Meterless traitless combos
b12~telepunch, f22u3~spear
- 25%
b12~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 24%
b2,dash,f113~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 31%
b2,dash,2u3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 29%
f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3, 113~leg takedown
113~telepunch, 113~flipkick
- 22 % (113~telepunch whiffs on characters listed in post #4)
- 17 %
2u3~leg takedown
- 17%
f113~leg takedown
- 19%
-13 %
b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown
- 37%
b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 34%
f3, j3, 112~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown
- 35%
f3, j3, 113~flipkick -
d2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 22%
1 bar no trait combos
112~MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown
- 33%
112~MB spear, b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 31%
112~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 22% into vortex
113~MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown
- 31%
113~MB spear, b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 29%
113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 22% into vortex
b12~MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown
- 35%
b12~MB spear, b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 33%
b12- MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 23% into vortex
b2, MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown
- 35%
b2, dash, f113~MB spear, nj2 f22u3~telepunch, 11~leg takedown
- 35%
b2, dash, 112~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 32% into vortex
b2, dash, f113 - MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 30% into vortex
f113~MB spear, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 2u3~leg takedown
- 35%
f113~MB spear, b3, j2, j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 33%
f113~ MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 24% into vortex
1 bar trait combos
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3~telepunch, MB hellfire
- 30% + 9 % - 39%
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, f3, MB hellfire
- 29% +9% - 38%
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, b2, MB hellfire
- 29% + 9% - 38%
11~trait, f113~MB spear, b3, j2, j2, 113~leg takedown
- 34%
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, j2, b12~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 33% in vortex
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, 113~ MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 31% in vortex
b12~MB spear, b3, j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch
- 31% into vortex
b12~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch
- 27% into vortex
b1~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2 b3, j3~MB spear nj2 f22u3~spear
- 33%
b1~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 32% into vortex
b2, dash, f113~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, 11~leg takedown
- 38%
b2, dash, f113 - MB spear, nj2, 11~trait, 112~telepunch
- 34% in vortex
b2, dash, 112~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch
- 34% into vortex
Meterless trait combos
11~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3, 2u3~leg takedown
- 33%
b1~trait, f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, j3, 2u3~leg takedown
- 32%
f22u3~telepunch, d2, b3, dash, trait, 112~telepunch
- 27% into vortex
b3, j2~trait, f22u3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 36%
b3, j2 j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch
- 34% into vortex
f3, j3~telepunch, trait, f22u3~spear
- 33%
f3, j3~telepunch , trait, 112~telepunch
- 31% into vortex
2 bar + Combos
112~MB b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 3~leg takedown
- 45%
112~MB b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 113~MB spear,nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch
- 48% into vortex
112~MB b3, j2 j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch
- 42% into vortex
3~MB b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 3~leg takedown
- 47%
3~MB b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 113~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch
- 50% into vortex
3~MB b3, j2 j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch
- 44% into vortex
B1~trait, 3~MB b3, J3 NJ3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 47%
J3 combos
j3, f113~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 33%
crossover j3, f22u3~telepunch, 3 ~leg takedown
- 33%
j3, f113~telepunch, d2 , MB hellfire
- 27% + 9% - 36%
crossover j3 , f22u3~telepunch, d2, MB hellfire
- 28% + 9% - 37 %
j3, f113~MB spear, nj2,112~telepunch
- 32% into vortex
crossover j3, f22u3~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2~112~telepunch
- 36% into vortex
j3, f113~MB spear, nj2, 2~trait, 112~telepunch -
36% into vortex
crossover j3, f22u3~telepunch, 3 ~MB spear, nj2, 2~trait, 112~telepunch
- 38% into vortex
Corner combos
112~trait, 112~MB spear, f3, b2 112, 112~leg takedown
- 37%
112~trait, f22u3~telpunch, nj2~telepunch, b12~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 33% into vortex
b12~trait, f113~MB spear, b3, jumpback3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 39%
b12~trait, f22u3, d2, dash, 113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 35% into vortex
b12~trait, f22u3, d2, dash, 113~flipkick
- 33%
b2, 3, f22u3~trait, f113~MB spear, nj2 2u3~leg takedown
- 46%
b2, 3, f22u3~trait, f113~MB spear, nj2 112 ~telepunch -
45% into vortex
b2, b2, 3~ trait, f113~MB Spear, nj2 112 telepunch -
44% into vortex
b2, 3, 112~trait, f113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch -
43% into vortex
b2, b2, 112, 112~MB spear, dash, nj2 3~trait, 112~telepunch
- 43% into vortex
b2, b2, 112, 112~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
-39% into vortex
3~trait, f22u3~flip kick, 112, f113~takedown
- 42%
j3, b12~trait, 112~MB spear, nj2 b2 112~leg takedown
- 44%
j3, f113~trait, f113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 42% into vortex
crossover j3 ~telepunch, f113~MB spear, dash, nj2 3~trait, 112~telepunch
- 33% into vortex
Stage bounce combos
11~trait, 3~stage bounce, b3, j3 j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 43%
11~trait, 3~stage bounce, b3, j2 j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 41%
11~trait, 3-stage bounce, b3, j2 j3~telepunch, 11~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 41% into vortex
11-trait, 3~stage bounce, nj2 j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown -
112~stage bounce, trait, f22u3~MB spear, b3, j3, j3~telepunch, 11~leg takedown
- 40%
112~stage bounce, b3, trait, f22u3~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 39% into vortex
112~stage bounce, nj2 j3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown -
112~stage bounce, b3, dash, trait, 112~telepunch
- 32% into vortex
b1~trait, 112~stage bounce, b3, j3~telepunch, 113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 38% into vortex
b2, dash, 2~stage bounce, b3, j3~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112 telepunch
- 43% into vortex
j3, 11~stage bounce ,trait, f22u3~telepunch, 11~MB spear, nj 112~telepunch
- 40% into vortex
j3, 11~stage bounce, b3, trait, 112~telepunch
- 37% into vortex
crossover j3, 2 ~stage bounce, b3, j3~telepunch, 3~MB spear, nj2 11~trait, 112~telepunch
- 43 % into vortex
D2 AA combos
d2, b3, j3, nj3~telepunch, 113~leg takedown
- 29%
d2, b3, j2, j2, 113~leg takedown
- 26%
d2, j3, 113~leg takedown
- 23%
d2, j3~telepunch, b12~spear
- 22%
d2, b3, j2, j2, 113~MB spear, nj2 112~telepunch
- 28% into vortex
d2, j3, 113~MB spear, nj2 112 telepunch
- 25% into vortex
d2, b3, j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch
- 25% into vortex
d2, j3~telepunch, trait, 112~telepunch
- 22% into vortex
d2, b3, j2, j2, 113~MB spear, nj2 2~trait, 112~telepunch
- 29% into vortex
d2, j3, 113~MB spear, nj2 2~trait, 112~telepunch
- 29% into vortex
Unclashable damage
j3~MB hellfire
- 11% + 9% - 20%
j3, MB telepunch
- 18%
j3, MB telepunch, MB hellfire
- 18% + 9% - 27%
j3, MB telepunch, MB telepunch, MB hellfire
- 21% +9% - 30%
j3~MB spear, b3 f3
- 26 %
j3~MB spear, b3, f3, MB hellfire
- 26% + 9% - 35%
b3, f3
- 19%
b3, f3, MB hellfire
- 19% + 9% - 28%
MB b3, f3
- 25%
MB b3, MB f3
- 29%
MB b3, MB f3, MB hellfire
- 29% + 9% - 38%
MB spear, b3 f3
- 16%
MB spear b3 f3, MB hellfire
- 16% + 9% - 25%
MB spear, MB b3, MB f3
- 23%
MB spear, MB b3, MB f3, MB hellfire
- 23% + 9% - 32%
b1~MB spear, b3, f3
- 18%
b2, MB spear, b3, f3
- 24%
b1~MB spear, MB b3, f3
- 21%
b2,MB spear, MB b3, f3 - 27%
b1~MB spear, b3, f3, MB hellfire
- 18% + 9% - 27%
b2, MB spear, b3, f3, MB hellfire
- 24% + 9% - 33%
b1~MB spear, MB b3, MB f3, MB hellfire
- 24% + 9% - 33%
b2, MB spear, MB b3, MB f3, MB hellfire
- 30% +9% - 39%
Super Combos
- 40%
- 45%
- 42%
credits: Scorpion TYM Kommunity <3
combo/thread notes:
*nj2 11/2~trait after MB spear can also be stance switched after the spear so nj2 3~trait is possible for extra damage aka the tony t special, not possible on characters listed in post #4.
*"f22u3~teleport,d2,b3" combos can also be done without d2 for better scaling, x10 times harder though,so not advised.
*all hellfire damage posted is from guaranteed on full cast hellfires, please do not post hellfire damage unless guaranteed.
*apart from j3 please post your combos without j1/j2.