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Why is Zod top 5 ?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
There are peaceful ways to settle things like this. Flat-out disrespect is not one of them.
Just agree to disagree and be done with this argument with RenegadeVA. If he decides to hound you about giving up, then action can be taken against him. Things can be worked out without destructive behavior.
Agree to disagree w him

There I'm done , he's doing a good job of looking bad himself


To Achieve, You must Believe
@AK pig of the hut
I see allot of potential in that character in Zod, I love his move set. It is very detailed on his dominance of the world lol, very good job by NRS.
If you believe you can achieve, thats what happened with my character in a different game lol. Good luck man!​


Hates NRS for making me not like Superman
Yeah, lets get back to a constructive set of responses to this almost entirely opinion fueled thread. Flame wars make me sad.

Though, to be fair, I can definitely understand the rage on both sides here. Chef and Pig are upset because they've been super busy putting in mad work with Zod and then Renegade comes in and basically challenges that. Renegade on the other hand has been mostly been courteous with his tone and believes what he types, so he's getting angry for the hate he's receiving.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
@AK pig of the hut
I see allot of potential in that character in Zod, I love his move set. It is very detailed on his dominance of the world lol, very good job by NRS.
If you believe you can achieve, thats what happened with my character in a different game lol. Good luck man!​
By the power of the unicorn I shall

Thank U BasedXBlades


Hates NRS for making me not like Superman
Something I think makes him top 5 is his parry. No I'm serious. Parrys are relevant because of the nature of the game being normal centric at the moment Frame traps are becoming a huge part of the game, as well as interruptable strings that lead to major advantage. Personally, I'd like for Parry to cause a longer knockdown to make the reward a bit better though.


Dead Kings Rise
Forgive my ignorance, as it's been a while, but is this what people used to say about Cyrax and then he won a major? I come from mostly Capcom fighters, so am unfamiliar with most MK9 stuff
Pretty much, him and Sonya were both very good chars, but since they didn't win majors "lul not dat good yo"


Alternative-Fact Checker
I've only played Chef's, and I'm lucky that I peruse the Zod forums to see some of the mixups people have come up that I didn't get hit with too many, but this character is definitely the real deal. I feel the hardest part is tip-toeing around when the trait is out, since the amount of damage that comes from getting hit is super high and crippling.

I can see how some of the top, top characters stop him from getting his trait out so often, but for those that can't...well, kneel, lol


All the smart people listened and all the dumb shits picked up Kenshi and said "I knew all along he was broke as fuck".....
Fixed for accuracy :coffee:

I do want to address something tho. On the AK stream a week ago, I said that Zod couldn't be top 5 because he was too slow. Pig saw this and lit me up for it as well he should. I didn't explain what I meant by "slow" so how could he properly debate me? Well, here's the explanation (better late than never I hope :p)

What I mean by slow is, his traps seem to have more steps to them to complete than other characters. I feel that because of this Zod might struggle against the top tiers that don't need to work as hard for their setups. For example:
1. Get opponent farther than jump range
2. Trigger Trait
3. Distract Opponent
4. Grab with Fluffy
5. Kombo goodness

And that doesn't even include the potential Slow Projectile to cover the trait use. That's a lot of steps to set up what is arguably one of Zod's best traps. Compare that to say Black Adam with Dive Kick > $$$. Two steps to Zod's 5. If I am wrong, please educate me on this as I have only played against Zod in the lab and watched yours on the AK stream.

Also in that stream, you listed Zod as 5-6th. This I agree with but with most likely different reasoning.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
AK Pig Of The Hut, yep you are right about that. I knew about rax way before most did and eventually he got the big one because of my bro playing him how he should be played (especially vs kabal). You were right about kenshi and i'm sure with zod, you'll be right again. KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!!!
Can explain to tht guy about his cyrax w question?
Explain it too him, it's always hilarious. I remeber in '11 people trying to ttell me Rax wasn't even top 10 lol
lol those were some good times, like when ppl thought cyber sub was like high tier........, he actually said he knows why rax is good so I'm set then.