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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


I think when he calls the DEA after losing what he thought meant to him most (his family), & what happens next really explains the show. I mean in the beginning of the episode & whole show, he keeps reminding himself its for his family "this changes nothing, what i do is for my family" is bs he hasn't realized or accepted yet. But then when he thought he had lost & given up, he sees whats going on tv & remembers what meant to him more than his family & i think accepts his true motive all along: his fucking ego. It's his asshole ego that drives him & that only. I mean in the flashback when they're buying the house, it seems like he's always had it, maybe before gray matter. Even when he was in gray matter at that time, he talks about getting a bigger & nicer house. Just more. He doesn't care what others deserve, only what he deserves & wants, & he's always wanted more

I honestly don't see him as a badass anymore, just evil. That's because i love the character but i got to admit it


I think when he calls the DEA after losing what he thought meant to him most (his family), & what happens next really explains the show. I mean in the beginning of the episode & whole show, he keeps reminding himself its for his family "this changes nothing, what i do is for my family" is bs he hasn't realized or accepted yet. But then when he thought he had lost & given up, he sees whats going on tv & remembers what meant to him more than his family & i think accepts his true motive all along: his fucking ego. It's his asshole ego that drives him & that only. I mean in the flashback when they're buying the house, it seems like he's always had it, maybe before gray matter. Even when he was in gray matter at that time, he talks about getting a bigger & nicer house. Just more. He doesn't care what others deserve, only what he deserves & wants, & he's always wanted more

I honestly don't see him as a badass anymore, just evil. That's because i love the character but i got to admit it
This man has seen the light, you all should follow him. Yes its true i was way ahead of the curve but its not to late for you all ,there is still time to come to my side, the right side.


Dead Kings Rise
Meth Damon needs to die.

While last weeks episode was more of a "holy shit" vibe, this one felt like a buildup.

Andrea getting wasted was a surprise.


This man has seen the light, you all should follow him. Yes its true i was way ahead of the curve but its not to late for you all ,there is still time to come to my side, the right side.

Won't lie, I was one who thought he was a badass. But as you see him for who he really is at the end of the episode, he is in fact just the devil.


Won't lie, I was one who thought he was a badass. But as you see him for who he really is at the end of the episode, he is in fact just the devil.
This is why besides the episode where hank takes on the twins this is my favorite episode of the series. It validates everything ive thought about Walt since season 2.


Dead Kings Rise
wait, so shooting a defenseless kid and shooting a woman in the back of her head is badass? He ambushed hank and gomez with his goon squad 6 on 2. How is he badass? And he got knocked the fuck out by jesse.
Walt: does everything in his power to make sure his family can prosper when he dies is labeled as satan

Meth Damon: fuckface who kills an innocent kid and woman and hangs around with Nazis is labeled as badass.



wait, so shooting a defenseless kid and shooting a woman in the back of her head is badass? He ambushed hank and gomez with his goon squad 6 on 2. How is he badass? And he got knocked the fuck out by jesse.
Fuck your logic. Jesse sucker punched him and didnt even KO him. Im team Todd for the duration.


Walt: does everything in his power to make sure his family can prosper when he dies is labeled as satan

Meth Damon: fuckface who kills an innocent kid and woman and hangs around with Nazis is labeled as badass.


The family thing is bullshit, he even realizes at the end


Walt: does everything in his power to make sure his family can prosper when he dies is labeled as satan

Meth Damon: fuckface who kills an innocent kid and woman and hangs around with Nazis is labeled as badass.

Does everything possible? His family is homeless and businessless causecof him.
At least Todd hasnt deluded himself into thinking hes a decent guy.


Dead Kings Rise
Does everything possible? His family is homeless and businessless causecof him.
At least Todd hasnt deluded himself into thinking hes a decent guy.
Where did you get homeless from? Last I heard the only thing about the house was that they had to put a fence up because of kids breaking in.


It probably is bullshit now, but I strongly believe it was about the family in the beginning.

No, it's always been a lie to make himself feel like a decent man when we all know it's his ego. The flashbacks of gray matter prove that's who he's really been all along, but the final one of them buying the house, it shows his ego has always been there. The show is trying to say it was never for the family, it was for Walt's own ego. Thus ruining the fact thinking hes a badass & is just pure evil. Just how Vince sees him