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Born On a Monday -- Solomon Grundy General Discussion/QA/Combo Thread

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
grundys vortex is yolo
ill go through a fight gettin chipped to death , then i hit the stage of ahhhh fuck it , then their life disappears ... or i get blown up ;)

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I always thought the vortex was the fact that off of any blocked string he can do..... trait/dead air/WC/cleaver
So you always force your opponent to guess what you'll do.... and usually he's safe (dead air is not safe and is sad face everywhere).... but because he takes a risk in these..... sometimes its just better to do nothing.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta

before I get long winded

If they simply made the top characters not butt rape Grundy so hard.... it wouldn't be that big of a deal.
Grundy honestly is dirty and good..... and requires some good reads.
Idk...... he'd rape face in MK.


That Yung Big Body
I always thought the vortex was the fact that off of any blocked string he can do..... trait/dead air/WC/cleaver
So you always force your opponent to guess what you'll do.... and usually he's safe (dead air is not safe and is sad face everywhere).... but because he takes a risk in these..... sometimes its just better to do nothing.
Thats his mind game off off his tick throws, but because he has all that shit it makes his vortex soo much stronger. Like lets say you set up the b1 reset and you wana go for some extra damage. I always start my vortex with the f1 low option because f13 is a tick throw set up. So you can f13 after the b1 and they gotta block it and if they do you do cancel into trait. If you read them jumping trait you can dead air and grab an ez 40%. If you read a parry then you can wc and get a set up. If you just want to make things safe and stay close you can MBcleaver and you are plus and in range to 113.

Grundy is like the opposite grappler that bane is, he requires a decent amount of thought to play well. The thought is also soo worth it because you can do two combos and clear 100%, hes just crazy. I feel that if he was able to get a tick throw off b1, if his trait didnt lose to parry's, and if he had a more reliable way to build meter would be top tier.


Thats his mind game off off his tick throws, but because he has all that shit it makes his vortex soo much stronger. Like lets say you set up the b1 reset and you wana go for some extra damage. I always start my vortex with the f1 low option because f13 is a tick throw set up. So you can f13 after the b1 and they gotta block it and if they do you do cancel into trait. If you read them jumping trait you can dead air and grab an ez 40%. If you read a parry then you can wc and get a set up. If you just want to make things safe and stay close you can MBcleaver and you are plus and in range to 113.

Grundy is like the opposite grappler that bane is, he requires a decent amount of thought to play well. The thought is also soo worth it because you can do two combos and clear 100%, hes just crazy. I feel that if he was able to get a tick throw off b1, if his trait didnt lose to parry's, and if he had a more reliable way to build meter would be top tier.

And eventually you'll have people who 1 realize you can block the b1 or f1 on reaction and 2 mb b/f3 after f13 and then not only do you lose out on the 31% damage you end up eating it. you're counting on your opponents never spending time learning. I've already seen a drastic increase in people using mb b3/f3 since the grundy tutorial was done.


Grundy think you handsome!
Anyone want to give me a run down on what to add/remove from original post?

I ain't reading through those pages where 80% of the posts are just you guys trying to kill each other online.

Also to newer people that don't know- we aren't asking for ALL these buffs just giving ideas to NRS which to pick and choose.
(Although I would enjoy all the buffs :p would make Black Adam vs Grundy 5-5 haha)


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Anyone want to give me a run down on what to add/remove from original post?

I ain't reading through those pages where 80% of the posts are just you guys trying to kill each other online.

Also to newer people that don't know- we aren't asking for ALL these buffs just giving ideas to NRS which to pick and choose.
(Although I would enjoy all the buffs :p would make Black Adam vs Grundy 5-5 haha)
I wouldn't worry about it. This isn't like an official thread where its like "THIS IS WHAT WE WANT"

its just general discussion.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Grundy only has mind games off the tick throws.

If you think he has a "vortex" you're wrong

You can react to every option. hell. You can react to his tick throws by just doing the universal armor.

Online players will not realize this... because they just jump around like fuck heads.

Tourney Players KNOW this and punish you for it, and make Grundy very predictable.... ala Gief.

Trait shoudln't be clashable and that is that. If you want him to compete with everyone else... then LET ME HAVE MY TRAIT BONUS if I land it. Quit screwing the character.


Best Doomsday in the world
Once Superman and Adam get nerfed this guy will naturally get better. He doesn't need buffs. Grundy's offense is not predictable and he has a lot of true 50/50s with WCC. He has a vortex off of MB WC. Seriously this character is fine, the biggest buff for Grundy would be to nerf Superman.


Death's Trusty Side-Kick!
Flat trait grab damage would be nice 20% to 25%, make the trait damage un-clashable during the trait chain inputs.
DD,UU trait buff should be changed into either a Meter Gaining trait or "as intended" an actual health gain/heal.
Keeping the buffs from the trait grabs for X amount of time or they expire on round change after his 1st health bar is depleted.
Faster start-up on Cleaver Spin or +1 hit of armor on Cleaver Spin would be VERY good.
Tweek the reset advantage after a dash and stance switch on knock-down. It seems kind of broken in some cases.
Faster start-up on Swamp Gas and MB Swamp Gas.

I think these requests would make him a bit more viable for top-tier play.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Once Superman and Adam get nerfed this guy will naturally get better. He doesn't need buffs. Grundy's offense is not predictable and he has a lot of true 50/50s with WCC. He has a vortex off of MB WC. Seriously this character is fine, the biggest buff for Grundy would be to nerf Superman.
pretty much

and making the cancel input to DD would also be super nice....


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
I already posted this and posted that is something that they said they weren't willing to do.
Yeah I figured. In MK9 CSZ players wanted inputs changed around because of how bad the negative edge effected him. They were constantly accidentally throwing bombs.


Yeah I figured. In MK9 CSZ players wanted inputs changed around because of how bad the negative edge effected him. They were constantly accidentally throwing bombs.

My guess is its not something you can easily do unlike the hot fixes which usually do adjustments to hit boxes damage etc.. much easier to "toggle" then to make a hard change like that.
The only thing i want done to grundy is the trait usage so u can have 2 active at one time, x1 power, x1 health, or 1x chip. As far as always using the health chain....i only use it if it will kill. I do power first....unless i'm playing sups, ds, cyborg, ares, sinestro.... ya know characters whose main strength is the distance game against grundy. But i don't see the point of ending in health chain cause it puts them so far away. If they block f2, 3 they take an tick throw or i will follow up with df1 on hit and then make them guess again but this time it will be the overhead (which u can't jump out of) or walking corpse mb.....if i hit the overhead i do j2, 11, health trait.....combine the 25% or so for the power one or more times, 21% for the for all the f2, 3 air grabs....they r sitting at less than 45% health....all i need is one more health trait combo 45% or a reset for 56% with grave rot. Buff....i don't think so.....nerf? that would just be stupid. I do however wanna know what ppl do vs hawkgirl? that flight and then the mace charge i haven't figured out how to punish.


The only thing i want done to grundy is the trait usage so u can have 2 active at one time, x1 power, x1 health, or 1x chip. As far as always using the health chain....i only use it if it will kill. I do power first....unless i'm playing sups, ds, cyborg, ares, sinestro.... ya know characters whose main strength is the distance game against grundy. But i don't see the point of ending in health chain cause it puts them so far away. If they block f2, 3 they take an tick throw or i will follow up with df1 on hit and then make them guess again but this time it will be the overhead (which u can't jump out of) or walking corpse mb.....if i hit the overhead i do j2, 11, health trait.....combine the 25% or so for the power one or more times, 21% for the for all the f2, 3 air grabs....they r sitting at less than 45% health....all i need is one more health trait combo 45% or a reset for 56% with grave rot. Buff....i don't think so.....nerf? that would just be stupid. I do however wanna know what ppl do vs hawkgirl? that flight and then the mace charge i haven't figured out how to punish.
Gotta really disagree with stacking of traits at level 1 especially. If you can only have one level two or two level one it becomes pointless. The bonus you get at level one is pretty poor. Again the only fights that it really helps in are superman, deathstroke, sinestro and maybe a minor help with green lantern hawkgirl and black adam. It would be interesting to stack two level 2's but most of the time its not worth the damage loss.

Also never understood the talk about positioning. The health chain pushes farther but you also recover faster than the others so you're left relatively even. You get a dash in before they get up putting you in a similiar position as the other traits.


Grundy think you handsome!
Gotta really disagree with stacking of traits at level 1 especially. If you can only have one level two or two level one it becomes pointless. The bonus you get at level one is pretty poor. Again the only fights that it really helps in are superman, deathstroke, sinestro and maybe a minor help with green lantern hawkgirl and black adam. It would be interesting to stack two level 2's but most of the time its not worth the damage loss.

Also never understood the talk about positioning. The health chain pushes farther but you also recover faster than the others so you're left relatively even. You get a dash in before they get up putting you in a similiar position as the other traits.
I would gladly trade 10% more damage for taking little to no damage from zoning and having a health buff.

Also I agree that the positioning when your opponent off the trait grabs is weird, should be redesigned IMO.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I would gladly trade 10% more damage for taking little to no damage from zoning and having a health buff.

Also I agree that the positioning when your opponent off the trait grabs is weird, should be redesigned IMO.

using MB Dead air is how you get around this.

I gladly give up 10% to put my opponent in the corner and have 2x trait.


Plus on block.
I suggest the ability to have up to 2 total buffs off of trait.

2x in one buff like normal, or 1x in two buffs.

Of course it might be smarter to have it so that you'd have to only do the first part of each chain individually instead of comboing them into one another.

This could help make him a more versatile and adaptable character.

You want better slightly better survivability in two ways? Defense x1 and Health x1.
You want to be able to sponge hits a bit more effectively while dealing a slight bit more damage? Health x1 and Damage x1
You want to have a slightly better offense and defense? Damage x1 and Defense x1

While two in one area is a considerable buff, two small buffs in two different areas will even him out more in certain situations.

Also, maybe making his actual buffs a little more potent could work. The damage buff could be an issue, but I suggest that they could just make the scaling a bit harsh after you get x2, making it a great buff for those who are able to land a few hits here and there, but prevents them from getting ridiculous damage from longer combos. This could be done by buffing the chains themselves, or adding another grab for each chain.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
With the two different traits you have to think of the actual animation! What is Grundy gonna do huh Slam someone three times on the ground then(health)... pile drive them(damage)? holy shit NRS pls


Plus on block.
As much as i'd love them to add a few new transition frames just for that purpose, I doubt they would.

I also doubt it would be that difficult to do compared to other things, but I doubt they'd do it anyway.

That's way I suggested that you'd just have to two the two grabs individually.


I would gladly trade 10% more damage for taking little to no damage from zoning and having a health buff.

Also I agree that the positioning when your opponent off the trait grabs is weird, should be redesigned IMO.
But if you're only getting level 1 buffs its not a big difference. The only characters that do enough zoning damage to warrant using defense are sinestro, deathstroke, superman and maybe cyborg. The rest the chip damage isn't a big deal or can easily be avoided. If you can stack 2 chains at level 2 it will help in a few match ups but not be a game changer overall. People focus buffs too much on specific match ups and not what would help overall.

Despite what people think the way grundy is played right now isn't going to last. too many of his "50/50's" can be reacted to if you put time into it. Most people won't so you'll be able to get away with it quite a bit but it will make him less and less tournament viable the more people realize what they can do. When people start using mb b3 to blow up his options things will get a lot harder especially if people start to use strings that have significant unthrowable frames and small break points making walking corpse ineffective. When you start to see this you'll need to do other things to make him viable. Speeding up his moves would help a lot in that regard.


As much as i'd love them to add a few new transition frames just for that purpose, I doubt they would.

I also doubt it would be that difficult to do compared to other things, but I doubt they'd do it anyway.

That's way I suggested that you'd just have to two the two grabs individually.
I don't think you realize how small the boost is for a level 1 trait. It would be worthless. Especially if it required you to sacrifice significant damage to get 1 in each and then each time you did the chain you'd continue to sacrifice significant damage to maintain a x1 x1 status.