Sorry but they won't nerf f23 string. If GL can have a 9 frame low with way more reach than f2 then forget it(and pls don't dare to say that you can jump b1 on reaction because that's impossible). Your best bet is breath nerf, but f23? no way, take that away and supes become useless. He has no 50/50 mixup, his only fast string aside f2 is 1 with 8 frames but is HIGH not mid, so again blocking low and you will destroy his whole game. The cheap damage zoning nerf is acceptable so is the breath but f2? come on, batman has a 6 frame string. Also, if people cannot see how blocking low cuts away most of supes game then they don't know the matchup. Every overhead is reactable and his jd3 flying ground smash is predictable. Of course with no 50%/50% mixup the only way he can gets in is with wiff punish and after breath gets nerfed it will be his only way because the loop will be long gone.
List of every supes overhead and how reactable they are:
Air dash cross up: I mean really? who can't see this coming? he lacks a proper cross-up like batman or nightwing.
f3: regular slow overhead
223: regular slow overhead that even my granny can block, so no 50/50 with scoop
112: can't combo and is slow too
f2d13: if 2 gets blocked 3 won't come out so that makes it an useless overhead. What where they thinking?
jd3 flying ground smash: if you are a scrub you won't know that the only way to do that mixup is after a b3 d2. the other way is with f2d13 and thats way to easy to miss. You see one of this two things and you know is coming.
1 frame super: This overhead only works as wiff punish. is 34% and if you wiffed you deserved this. Only valid complain is that supes builds too much meter with zap but that will get nerfed so stop criying.
Air heat vision, heat vision: if he shoots this you know you have to block mid. If you don't do it you deserve the hit.
List of valid complains:
breath pushing too much on block
building meter too fast with zoning
some Corner combos are way too high, don't dare to say his trait midscreen are high because that's not true.
trait negates other traits(fix this only for trait armors but screw you if you wan't to take the ability to break regular armor)
How I would fix supes:
making 2 an 8 frame move
making 223 and 22 scoop a true 50/50 mixup with scoop and 3 having the same frame-startup.
reducing breath push back on block and retain the 0 frame properties so that way d1 can reach it.
reducing Heat Zap and Heat Vision chip damage on block and reducing damage with trait.
reducing meter build with zoning.
making f2 into a 10 frame string.
making f2d13 work even if the opponent blocks it, but with less recovery time if it gets blocked.
making Trait negate every armor aside the Trait armors (example, if doomsday use his trait supes can't negate it).
This are my suggestions.
Also, I will fix the frame and damage data on the command list menu and add a freaking dash cancel. Also I will fix de damage scaling of every character because some moves deals nothing and other deals too much.