It has been working fairly consistently online, dare I say even more than offline due to the slight input lag window. Probably not, but what I've noticed is that once you get it down, muscle memory wise, you will be able to get it without looking. At least that's how it was for me with WW's B3. I now feel ashamed of myself, and can scout when it's not going to connect and adjust my spacing accordingly. So it seems you are one of the KF brethren who has also been captivated by the allure of the Martian of Manitty. I think I'll be getting Zatanna next, if not because she's vortexy. Yeah yeah Batgirl blah blah, but Batgirl doesn't have fishnets. Nor should that ever be the case. I hope NRS hears my proclamations to have Doomsday don such an attire as well. Magician's hat and all.