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Kryptonite Council Episode 6 Feat: Post Vxg Show, MMH, Zod, TFC, SJ and more

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So three things:

1. That Glass Sword clip was bananas and all sorts of awesome (especially after hearing the backstory).

2. The show is profoundly better by leaps and fucking bounds without M2Dave. Dude just brings drama and passes off his opinion as fact at such a level that he has no business being a "community leader". Maybe he's a nice guy away from the games, but all I know is what I see/read on podcasts and forums. I mean he's just now getting around to apologizing for dumb shit that we all could give a fuck about?

3. On the positive, it's really cool to hear REO, Pig, and 16 Bit talk about actually enjoying the game again.

Side question: Who is in the running for the first character study of the Kryptonite Academy? Maybe a poll?
I've got basically planned

Zyphox - flash
GL - Denzel and ashenar
Superman - KDZ
Joker - qwark and another
WW - foxy and Goomba
Arrow - chris g hopefully
Grundy - tyrant and fly
Bat girl - Reno and jailhouse
Batman - PL/forever king
Aquaman - Thomas brady
Bane - big d and doom
NW - takeachance nightwingdayzero saitsu
Cw - idk
MMH - Reo
ZOD - pig and others
Sinestro - a combo of me cowboy p2w legend
Dd - PL
Raven - blind man
Harley - salt face and deG
Scorpion - walker/slips
Frost - idk yet possibly khao
All these I'm completely open though to suggestions or changes

This is just roughly off my head


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Yeah I can help prep for sure brother. also AK Pig Of The Hut if you can have 2 people for Flash I would love to contribute whatever knowledge I can about Flash and MU.
yeah harold i need all the training i can get, most of the training i am needing is against zoning, and keeping my composure, i think i have good defense and strong offense but getting zoned out is my priority, only a fool would try to rush down the flash.


Id mostly want to talk about Cyborg because hes my first born child but if you want me to sit in on the batgirl or zod i will surely. relaxedstate would do well in the cyborg episode too obviously

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
AK Pig Of The Hut if you need another Aquaman representative I could try to make it work. I havent watched yet, only read your disclaimer so dont blow me up if I dont have the all the info, but i figured i would throw my name out there. Although I havent gotten the chance to prove it in tournament yet, I post as much information as possible in the forum, and SwiftTomHanks as long as the rest of Team Yardley can vouch for my aquaman as being legit. Other canditates for Aquaman are obviously Tom, Riyo (he barely got me in the Aquaman mirror at Marlboro haha, great games) and michaelangelo since he seemed to be pretty legit at Evo. Oh and GGA Dizzy.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Also Pig we need to fricken play. Jeez. lol
Yea you and like fifty others

When I get online I usually accept first invite and like last night play that person for four hours then go to bed lol

Reason being I'm working on MUs w ZOD MU by MU so I really like to grind goes upon hours on a particular MU

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Yea you and like fifty others

When I get online I usually accept first invite and like last night play that person for four hours then go to bed lol

Reason being I'm working on MUs w ZOD MU by MU so I really like to grind goes upon hours on a particular MU
Yeah I totally get that. I pretty much refuse to play online most of the time (I hate it lol) so I don't even think of it. I'll try and catch you sometime before SJ