I completely agree. What was the point of your first reply then? I only suggested nerfs for Superman which in my opinion won't damage the character. It is my opinion only. Any case there was no need for your sarcastic reply. Whatever NRS does to him won't matter much to me. I will simply switch to who in my opinion is the next top character. Either Black Adam or Aquaman or whoever. It is really lame that people seem to want to change this game to only benefit themselves. It is detrimental to this game and no matter how everyone of the hypocrites on this site stated they didn't want mk9 all over again it seems that this is what we are once again getting. This will always be a world of self proclaimed game developers.
Edit: I messed up the post, had to correct it.
Mortal Kombat actually required spacing, meter management, and in some kases execution... Kabal was the best but the better player would generally kome out on top in most match ups.
If a technical character was the best again, I wouldn't dwell on it too much but Supes is far from that.
This game taught me to tier whore just like you are saying that you're doing. Before this I was a character loyalist. But Superman is just too dumb; I get tired of using him. It's boring and using him makes me not want to put time into this game.
If I kould shut off that part of my brain for just this game then I would but I kan't do that for long.. Most of the top characters in this game are boring and that's the sad part....
If anything, this game in general teaches us to be selfish. "My character has this, this should be taken out! Oh no but wait, there's f*cked up shit like Aquaman's trait and Supes in this game. Nvm! Let me keep this shit."