I already started my post by saying that I'm not blowing anyone up -- just making an observation. And you have no idea who is actually doing 'pretty solid things for the community' behind the scenes or who's helped who; so it's probably not a good idea to go there :/I think the larger issue is that you're being WAY to hard on a guy who has done some pretty solid things for the community.
I know you're an "Engineer" and all, but I have to wonder how you can blow Tom up for tourney placings when you don't place or attend at all. I don't either, but I don't go ham and take shots at a guy who does just because he isn't doing it as much as others.
Man, it must suck to be a top player in this community with stuff like that.
This observation was recently echoed by other top players (who are currently winning), so if you want to argue it, and you don't want to believe it because you heard it from me, take it up with them.
At the end of the day, the only reason someone makes a suggestion like that is because they want to see people do well and be at their best; if that's a crime, then what is our community for in the first place?