Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Fix/Buff: B3 is an issue. The speed simply needs to be increased. Showcased in the video above is her string 123 and the attempt to connect B3 afterward. This is so inconsistent that it is very reminiscent of Sindel's B3, F2~Yell, where it sometimes connected, most of the time did not. NRS later patched Sindel's string allowing for the yell to connect MUCH easier and smoother. This needs to be the case for HG's B3. Simply speed up her B3 so her 123 and 12~Wing Evade (2) can connect smoothly with her B3. Otherwise, the only CONSISTENT way of connecting her B3 is to LITERALLY mash 3 while holding Back during the motion. This is unnatural and needs to be fixed.

Fix/Buff: Many of the members in the HawkGirl community have sworn that her "Heavenly Stomp" (D3 from the air) was once a "Hard Knock Down". I know that I tested this a while back and the opponent/computer (when assigned to roll) COULD NOT ROLL after a landed D3. I believe at one time it was known that D3 was only a HKD after a juggle combo, not a raw D3. Either way, if this was a nerf or a "normalization", we would kindly like it back. It is essential to her oki game and so many of us have adapted to including the D3 at the end of our combos simply for the HKD. This is essential for her game/mixups/oki set ups.

Fix/Request: The in game data states that the ground mace toss is a mid. Some opponents can duck it, some cannot. We would like this to be a TRUE mid, whereas it will hit a ducking opponent. Considering her atrocious recovery on Mace Toss, this is reasonable.

Fix: HawkGirl's B2 is listed as a mid. In the video above I demonstrate how it will sometimes connect when she is literally touching the opponent and how it sometimes whiffs. Also, take note that it is dependent of the opponents breathing...B2 will whiff while they are exhaling, it will connect while inhaling. This move should be a true mid and connect every time . I would also suggest extending the range on this move as you can clearly see it whiffing even though the mace is traveling directly above the opponents head.
Fix: As you can see in the video above, SOMETIMES HawkGirl has a ridiculous "pop up" motion after a whiffed MB'ed Mace Toss, and sometimes does not. This is absolutely unnecessary and is clearly an in-game mechanical error. We would like this to be fixed, leaving HawkGirl with no recovery frames on a whiffed MB'ed Mace Toss...because clearly SOMETIMES she does not "pop up", leaving her at 100+ recovery frames. This kindly needs to go.

Fix: In the video above, I showcase the stance specific link between 32 into mace toss (MB) and 32 into bounce cancel F3. HawkGirl has to be facing in the other direction (stance) than her opponent for this to connect. Stance should not matter.
Honorable mentions/requests:
1.) If in fact we were stripped of her Hard Knock Down after her Heavenly Stomp, we would like Mace Charge to revert back to being 0 on block. This is perfectly reasonable as it is her only SAFE "footsie" tool. Without the HKD off of a landed/mid combo "Heavenly Stomp", we will need something to compete with.
2.)This is a long shot but it has been discussed by the community in great detail. In order to deal with her terrible MU's, where the opponent can completely shut down her trait (flight in the air), the introduction of an air dash (only while in flight), or the ability to block/MB while in flight, should be implemented. This would allow us to stay in the air/continue to attack in the air, against opponents like Sinestro, Martian Man Hunter, BatGirl, DeathStroke, Lex Luthor, Cyborg, etc., and would cost a bar of meter, or two, in order to somehow substantiate her flight against said characters.
colt hecterrific GGA Slips Please consider these requests as well as address the obvious bugs/fixes needed for HawkGirl. Your attention is much appreciated.
Kindly Signed,
The very small yet dedicated HawkGirl community