Okay guys so I played about 18 hours of Zatanna only in the past few days and I'll just talk a bit about how I find she works(If anything I write here has been found it is old info, excuse it because I haven't been reading the forums too much.)
I've played against @Zaf's scorpion(maybe he can chime in one some things as well), and I had to deal with Teleport, so trait was non existant at first.
Pressure: At first I had no idea how to pressure with her, but I realized how insane her pressure is. If you get in range of B1U3 and it's blocked, you can either MB Rings(+9), Kick(and MB if you want), or teleport(MB). This alone is actually insane, because you can make them respect one thing and throw in the next. This goes for when using 112 as well, you can do all of those options, or just be at 0. Once they start fearing this, that's when B21 comes into play, and you start comboing off of this into kicks and ending in whatever you want.
F21: Ending with this is SO godlike, it's unbelieveable. Anytime you F21, you're in range for another F21 which will catch them if they try to backdash or jump out (same goes for standing 3), and you can go into kicks and put them back in the same situation, end in cards, end in trance or whatever you want. If you wanna keep pressure, you can do F21, Ji2 xx Levitate J2 again to keep pressure going(even though this is negative, instant overhead is amazing). I found this to be really effective when I was playing.
Trait: Against Scorpion, getting trait out is hard because of the teleport, but the main time I would be able to get it out would be when I would do a B3 and go straight into trait, once in trait you do a low shot to force them to block, and you NEED to lighting cage on read to teleport. The thing about lightning cage that's amazing, is that it absorbs one hit(you still take the damage), but it's an amazing get off me move, doing 12% damage on hit.
MB Fireball: If you can ever get this out(and want to go for trait), you can follow with MB rings behind it to force them to block, then go into trait.
Cards: I found something really interesting with this today(if it's old sorry), but this move actually OTG's. If you do cards as meaty, and your opponent doesn't do anything, it'll stand them up or hit them, and it also seems like the active frames on it are INSANE and lasts forever. I started using this as a whiff punishing too as well, because Z's limbs are too small.
Teleport: I'll guess I'll talk about this by itself. Her MB teleport is one of the most ridiculous things in the game. Whenever you have meter and you wanna punish something, always do this. So many times I was able to just MB teleport on reaction to Scorpions Hellfire or spear and full combo punish. The only problems I've had with teleport, are the way the tracking on it works when trying to avoid another teleport, sometimes on Scorpion it'll bypass it completely, and other's it will get it. With MMH overhead teleport, the teleport tracks Z's teleport, so it's almost useless to ever do this.
Divekick: I only started using MB divekick today and haven't gotten very good at using it, but this is going to be a really good pressure tool. You can go into any string out of it instantly and it will add to her pressure (I'm going to try using this like Sonya's divekick although it's not as good).
Levitate: I was able to do some weird things with levitate, where I would do it directly over Scorpion's head, and the character would almost "bug out" in a sense and just keep going left and right and I'd 100% of the time hit him into a combo. I don't think we can do this consistently but it's just something I though I'd note.
That's all I have for now, whenever I get more things (or thing of something I missed), I'll post about it.