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They Don't Call Me The Main Man For Nothing! - The Lobo General Discussion Thread.


'The Cage Mage'
The trouble with loading trait is it leaves you very exposed. You'd have to do it at a safe distance, and if you're at a safe distance from the enemy, that means you're not in their face. Where you need to be. In the Lobozone.
So, it would be best to use trait after a string or something similar. But that would mean sacrificing damage from a special move ender to that string.
In short; Ehhhhh trait.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Well, that's the catch, really. You gotta be smart about it. Nothing he does can be considered braindead and I love that. He ain't made for the average player at all. Depending on the character, I'll reload after a regular throw (Green Arrow, Sinestro, Cyborg to name a few).


Defining Definitions
So I'm primarily a Bane player with Zod as my pocket character. I've wanted to really pick up Lobo for a long time, I just haven't really had the motivation to do it until now. I really see the love in the small group of people that do though and I really want to just pick him up and do something with him.

I can't quite start my time in the lab getting my game together quite yet because of a few medical circumstances, but as soon as I can I will be all about Lobo. Any specific strings I should prioritize, useful tips I should memorize, etc that I need to know going in? I know he has a TERRIBLE wake-up game but I was already prepared for that. There is just such a draught of good footage out there for him that it's been a bit difficult for me to get it fresh into my mind before going in what I should really be focusing on aside from the tidbits I pick up here.


The Free Meter Police
The trouble with loading trait is it leaves you very exposed. You'd have to do it at a safe distance, and if you're at a safe distance from the enemy, that means you're not in their face. Where you need to be. In the Lobozone.
So, it would be best to use trait after a string or something similar. But that would mean sacrificing damage from a special move ender to that string.
In short; Ehhhhh trait.
Trait gives him his best mixup, seriously. 21~low shot and 2~ low shot is his only true 50/50 as of right now. Hope for buffs!



Filled with determination
Thinking about dropping Lobo for Superman..... Lolno not gonna lie I would drop him if Black Manta is the next DLC.


'The Cage Mage'
I'd only play another DLC character if they're rushdown. Otherwise, it's no fun.



The Free Meter Police
I like Lobo because he's just a bad ass all around. Keep your middle fingers up. We still have a balance patch coming.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
So I'm primarily a Bane player with Zod as my pocket character. I've wanted to really pick up Lobo for a long time, I just haven't really had the motivation to do it until now. I really see the love in the small group of people that do though and I really want to just pick him up and do something with him.

I can't quite start my time in the lab getting my game together quite yet because of a few medical circumstances, but as soon as I can I will be all about Lobo. Any specific strings I should prioritize, useful tips I should memorize, etc that I need to know going in? I know he has a TERRIBLE wake-up game but I was already prepared for that. There is just such a draught of good footage out there for him that it's been a bit difficult for me to get it fresh into my mind before going in what I should really be focusing on aside from the tidbits I pick up here.
Plenty of matches in the video thread.
The trouble with loading trait is it leaves you very exposed. You'd have to do it at a safe distance, and if you're at a safe distance from the enemy, that means you're not in their face. Where you need to be. In the Lobozone.
So, it would be best to use trait after a string or something similar. But that would mean sacrificing damage from a special move ender to that string.
In short; Ehhhhh trait.
If I hit a D2, I'll do a F21 and load trait. Perfect distance and I can now have my nuclear shot. Also when the opponent is turtling. When I'm lazy, I'll just press the button after a czar toss or something.

(After a toss MB you can F21 trait as well.)

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Yup. Gotta be creative with it. I like the f+2,1,load, Just. I'ma definitely us that one. b+1,2 always works too.


Always back the underdog
So I'm primarily a Bane player with Zod as my pocket character. I've wanted to really pick up Lobo for a long time, I just haven't really had the motivation to do it until now. I really see the love in the small group of people that do though and I really want to just pick him up and do something with him.

I can't quite start my time in the lab getting my game together quite yet because of a few medical circumstances, but as soon as I can I will be all about Lobo. Any specific strings I should prioritize, useful tips I should memorize, etc that I need to know going in? I know he has a TERRIBLE wake-up game but I was already prepared for that. There is just such a draught of good footage out there for him that it's been a bit difficult for me to get it fresh into my mind before going in what I should really be focusing on aside from the tidbits I pick up here.
Good to see that people are getting more interested in Lobo. As you can see he's not the most rewarding person to play, but he's ridiculously fun and will keep you on your toes for as long as you care to put the time in. I'd suggest you have a read through the Lobo guide, it have plenty of pointers in there that can start you off, and definitely have a watch of Ketchup's beginner guide (located on the same thread I believe). Lobo isn't a character that you can learn a few bnb's in practice mode with and be on your way, he's requires sharp execution and a 'bully' persona... you need to learn to condition your opponent and punish their mistakes with meaty combo's. Like you said, the Lobo forum is an always thriving community, and has a wealth of information on it, so have a browse and be prepared to put in some good time getting this main man down.


Defining Definitions
Good to see that people are getting more interested in Lobo. As you can see he's not the most rewarding person to play, but he's ridiculously fun and will keep you on your toes for as long as you care to put the time in. I'd suggest you have a read through the Lobo guide, it have plenty of pointers in there that can start you off, and definitely have a watch of Ketchup's beginner guide (located on the same thread I believe). Lobo isn't a character that you can learn a few bnb's in practice mode with and be on your way, he's requires sharp execution and a 'bully' persona... you need to learn to condition your opponent and punish their mistakes with meaty combo's. Like you said, the Lobo forum is an always thriving community, and has a wealth of information on it, so have a browse and be prepared to put in some good time getting this main man down.
Much appreciated. I think I understand the basic gist of his playstyle as the sounds of it seem to mimic the two characters I already play which were Zod (Execution) and Bane (Bully/Conditioning). I actually got a chance to take him into the lab last night and I really like the feel to him once I got used to some of the timing on his strings. I would never expect to just learn some BnBs and be on my way, especially being a Bane player, so I completely understand it's a completely different idea of applying your tools than to just f23 your way to victory.

I'll definitely check out everything you mentioned. Hopefully by the time Console Combat is back in Cleveland I can rep Lobo along with Bane and do some justice. The Main Man needs a little more love.


Always back the underdog
Well, depending what platform you play, I'd always be happy to play some mirror matches. Lobo mirrors are ridiculously fun and you learn little pointers from every bodies point of play. Feel free to hit me up on Xbox if that's your poison (Bobbyxton), or if you're on PS3, you should count your blessings, because there are alot of good Lobo players for PS3. Also, I forgot to mention, have a look around the forums and you'll come across basic strings that when blocked can be cancelled into toss... memorise these, and don't forgot to incorporate standing 3 into your game, aswell as low chain/low gun shot, these will keep your opponents in check. Have fun man!
So, while I was missing around with training mode versus Bane, I found that I could forward dash past Double Punch.

I thought this dash only went past highs. And we're all asking for it to dodge projectiles better lol. The timing for it is very situational, so we aren't going to be pulling this off every match, but this goes to show just how good Lobo's dash hurt box is. It goes underneath OVERHEADS lol.


Filled with determination
I don't understand by trait cancels, do they mean like going to a bf3 while loading trait? I mean it's not the worst suggestion but wouldn't help a whole lot, just kinda random.

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
Being able to cancel trait into special moves sounds good, Superman and GL can do it, you could probably get something like B12, trait, special, making his lower starter much better
3 xx trait cancel into Space Hook for anti-airs?

I'd be down, I guess.

I feel like armor breaking trait shots or multi-stack shots would help Lobo more/is going to happen before we get Trait cancels, but hey, I'll take anything at this point.


Just saying I'd rather have armor issues fixed first, I don't want ever again to be caught by Lantern's might while I burned a bar of meter.
And some other things would take priority over it. Don't get me wromg, I'd take anything.

But it doesn't matter anymore, since my Xbox exploded I bid you all farewell until game potentialy comes out on PC. It's been fun.

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
They can tech roll after a MB command throw, which sucks because I really wanted that safe jump setup :/