jumped over easily? Me and you define easily differently.
Lasso is phenomenal. Sword flip gets blown up so I don't nderstand that one. And venomed anything requires trait so whatever I guess. Zatanna requires meter.
Sword Flip gets blown up on block. That's about it. Sword Spin is better but Sword Flip can switch corners. And you're not gonna crossup jump in on it either
Lasso is lovely. Whiff punishable like crazy though and block punishable as well. But more often than not, she'll either beat you out clean or at least trade.
Cartwheel is bullshit. You can't even crossup jump that shit. You can't MB B3/F3 it. Hard to punichs on whiff. AND a free mixup on top of it (well...... you can "dash out of the mixup"...... I can't do it but I'm sure some of you real amibitious types can do it)
MC can really only be jumped in on or neutral jumped. Even if you jump in on it, you won't get a really nice combo because she'll be airborne on hit.
KF's Slide is just retarded. I still don't understand where the hell hitbox and hurtbox is on that thing.
MC and Push are about the same as a wakeup but MC is better. Push is a good wakeup attack. But not near the best to me. People know the blind spot of it the more they face MMH and they attack that spot.