke frame data and great air moves like his old J3, if he had those things, he'd be a great char cuz now i still think he's a risky char. Maybe i'm too greedy lol.

df3 is pretty decent, longer reach than d3 also.
yea im pretty sure our j3 is the way it is now for good, but thankful they at least improved the hitbox on the sword, havnt whiffed a j3 in a combo since patch :)

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
this vid shows how good J3 was:

don't get me wrong, imo J3 is now good, but old J3 is too damn sexy ;___; !