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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
So I just checked out the official guide today.

That **** lists B1D3 as one of Deathstroke's best strings.


Well, I mean, the guide was also done before we even got the version of the game we all started playing.

B1U2 is far from a low into overhead. And I think they got B1U2 and B1D3 mixed up when talking about b1. But I don;t see anything in the guide that suggests it's even close to one of his best strings. In fact, it says a few times that it's unsafe and can be interrupted.


First day online with 'Stroke, came inches away from beating a level 312, lol. Awesome character, I'm trying to incorporate his vortex and rushdown every single time I get a knockdown. I like the simplicity of his gameplan.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
I'm hoping they patch b1d3 to be only slightly negative on block, but I really don't expect it to happen. It would be nice if that string did something, and it'd help out in some situations.


Not the Milkman.
I'm hoping they patch b1d3 to be only slightly negative on block, but I really don't expect it to happen. It would be nice if that string did something, and it'd help out in some situations.

Even if it was less negative, why use it? It doesn't even give a hard knockdown when it should :\

The ONLY situation I can think it be useful is if you intentionally train an opponent to block low>high by spamming B1 xx MB F3 a lot, and that's incredibly meter costly. Heck even then, I think I'd rather have them block the F3 since it gives me a free mixup

They just wanted another string that used DS' sword >_>

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
Even if it was less negative, why use it? It doesn't even give a hard knockdown when it should :\

The ONLY situation I can think it be useful is if you intentionally train an opponent to block low>high by spamming B1 xx MB F3 a lot, and that's incredibly meter costly. Heck even then, I think I'd rather have them block the F3 since it gives me a free mixup

They just wanted another string that used DS' sword >_>
Okay, then I want it to be slightly positive on block. :p

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
It could have been worse...you could have combos listed that do not even work...like they did with Ares.

Nope, just all combos that end in air QF, which of course got nerfed. Don't think they were even decent combos from the start....

But as far as Ares combos. Yeah... Not much to be expected when they make the guide for a game they're gonna patch the hell out of before the guide even comes out.


Mainless Wanderer
So I just checked out the official guide today.

That **** lists B1D3 as one of Deathstroke's best strings.

LOL you're kidding me! I was just picking up The Last Of Us this evening with my wife and saw that Prima guide. She asked if I wanted it and I said something to the effect of "hell no," but I flipped through it just to see what it even had. Flipped straight to Deathstroke and the "Best Combos" section and I literally pointed that out to her and said "Yeah, see? They list this as one of his best combos, but it's really the consensus worst one he has. This guide is trash."

Bizarre that we both encountered that on the same day. Why does anyone buy this junk?


Mainless Wanderer
Also for the record, while I never use b1d3, I do occasionally slip in a Sword Spin MB low. Not the greatest use of meter but if my opponent gets too complacent at blocking the overhead, that usually gets them to second guess and frees me up the rest of the match to do my thing. 1 bar is the price of mind games, I suppose.


Not the Milkman.
Somehow "unblockable" just gives me terrible Vietnam-Flashbacks of thinking DS's trait could actually be useful in more than maybe 1 MU....

Imagine if enhanced reflexes actually made all of DS' sword moves unblockable instead of the guns lol. (Honestly, this makes more sense from a logical standpoint. Why the hell does "Enhanced Reflexes" = gun buff?)

LOL you're kidding me! I was just picking up The Last Of Us this evening with my wife and saw that Prima guide. She asked if I wanted it and I said something to the effect of "hell no," but I flipped through it just to see what it even had. Flipped straight to Deathstroke and the "Best Combos" section and I literally pointed that out to her and said "Yeah, see? They list this as one of his best combos, but it's really the consensus worst one he has. This guide is trash."

Bizarre that we both encountered that on the same day. Why does anyone buy this junk?

Well aint that a funny coincidence? I just happened by it while getting a gift for my friend's birthday. I do like how you opened it up and immediately found a reason not to buy it lol.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
Imagine if enhanced reflexes actually made all of DS' sword moves unblockable instead of the guns lol. (Honestly, this makes more sense from a logical standpoint. Why the hell does "Enhanced Reflexes" = gun buff?)

So busted, I couldn't even handle it....

And I think it refferes to how characters clearly Matrix dodge his standing quick fire, or manage to block his bullets instead of taking them to the face/feet (see people dashing right into QF for non-stop DS hilarity). And now DS for a short time can actually curve the bullet to always hit....

And then suddenly he forgets how to shoot a gun properly at all for a bit... But then he's fine and can curve the bullets again after a short phone call... Which I'm starting to assume is to Lex? They both seem to take the same amount of time...


Not the Milkman.
In reality, I think it's supposed to be him doing something with his mask, and when it's on cooldown his only eye goes blind.

This still makes no sense. There's nothing mechanical about Deathstroke. Maybe if it was Cyborg it would make sense.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
In reality, I think it's supposed to be him doing something with his mask, and when it's on cooldown his only eye goes blind.

This still makes no sense. There's nothing mechanical about Deathstroke. Maybe if it was Cyborg it would make sense.

Well, in Deathstroke Faces of Evil, he has his mechanical eye removed. So I'm pretty sure his right eye is mechanical even though he doesn't have a hole in his mask for it. except in Red Son where he's Kaballin' Out with some goggles. I could be wrong however, haven't read enough of the Deathstroke comics to know for certain which continuities he has a mechanical eye.


Mainless Wanderer
My actual guess is that he's injecting some sort of high-focus drug, like Adderall on roids. It stacks with his innate precision to make his shots unblockable because he's finding all the gaps in the guard. After a few seconds his system goes into brief shock from the drug before it recovers. That's how I make sense of it, anyhow.
The guide was written 4 months ago or so right? Before there was any info online and before anybody knew how the matchups were going to be. If you wanted any kind of help learning injustice on day one then it would have been a good starting point. With the way the game evolves over time it was bound to get out of date within a few months, but at least there was something available from day one for players who cannot or do not want to spend too long in practice trying stuff out. They should release guides at a cheaper price and quality, then update them with newer, better editions that have more accurate information.

Regarding the trait, he had a telescopic sight or something similar in the Batman Arkham games if I remember correctly.


Not the Milkman.
From Day 1 I knew B1D3 was pointless.

From B1, you have 2 string options. One that hits mid, and one that hits low. So by basic logic, the opponent has no reason to ever block standing if they block B1 to start. Also, why ever use that soft knockdown when B1U2 starts combos? Might as well go for the combo starter every time.

I didn't even need frames to know it was better. Not only is it more negative than U2, but punishable to that extent.
It is amazing how salty people get when I use him, doesn't matter if they win with loads of life left numerous times, they still insist on sending me messages and "commenting" on something. I literally get a message from 50% or more of the people I play against at the moment. Doesn't matter if I zone or practice combos/vortexes , always a message afterwards complaining about something.


Does any stroker use B2 wall bounce? like in the middle of some stages and you press L1 to hit them into the background. Probably day 1 information but just wanted to know if it was talked about.